Qin Fei suddenly turned his head at this time, and Absalom saw that the other person had a mask on his face, and his eyes were glowing red, and Absalom felt like the world was spinning.

Seeing Absalom, who had deactivated the transparent fruit, appear four or five meters away from him, Qin Fei rushed towards him.

When Qin Fei was about to rush in front of Absalom, he whispered: "Wooden Escape! The technique of inserting a skewer"

Qin Fei's right hand turned into a wooden thorn, and then penetrated Absalom's abdomen directly.

A severe pain hit him, instantly making Absalom wake up.

Tick ​​tock~tick tock~

Blood was flowing on the floor.

Absalom only felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. What caught his eye was the masked man who was very close to him. Then he looked down at the location of his pain and saw that his abdomen was penetrated by a huge tree trunk.

"I...what...is going on?" Absalom asked with some pain and difficulty.

Absalom couldn't figure it out, so he glanced at the other party's strange eyes, and when he woke up, he was severely injured.

Qin Fei didn't want to talk nonsense to the other party. Qin Fei, who had suffered the loss of Qing Pheasant, kicked the other party hard into the sea under the boat.

Plop ~ a sound.

There were big waves on the sea.

As Absalom sank into the sea, his life's memories flashed through his mind. He would want to ask why until his death.

But apparently no one told him.

After being soaked in sea water, Absalom, as a fruit-ability user, slowly sank toward the bottom of the sea.

Chapter 69 Little Meili

Qin Fei summoned a rag from the side of the plywood, squatted down and wiped off the blood.

The cleaned rags were thrown into the sea, intending to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

After finishing cleaning up, Qin Fei heard Chopper shouting from the restaurant: "Ah~ what is that?"

Then Usopp's voice also came from the restaurant: "The evil spirit retreats! The evil spirit retreats!"

Qin Fei raised his head and looked directly in front of the bow. What he saw was a dilapidated manor, a castle, etc...

"Has Moria's territory arrived?" Qin Fei murmured to himself.

At this time, the door to the restaurant was pushed open by Brooke.

Brooke hurriedly ran out of the house and stood on the corridor on the second floor, staring at the castle in the distance.

Luffy and others also ran out and looked into the distance together.

"Why is there an island there?" Luffy looked into the distance and asked with some confusion.

"This is a ghost island wandering in the sea, a terrifying three-masted sailboat!" Brooke said solemnly,

"Today is such a lucky day. Not only did I meet someone, but my long-cherished wish also came true." After saying this, Brooke laughed and said, "Yo ho ho" and jumped directly to the bow of the boat.

"What light bones!" Sanji praised.

Brooke, who was standing on the bridge head, turned his head and responded: "Yes, because there is only a handful of bones left, it is very light."

Brook looked at Luffy and others and said, "You must destroy the door at the back immediately and escape from here. You must not anchor on the shore."

"I'm so happy to meet you today! Such a delicious dinner, I will never forget it."

After saying this, Brooke waved to everyone and said, "Let's meet again at sea if we are destined!"

After saying this, Brooke jumped from the boat.

Luffy noticed that Brooke had run away and quickly shouted at him: "Hey! Wait! Brooke!"

"He is an esper! Why did he jump into the sea?" Usopp asked.

At this time, Brooke actually started running on the sea, and the waves of the sea water were stirred up by him.

"He's actually running on the sea!" Usopp said.

"Sikuniichi" Luffy praised.

Everyone was shocked by Brooke.

"Anyway, Luffy! Just do as he says. Although I don't know what happened, this island looks very bad." Nami suggested to Luffy with some worry.

Luffy looked back to Nami as if he didn't understand and said, "What did you say?"

Looking at Luffy's grinning face, Nami, Chopper, Usopp and the three of them shouted in unison: "She totally wants to go."

When they saw Luffy's curious expression, they knew that Luffy just wanted to go and take a look.

"Speaking of which, what is Ghost Island?" Usopp asked with some fear.

When Qin Fei heard Usopp's words, he directly took over and replied: "Senior Usopp! Ghost Island, as its name suggests, is an island with ghosts. Maybe the island is full of ghosts!"

"Stop talking, Fei! Don't scare me!" The timid Qiaoba shouted directly at Qin Fei.

Sanji said directly to Qin Fei: "Hey! Fei! Stop scaring them."

"I was just kidding, Senior Sanji!" After saying this, Qin Fei touched his head, as if he had done something wrong.

"As for the violent vibration just now, if it was the sound of the mouth-like door closing, we would be eaten by it now." Robin analyzed.

