When Creek looked at the tall man in front of him, his heart suddenly jumped and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Creek was shaking all over, and with his mouth half-opened, he let out a hoarse scream: "Yonko! Whitebeard!!!"

The people around him seemed to be under a restraining spell, staring straight at the tall man in front of them. Even the timid ones even wet their pants without noticing.

People looked at the man in front of them in horror. No one dared to spit out their words, for fear that if they opened their mouths, their hearts would fall out of their throats!

"Is this Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors?" Sanji muttered in shock.

Zhefu also knew that Whitebeard was a well-known figure all over the world, and he was not qualified to talk to him until his leg was broken, but he had to bite the bullet and ask: "Is Mr. Whitebeard coming to the restaurant?"

"Kulala, I passed by here and was a little thirsty! By the way! Is this a restaurant?"

"Yes!" Zhefu replied cautiously.

"Dad is thirsty and wants to drink some wine. Since it's a restaurant, it's easy. Go get some wine for dad!" Marco ordered Zeff.

"Sanji! Quick! Go and get me the wine I have collected. I want to entertain distinguished guests today!"

"Okay! I'll go right away." After saying this, Sanji ran to the wine cellar without looking back!

Seeing that the people standing around didn't dare to move, Qin Fei's No. 2 clone Marco said: "Don't worry! We don't have any malicious intentions. Just do whatever you have to do and don't worry about us!"

After hearing Marco's words, Creek just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, but he couldn't do it. The words he just said seemed to have exhausted all his strength. At this time, Creek fell to the ground and looked at Whitebeard stupidly.

Seeing the frightened Crick sitting on the ground, Ajin bravely helped Crick up carefully. Just as he was about to leave, Whitebeard reached out to stop Ajin who was about to leave and said: "Boy! I like you very much, please be my son!"

"Hey, is it true or not, Whitebeard wants to adopt the ghost man Ajin as his son?" A chef found it incredible and asked the people around him.

"It seems that a big pirate is about to appear in our East China Sea. I don't know if Ghost Man Akin will agree to it," another chef said.

Hearing Whitebeard say that he wanted to be his son, Ah Jin felt that the world was playing a joke on him. How could he, a little pirate, get into Whitebeard's eyes?

Being favored by the Four Emperors, Akin was quite excited at first, but he quickly calmed down and said to Whitebeard with difficulty: "Thank you for being favored by the Four Emperors, but Akin now has his own captain, so... .so..."

"Did you reject me?" Whitebeard asked Akin seriously.

Looking at the domineering man in front of him, Ah Jin swallowed his saliva and plucked up the courage to speak: "That's right!"

"Kulala, you are indeed the person I like, so loyal!" Whitebeard, who laughed boldly, said in praise.

Chapter 10 Crick is crying

Qin Fei was a little surprised when he saw that A Jin actually refused the offer of 'White Beard'. If Ajin's strength wasn't too low, Qin Fei would have thought of ways to use it for his own purposes.

Looks like I have to help. In the original drama, Qin Fei also admired A Jin, who valued love and righteousness, and was particularly loyal.

"Ah, hey, hey! I seem to have heard something extraordinary," Qin Fei said, paused, and then said: "As expected of the number one pirate group in the East China Sea! How dare you refuse Whitebeard? What about you? Don’t you see that your captain is scared?”

Everyone looked at the person Qin Fei was talking about, Creek, and saw that Creek was sweating profusely and no longer as high-spirited as before.

Hearing that Ajin rejected Whitebeard, Creek was extremely frightened, fearing that Whitebeard would kill him in anger.

Standing in front of Creek, Qin Fei scratched his head and said to Creek with some confusion: "By the way, Captain Creek, are you too hot?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Creek's shoulder and asked curiously: "It's such a hot day, so it turns out that the overlord of the East China Sea is afraid of the cold."

Ignoring Creek's murderous gaze, Qin Fei continued to speak to Ah Jin: "Why don't you take off the hairy waistcoat on your captain's shoulders? Look at how hot your captain is. He's even sweating!"

"How about I help you! After all, A Fei is a very enthusiastic person." Qin Fei praised himself in a funny way and said to Creek.

"No... no need!" Creek said weakly towards the masked man in front of him.

