Pirate Hunting Space System

Chapter 58 Rush towards the queen again! The end begins!

"What happened just now!" In the pitch-black space, Lu Zhong opened his eyes wide, looked down at his knees in doubt and shock, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Host, you were just killed by the Zerg Queen's second wave of reproduction attack!"

"Whether to enter the last dungeon challenge, if the dungeon challenge fails, the system will take back all the things the host got from the system, and exile to the world of pirates forever!"

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and a hint of thought flashed across Lu Zhong's terrified eyes.

Never lose your mind because of this sentence.

He took a deep breath, trying to dispel the lingering pressure in his heart.

But the pressure still existed in his heart, making him breathless, and the dull feeling made him irritable.

"I can't think now! System!" Lu Zhong lowered his head.

This is his first hesitation in this world.

Because this time he was so close to death, he used to be so brilliant under the light of the dark fruit's ability, but at this moment he clearly understands one thing in this world, except his own life, other It has nothing to do with him at all.

That is all outside the body, that will be taken away.

Lu Zhong squatted on the ground and said in great pain, "I give up!!"

The system fell silent.

Perhaps he has been so silent.

The system didn't hear the three words Lu Zhong at all, and there was no response. Four Mondays was that cold and scary forest.

Lu Zhong's eyes were full of tears, and he said in a broken voice, "I can't beat those Zergs. They are endless, they have endless lives, and they reproduce very fast! I can't beat that Zerg queen at all!"

Lu Zhong suddenly raised his head when he finished the last word: "System! Can you send me back to my world, I don't want to take risks in this world anymore! I want to go home! I want to be an ordinary person! !!"

"Sorry host, it can't be done!"

Lu Zhong's eyes widened, does that mean that he will never think about leaving this world and returning to the original world?

Is there no way out?

Lu Zhong felt sad, he felt that everything was so heavy, he squatted on the ground.

The fallen leaves around were still floating, slowly falling towards the ground with a sound of sand.

Lu Zhong wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and let out a foul breath.

"Just think it's for Nami! She is above this world! My only relative!!"

"Just to protect her! I want to leave this bullshit system space too!!!" Lu Zhong cheered himself up, but the pressure in his heart didn't ease in any way. Life is not just about saying nice things. will get better.

Lu Zhong decided to practice.

He found a branch in the jungle. On the muddy ground, it squatted down and stretched out the branch, drawing symbols one after another on the ground.

These symbols form a floor plan in the end.

Something like a map.

Lu Zhong said: "All of this is clear at a glance! The queen is at the very center. I will rush into the desert space after my physical strength recovers!"

"Don't directly tear a hole in the hard steel and enter in front of the queen, and then attack him. Although the queen will react within a period of time, no matter what the queen is! That kind of monster, he It will also take a while to hatch!"

"I'm going to take advantage of this gap to come in front of the queen and launch a crazy attack on him. If I'm lucky, a wave will pass directly, if I'm not lucky!"

"Flamingo... Nami... This is God's will, maybe I am destined to die here!!" Lu Chong was in a desperate situation, but at this moment the man only thought of one thing, and that was to use the last chance to fight!

Work hard for yourself, your own sky!

Lu Zhong raised his head, his eyes were still timid, suppressing the fear in his heart, he said to the system in a deep voice: "System! After I recover to 100% full state, let me enter the desert space again! "

"It has been restored to 100% full state for the host, and the system automatically transmits it!"

The scenery in front of Lu Zhong suddenly changed, from lush greenery to a desert full of loess.

Lu Zhong was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"His system has been waiting for me to say this for a long time!" Lu Zhong said angrily, but after saying this, what he faced was the desert!


Don't waste a moment!

Lu Zhong stepped forward and rushed towards the desert.

"Come on!! I'm not afraid of you!!!"

In the retrograde scene, Lu Zhong was flying in the sky, his legs were in the void, and there were bang bang bang bang bangs, and below, densely packed Zerg raised their heads, opening and closing their mouths.

at last.

They leap!

They all flew to the sky!

Dense black spots appeared in the sky.

Lu Zhong was suspended in mid-air, and the dense black spots above the sky blocked his distance, and the air condensed at this moment.


Puff puff puff puff puff!

On the brown face, and from the dark purple mouth, pale yellow mucus was spit out, and it shot forward!

This arc above the sky is like a murderous knife!

This slime, this is highly corrosive slime!

But just a little bit, even just a little bit!

Will make the whole body fester.

The first time Lu Zhong was in this space, he was forced by this mucus to have no way out, and finally died on the corroded and hard carapace!

Lu Zhong looked at the mucus rushing towards him all over the sky.

Do you want to use this downpour-like offensive to attack me?

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Lu Zhong's face.

"Just right!" Lu Chong raised his left arm, opened his palm, and released what was tightly held in his palm.

This is a pitch-black mucus, like the mouth of an abyss, it suddenly opened its mouth.

Countless yellow mucus rushed into the huge mouth of the abyss, oh no, it didn't rush up.

There was an inexplicable sharpness all around, causing the group of Zerg that were temporarily suspended above the sky to deviate in one direction.

That direction was Lu Zhong's raised left hand.

Lu Zhong didn't dodge or dodge, and actually used his left hand to absorb the yellow high-strength corrosive mucus!

After absorbing it, a pitch-black ball appeared in Lu Zhong's hand. The ball seemed to be filled with water, usually like a balloon filled with water!

Lu Zhong held it in his hand for a while, put it directly on his waist, jumped, and rushed out of the encirclement of these bugs through the void, his sight shifted, among the rolling yellow sand, on the slope, there was a group The huge meat ball kept wriggling!

Entering into Lu Zhong's line of sight, this is the Queen. When Lu Chong stepped on the void behind his legs, a strong force suddenly pushed him forward, and he was like a shooting star! He rushed in the direction of the queen!

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