“Big Spitfire!!!”

“Laser ray!!”

“Arashi !!!”

Sakaski and Yellow Ape and Zefa shot at the same time, and the power was amazing!

The smoke-filled magma frantically poured out from Sakaski’s left hand, and soon, Sakaski’s entire left hand was magmatic, braving the blazing temperature, and smashed towards Qin Luo.

At this time, the yellow ape was not far behind, and he saw a condensed point of light, and a laser shot out, pointing directly at Qin Luo’s head.

Zefa came later, and the hardened long legs swept towards Qin Luo’s shoulders.

If an ordinary person is attacked like this, he will definitely only be beaten.

But Qin Luo was unhurried, raised his head, and released it around: “Repulsion: Endless Hell!” ”


Suddenly, the earth roared, with Qin Luo as the center, countless silver needles condensed from the air, swept out in all directions at 360 degrees without dead ends.

“What?” When the yellow ape saw the endless hell that Qin Luo cast, he was immediately stunned on the spot.

“Pieces of iron!”

Zefa sensed the danger alertly, and hurriedly used one of the six forms of the navy to use the iron block, and the kick towards Qin Luo’s foot also stopped.

“Moon Step!” Sakaski flickered and appeared ten meters away from Qin Luo, and then his eyes were cold, and flames continued to emerge from his hands.

“Big Spitfire!”

“Big Spitfire Second Company!”

“Big Spitfire Three Times!”

In an instant, three flaming fists spun and spewed out from the direction of Sakaski, magma splashed, black smoke billowed out, and several punches of super scale smashed towards Qin Luo one after another.

The three magma giant fists reached an unprecedented scale, with a diameter of ten meters, directly and completely engulfing the area where Qin Luo was located.

Left, center, right, three directions at the same time hot magma smashed, this set of red dog’s combo can be described as fast and terrifying, even with the momentum of killing Qin Luo.

“This kid is finished!”

“Hehe, it’s going to kill someone!”

“Dare to go against the navy, this is the end!”

In the face of such a terrifying attack by the red dog, the navy was shocked and expectant, and the voice of the navy’s encouragement could be heard from afar.

Qin Luo looked at the three consecutive punches of the red dog, these three punches are tricky at angles, powerful and powerful, basically fatal, there is nowhere to hide, even if it is intercepted, the exploding magma will engulf people!


“Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

The yellow ape is not nonsense, the whole person has a solemn face, and he has the ability to launch the shining fruit with all his strength, and a huge lightsaber gathers in the yellow ape’s hands, and the length is more than ten meters.

From afar, it looks like a divine weapon, containing terrifying energy.

The lightsaber flashed with silver glow, and when the air slashed, an invisible shockwave roared out, the sword qi crisscrossed, and at the same time, a large amount of light also overflowed from the tip of the sword!

The battle reached a white-hot stage, and the yellow ape no longer wanted to have any reservations, and released his strongest blow combined with swordsmanship head-on.


Huge smoke shrouded the scene, Qin Luoshi displayed a silver needle hell with three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, directly bombarding the hot magma and the Heavenly Cloud Sword, the smoke was filled with gunsmoke, and the wind was furious.

Almost instantly, the attacks of the yellow ape and Sakaski were completely engulfed by the silver needle hell displayed by Qin Luoshi, and Qin Luo stood quietly in place.

The Tiancong Cloud Sword was pierced by countless silver needle storms, shattered, and finally slowly dissipated, and then, the silver needle storm did not recede but increased, directly stabbing towards Brusarino.

“What?” Seeing this, Brussarino’s whole person was stunned, and a move actually smashed his Tiancong Cloud Sword, which made the yellow ape difficult to accept, just when the yellow ape realized the crisis moment and planned to dodge, the silver needle had quickly and accurately stabbed at the yellow ape.


The yellow ape let out an exclamation, and the whole person turned into an elemental again, and his body was pierced by silver needles.

After a burst of silver needle hell, the photon fluid condensed, revealing Brusarino’s figure, but at this time, Brusarino’s expression was a little pale, obviously injured.

The big breath of fire was directly blasted to pieces by the silver needle storm, and it drifted away with the wind!

Sakaski couldn’t dodge for a while, and was pierced by a silver needle.


After the piercing, Sakaski’s body was full of holes, and then the whole person was elementalized and turned into billowing hot magma.

Although the iron block cast by Zefa resisted some of the attacks, but this terrifying repulsion, endless hell, even if Zefa cast iron, there was also a silver needle storm piercing his skin.

Zefa was all over his body at this time, his clothes were broken, and there was even blood spilling in some places, which made Zefa very embarrassed.


Cassaki and Brussarino exclaimed at the same time.

The iron block did not even resist this move.

The rest of the silver needle storm pierced all around, and even affected some vicious pirates, who were killed on the spot.

For a while, the place was eerily quiet.

“He….. The three of them joined forces and were beaten so embarrassed? ”

“Where did this kid come from? The strength is comparable to that of a whitebeard!! ”

“Horror! This man is so terrifying! ”


Kneel and beg to collect flowers! Well, that’s it! Kneel and beg!!!

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