Creek was not sure who the masked man in front of him was, and Whitebeard was also here. If Whitebeard hadn't been here, Creek would have really wanted to smash the masked man in front of him into a meat pie.

"I remember that in our village, when the piglets were born, the sow's mother did not give them enough milk. The piglets would be in poor health and would often be afraid of the cold." Qin Fei said, minding his own business.

Qin Fei suddenly pretended to understand something and said: "Hey! Are you in poor health?"

"Damn guy, how dare you compare me, the overlord of the East China Sea, with Piggy." Creek roared in his heart. If only...if Whitebeard hadn't been here...

The guests and chefs in the restaurant all looked at the masked man in front of them in disbelief. One of the chefs said, "This man must be too brave. He dares to tease Creek in front of the Four Emperors."

"That's right! Isn't he afraid that when Whitebeard leaves, Crick will come to trouble him?" Another chef responded.

One of the guests looked at Whitebeard carefully and said, "Do you think Whitebeard will kill Ajin for rejecting him?"

"I don't know! If it were me, I would definitely agree. Whitebeard~ He is the overlord of the Four Emperors. With the protection of the Four Emperors, wouldn't it mean that the wind will prevail and the rain will rain!"

Looking at the people talking carefully around him, one of the guests slowly moved to the corner, walked to the corner, and took out a phone bug from his arms.

This diner was a nobleman from Rogge Town. He passed by the restaurant on the sea by boat for business reasons and stayed there. He looked around cautiously and took out his phone bug speed dial.

Rogue Town! Where Roger the Pirate King begins and ends.

In the office of the Navy Captain in Rogge Town, a man with a slicked back hair was sitting on an office chair looking at documents with two cigars in his mouth. Suddenly, the office door was pushed open violently.

A navy man hurriedly rushed in and shouted towards Smoker in horror: "Colonel Smoker! Something bad is going to happen! Whitebeard...Whitebeard..."

Looking at his subordinates who were out of breath, he said, "Take a breath first and speak slowly! What's wrong with Whitebeard?"

"The Fourth Emperor White Beard... The Fourth Emperor White Beard... he... he appeared in the East China Sea!" the panting navy said intermittently.

"What?" The surprised Smoker shouted loudly.

"Why did Whitebeard come to the East China Sea? Then where is he now?" Smoker asked the navy eagerly.

Looking at the eager Smoker, the navy immediately said: "A noble just called and said that he saw Whitebeard and his captain Marco at the sea restaurant."

"Is the news reliable?" Smoker asked.

"Reliable! That noble is from our Rogge town. And the other party also guaranteed it with his own reputation! The other party will never make fun of this matter!" Xiao Bing explained patiently.

"Damn it! Why did Whitebeard come to the East China Sea!" Smoker angrily slammed his fist on the desk and said.

"Go! Immediately arrange for the nearest navy to confirm whether Whitebeard is really at the sea restaurant. If it is true, contact me immediately using a phone bug. By the way, tell them not to do anything. You are no match for Whitebeard!" Smoker! He ordered the navy.

"Okay, Colonel Smoker!" the navy said with a military salute, then turned and ran outside.

Two hours later….

"Bala bala... bala bala..." The phone bug's voice rang on Smoker's desk.

"I'm Smoker! Is the news confirmed?" Smoker asked on the phone.

"Report to Colonel Smoker, it's confirmed! Whitebeard and Marco are in the restaurant on the sea, and Whitebeard is drinking!" The Navy's voice came from the phone bug and reported.

"Just keep an eye on it, don't act rashly! I will contact the headquarters immediately! Pay attention to safety!" Smoker hung up the phone after speaking and called the Navy headquarters again.

Naval Headquarters, Marinefando, in the Marshal's Office

"Okay! I know!" The gloomy Sengoku heard Smoker's report that Whitebeard actually appeared in the East China Sea. The angry Sengoku stood up from his seat and hammered the table with his fist.

"What's wrong with you, Warring States?" Lieutenant General He asked with concern.

"Asshole, what do those navy do for a living! They don't even know Whitebeard appears in the East China Sea. How are they monitoring it?" the angry Warring States roared loudly.

Seeing Zeng Guo being so angry, Lieutenant General He comforted him and said, "Zeng Guo, don't be too angry!"

