She was a little shocked that A Fei's reward was so high.

Wanli Sunshine

Luffy and Usopp were still fishing, and Qin Fei suddenly noticed light snow falling in the sky.

Qin Fei stretched out his right hand, caught some snowflakes in it, and then thought to himself: "It seems that the Aqino family will soon seize the flag of Luffy's pirate ship!"

The reason why Qin Fei remembers it so clearly is because there is a pair of loving dogs with hot eyes in the play, who would bite each other's lips after a few words! Qin Fei is going to follow Sauron later! I don’t want to eat that dog food!

Luffy in the house discovered that it was actually snowing outside, so he rushed out of the house excitedly, followed closely by Usopp.

The two of them were jumping excitedly on the deck.

Luffy noticed that Zoro on the watchtower looked unmotivated and shouted: "Hey! Zoro! You are so listless! Isn't it supposed to be like this when it snows?"

After saying this, Luffy pointed his finger at Usopp who was dancing.

"Brothers! It's snowing!" Usopp said in a low voice, imitating the appearance of a gorilla.

Qin Fei stood aside and looked at the cheerful Luffy and Usopp, then walked over!

Qin Fei, who walked over, stretched out his arms to hold Usopp's arms, and jumped up and said: "It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing!"

Usopp also cooperated with Qin Fei and said: "It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing!"

Luffy saw Usopp and Fei holding hands and spinning in circles, and thought it was funny!

In a blink of an eye, Luffy also joined in!

Qin Fei, who had been playing for a while, found Qiaoba coming out.

Chopper said: "We can catch some snow, and then we can make snowmen! We can also have snowball fights!"

"Then senior Qiaoba, let's prepare some bags to catch the snow!" Qin Fei suggested.

After a while, the four of them brought their bags and stood on the deck to catch the snowflakes!

Sanji looked at a group of friends playing around and said, "It's so cold today, I have to make them some warm-up ingredients!"

Robin looked at Luffy and others with a smile!

Chapter 50 Victims

Qin Fei and the other four were catching snow on the deck, and Sauron on the watchtower noticed a ship coming in the distance, and shouted to the loudspeaker on the watchtower: "Hey! There's a ship ahead! It looks a little strange!"

Nami, Robin, and Franky who were in the boat all came out of the house when they heard the words coming from the speakers!

"Strange! What's strange?" Nami asked as she came out of the house.

Usopp also stopped catching the snow, took out a small telescope, stood on the fence of the ship, and looked into the distance!

"What is that? There is neither a sail nor a flag!" Usopp said using a telescope.

"Wouldn't it be just drifting without a sail?" Nami walked up to Usopp and said.

"Is it a shipwreck? Or something else?" Sanji, who was smoking, also asked curiously.

Because it was too far apart, no one could see clearly except Usopp who had a telescope! So everyone is curious!

"Speaking of which, there is a ruthless competition among pirates called the 'David Tournament'" Franky said about what he had seen!

After hearing Franky's words, everyone nodded! As pirates, they have obviously heard of it!

"Is he a victim of some competition?" Chopper asked his doubts.

Usopp used the telescope to take a closer look and found three people walking out of the room on the other party's ship!

The three men threw out their fishing rods and actually caught fish!

"Fishing? Sure enough, he is a victim! He looks very tired." Usopp said what he saw!

When Sanji heard Usopp's words, he was afraid that the other person was the kind of person who was so hungry that he couldn't bear it. Sanji, who couldn't bear to see people hungry, turned to Luffy and said, "Hey! Captain!"

Before Sanji finished speaking, Luffy understood what Sanji wanted to say, because Luffy knew Sanji! And he said: "Ah! Let's go check out the situation! If they are enemies, just shoot them away!"

Looking at Luffy with a confident face, Qin Fei began to admire Luffy's adventurous spirit! Anyway, Qin Fei thinks he is inferior to the other party!

After receiving Luffy's instructions, Sanji took up the role of the helmsman, adjusted the sailing direction, and drove towards the opponent!

The Wanli Sunshine suddenly turned in a direction and slowly headed towards the shipwreck that Usopp mentioned!

the other side. -Phoenix Pirates

"Without bait, no fish would be able to take the bait!" One of the tall men sighed and said.

If Qin Fei is here at a certain level, he can tell that this person's voice is exactly the same as Uchiha Itachi.

"Stop talking! I told you to stop talking!" Another shorter man said in frustration.

"It's better than doing nothing! It's idle anyway! Just wait!" Afro replied.

In fact, all three of them knew that it was impossible for them to catch fish! But all their food was gone! Just want to try my luck!

The three people who were fishing suddenly heard a crunching sound coming from beside them and looked up! Immediately shocked!

It turned out that Luffy and others had already sailed the ship to the opposite side! The three people fishing were unaware!

Luffy, who was standing in front of the Wanli Sunshine, waved his hand and shouted to the three of them: "Hey! Are you okay?"

The tall man fishing was startled and shouted: "Pirates! It's pirates!"