"Eat it?" Luffy looked at Robin in confusion and said.

"Although it is very foggy and cannot be seen clearly, the walls extending out on both sides of the door seem to surround the entire island. This means that our ship is trapped in the wall surrounding the island." Robin continued to explain.

After hearing Robin's explanation, Usopp seemed to understand why Brooke let him and others escape, and said: "Wow! No wonder that skeleton asked us to escape from here quickly."

"Then this island is thought to be wandering here, why do you do this?" Nami looked at Robin and asked doubtfully.

"Since the island is moving, it means we are still at sea, so naturally we cannot anchor," Franky said.

"Hey! Why do you look like you want to break down? If you don't escape quickly, you will be cursed." Usopp was a little scared and shouted anxiously towards Franky.

"Everyone, listen to me, I seem to be suffering from the syndrome of not being able to land on the island." Nami hugged her legs in fear and leaned against the wall.

"Me too, I got it too!" Chopper also said fearfully.

"Yoshi! Dock the boat." Luffy shouted while standing next to Nami and Chopper, holding a fishing net.

"Are you risk-prepared?" A scared Usopp shouted towards Luffy.

After saying this, Usopp took a step back and begged Luffy: "Think again, Luffy!"

"Take a good look there!" Usopp pointed in the direction of the castle with his finger, and then continued: "That weird building is a real haunted house. You underestimate the evil spirits!"

"What are you talking about? I prepared it very carefully! I want to catch the ghost just now and raise it." After saying this, Luffy picked up the net and bag, indicating that he would use this later. Pack up the ghost.

Qin Fei looked at Luffy's so-called 'equipment' and couldn't complain.

"And the most important thing is to bring back our important partners!" Luffy explained to Usopp.

After saying this, Luffy ignored Usopp and shouted directly to Sanji: "Sanji! Prepare a pirate lunch."

"You guys, we will go ashore in a small boat in a moment. I have a treasured thing that I haven't shown you yet. Soldier dock system, channel 2!" Franky said proudly.

"No. 2?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"That's right! This system has a total of five channels. Except for the two zero channels, each dock has its own different functions." Wulanqi replied.

"Wait! We have seen Zero's outer wheel and Channels 1 and 3!" Nami interrupted Franky and said.

"Let's go and have a look!" Franky greeted Nami, Chopper and others mysteriously.

Qin Fei also followed Nami and the others to the dock room.

"Didn't you say that No. 2 is still vacant?" Usopp asked doubtfully.

"I just said that to surprise you!" said the proud Franky.

"Those who don't want to go ashore can sit on it and try it first." Franky opened the door of the dock while speaking.

"It's the Merry!" shouted an excited Usopp.

Usopp was extremely happy looking at the little Merry in front of him.

Chopper and Nami also looked at Little Meili very happily.

"This is a four-seater, you can try it!" Franky said.

After Usopp, Nami, and Chopper all boarded the Little Meili, Usopp looked at Qin Fei and said, "Come up quickly! I can't wait!"

"No, Senior Usopp! I won't sit down. I'll go up and have a look!" Qin Fei waved his hands and refused.

"Okay then!" Usopp nodded.

"Usopp! Chopper! Let's go. The ship is about to start!" Nami said with excitement.

Franky activated the switch of the dock door and shouted: "Soldier dock system channel 2, dispatch!"

As the door opened, Nami, who was sitting in the driver's seat, drove the little Meili out directly.

Chapter 70 Sauron’s Injury

After Qin Fei saw that the timid trio had boarded the Little Meili, he stopped staying in the dock and came to the plywood with Franky.

"It's Meili! Meili transformed into a boat and resurrected!" Qin Fei heard Usopp's excited shout as soon as he arrived on the deck.

Qin Fei, Sauron and others stood by the fence and watched Nami and the others position the boat.

Luffy was so excited that he was jumping on the edge of the railing.

"The best intention!" Zoro turned his head to look at Franky and said.

Seeing Luffy jumping up and down with excitement and looking impatient, Franky said, "Wait a minute, Straw Hat! We'll be sitting down soon, let them enjoy themselves first."

Just as Franky was explaining to Luffy what functions the ship had, he heard Nami's scream in the distance.

"Miss Nami!" Sanji said worriedly after hearing Nami's scream.

After saying this, Sanji quickly ran towards the bow of the ship, wanting to see what happened to Nami and the others.

Arriving at the railing at the bow of the ship, Sanji shouted: "Nami called Miss, what happened?"

"What are they doing?" Zoro walked next to Sanji and squinted one eye to try to see further.

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