"Can I not be angry? Whitebeard actually appeared in the East China Sea, and our navy didn't receive any news at all." Warring States replied angrily.

"Come here! Go find Garp and the three generals!" The angry Warring States ordered to the navy outside the door.

Not long after, the three generals and Garp came to the office.

"What's wrong, Marshal Sengoku, for calling everyone here in such a hurry? Could it be that something big happened?" Akainu asked seriously.

Aokiji and Kizaru both looked at Sengoku. Only Garp was dozing on his seat.

Sengoku stared at Garp who was dozing and was furious, and angrily shouted at Garp: "Garp!"

Garp was awakened and saw Sengoku staring at him angrily. Garp awkwardly explained to Sengoku: "I forgot to sleep after eating donuts last night!" After saying this, Garp scratched his head.

Warring States glanced at Garp with disdain and said, "I heard from Smoker that Whitebeard and Marco have now appeared in the East China Sea!"

"What?" Garp said in surprise.

"Why did Whitebeard appear in the East China Sea? Warring States! Are you kidding me?" Garp looked at Warring States and asked.

"Who are you kidding? Smoker has just sent the navy closest to Whitebeard to confirm." Sengoku said solemnly.

East China Sea is Garp's hometown, and the person he cares about the most is Garp. When Garp heard that Whitebeard had gone to East China Sea, Garp said to Warring States with a serious face: "Warring States! Then I will leave." Let’s go!”

"According to our informant's report, Whitebeard was already terminally ill a long time ago. Why did he appear in the East China Sea?" Kizaru expressed his doubts.

Looking at the confused Kizaru, Sengoku said: "Commander He had already contacted our undercover before you guys arrived. He said Whitebeard was still on the ship."

"I guess that being on the ship must be an illusion! Just to paralyze us and make us mistakenly think that he is still on the ship! I think there should be something in the East China Sea that attracts him." Lieutenant General He opened his mouth to analyze.

"Could it be that there is some 'treasure' in the East China Sea that can cure Whitebeard's injuries? So Whitebeard only took Marco to the East China Sea in a low-key manner?" Qingzhi expressed his thoughts.

"Doesn't that mean now is the best time to capture Whitebeard?" Akainu said slightly excitedly.

Kizaru and Green Pheasant, you look at me, I look at you! It seemed that neither of them wanted to get involved in such a thing.

Looking at Kizaru and Aokiji, Akainu said coldly: "This time go to the East China Sea and join me!"

Sengoku thought for a moment and replied: "Garp and Akainu, you two go test Whitebeard first. If there are only Whitebeard and Marco, try to hold them back. Then I will send Kizaru to assist you, and then Take down Whitebeard in one fell swoop.”

The Warring States Period again gave instructions to Aokiji: "Aokiji will lead the lieutenants to the entrance of the new world and prevent Whitebeard's men from going to the East China Sea to support Whitebeard."

After speaking, he looked at Kizaru and continued: "Kizaru is the fastest, so stay at the headquarters and wait!"

Chapter 11 Crick Wants to Escape

East China Sea, sea restaurant.

"Si Guoyi! So big!" Luffy came out of the restaurant carrying dishes and saw Whitebeard's height and praised him.

"Who is A Fei? He is so tall!" Luffy asked Qin Fei curiously.

"He! The Four Emperors Whitebeard!" Qin Fei replied to Luffy, and said again: "Don't you usually read newspapers?"

"That's right! Sigh!" Luffy looked at Whitebeard with surprise, walked up to Whitebeard and introduced: "I am Monkey D. Luffy, and I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"What! Did I hear you right? That kid actually dared to talk nonsense in front of the Four Emperors. Talking about becoming the Pirate King!" A customer in the restaurant looked at Luffy in horror and said to his companions.

Luffy's remarks not only shocked everyone in the restaurant, but also Sanji who came out with a drink in his arms. And asked himself in his heart: "Isn't he afraid? The other party is the Four Emperors!"

"Kulala," heroic laughter came. Whitebeard looked at Luffy and praised: "What a great young man. There are not many young people with courage like you in the East China Sea!"

Luffy was just there grinning goofily.

"Your Majesty the Four Emperors, please use it slowly." Sanji put down the wine and said to Whitebeard.

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