Upon hearing the tall man's words, their friends all walked out of the house, and some were so frightened that they shouted: "Run away!"

The reason why they are so scared is because they suffered a big loss not long ago. In fact, these three people are members of the Phoenix Pirates. The tall man is the battle captain. He once entered the new world and was severely injured. Although he escaped with all his strength, New World, but the captain was seriously injured and unconscious, and the deputy captain died in the battle. Just after escaping back to the first half of the Grand Channel, the pirate flag was snatched away by the flag hunter.

In order to save everyone's lives, the battle captain serves the flag hunter.

The three fishing men stood in front of Luffy and raised their hands and shouted: "Spare us!"

Luffy and others all looked at the three people begging for mercy. Luffy was still confused and said, "What?"

Then Luffy and his gang all got on each other's boats. Only Sanji silently returned to the restaurant to prepare food!

Franky looked at the miserable state of the other party and said: "It looks like you and the ship are in such a miserable state! They are all in tatters!"

At this time, Luffy asked: "Who are you?"

One of the short pirates on the other side lied and said: "We are just fishermen in a bad situation!"

"Fisherman?" Franky asked with some confusion.

The little man continued: "Actually, about three days ago, we were attacked by a ship of unknown origin! Not only were all the food taken away, the sails were also damaged, and the rudder was also damaged! We were always drifting. !”

While talking about the miserable situation of waiting for others, the little man shed tears!

"So even if you attack us, you won't get any benefits!" Afro was afraid that the other party would rob him and others, so he added.

Luffy saw how pitiful the other party was and comforted him: "Don't worry!"

After saying this, Luffy asked again: "The point is, you are hungry! We are also getting ready to eat! Do you want to come and eat too?"

Looking at the grinning Luffy, the little man and others exclaimed: "Really?"

"Is it really okay?" Afro thought he heard wrongly and asked quickly.

"Yes! When our chef sees hungry people like you, he won't ignore it! You're welcome!" Luffy replied.

After finishing speaking, Luffy shouted towards the kitchen of the Wanli Sunshine: "Hey! Sanji! Are you okay yet? I'm hungry!"

Sanji heard Luffy's shout, slowly walked out of the restaurant, and replied: "It's almost fine! But before eating, let Chopper go to the opposite side to see the injured!"

Chopper, who was standing on the Wanli Sunshine, shouted towards the other side's ship: "Then! The injured come to me first!"

After saying this, Chopper added: "Are there any wounded who can't move?"

Hearing that the other party was actually willing to heal the injured on his side, the little man looked towards the boat, trying to find out who was speaking.

"The pet actually spoke," the shocked little man shouted.

When Chopper heard that the other party actually said that he was a pet, he was a little angry and directly used the Renren Fruit ability to turn himself into a human form and shouted: "I am not a pet, I am also a pirate! The bounty is 50 Baileys!"

Chopper put on a fierce look, trying to prove that he was also a pirate!

Chopper's transformation made everyone on the opposite side look dumbfounded!

After understanding the other party's kindness, the little man took Chopper to see the wounded on his ship!

The afro and the tall man led everyone to follow Luffy and the others to Luffy's restaurant, waiting for a feast!

Because the meal was not ready yet, the tall man wanted to go back to his ship to see his teammates!

The tall man who came out of the restaurant was walking on the deck. He was curious to see which pirate group the other party belonged to, and then he looked up!

After looking around, he found that they were all newly built ships, and said to himself: "It's a newly built ship! Are the rookie pirates sailing out triumphantly?"

At this moment, the phone bug in the tall man's hand rang.

I only heard a man's voice coming from the phone, "It's me! How is the situation over there?"

The man in Phone Bug is actually Achton's son-in-law. In order to please Achton, he often hunts pirate flags for Achton!

The tall man replied: "Hello! Actually we are recruiting a pirate ship!"

Then the man on the phone asked: "What does that flag look like?"

The tall man turned to look at the flag of Luffy's pirate ship and reported: "That! The skull has a straw hat on its head."

The man's confused voice came from the phone: "What did you say?"

On the other side, the son-in-law felt familiar with the pirate pattern mentioned by the tall man, so he took the reward order and looked through it one by one!

"It's not like they're here to catch bugs on the sea. What do they want to do?" The tall man, who thought Luffy and others were minor characters, said to the phone bug.

After saying this, the tall man only heard a hysterical shout from the phone bug: "Don't judge so casually!"

The tall man also felt that he had said the wrong thing, and apologized to the man on the phone: "I'm really sorry!"

After saying this, the tall man only heard the man's cautious voice coming from the phone: "Listen! Their total bounty exceeds 1!"

The tall man was startled when he heard the words on the phone. He stammered and asked, "1?"

"You know what you have to do, right?" A man's voice came from the phone!

"The other party is 100 million! Do I really want to do it?" The tall man swallowed his saliva with some fear, and stammered his answer towards the phone bug.

"Don't be afraid! Even if it's 1, it's not a problem for our Aquino family! Listen carefully! Don't let the other party escape before I arrive!" the man on the phone bug warned.

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