Mainly because Qin Fei changed his mask and clothes and spoke more seriously, so many people couldn't recognize him.

Qin Fei looked at the water under the boat and thought for a moment, and then said, "It's a bit inconvenient for them to annihilate the group."

After speaking, Qin Fei jumped off the boat and stood on the water.

"Actually... standing on the water!" Dasqi said in surprise.

"What kind of ability is this?" Doflamingo felt very incredible and said.

"What is he going to do?" Commander He turned to look at Yakushi Kabuto and asked.

"I guess he wants to change the terrain!" Medicine Master Kabuto looked at Qin Fei with a look of hatred and said.

"Earth Escape: Earth Current City Wall"

Qin Fei pressed his hands on the water and shouted.


Everyone only saw that starting from the masked man's feet, the sea water turned into the ground and spread in all directions until it stopped far away.

Everyone looked and saw that the sea water at this time had disappeared, and everything became a layer of ground.

"Just like General Kuzan, he directly changed the terrain!" Smoker said in surprise.

Qin Fei was preparing for the next move. If there was sea water, the navy would dive to escape. He also did this to seal their possibility of escape.

Chapter 111 Meteor falls from the sky

After performing Earth Escape, Qin Fei turned to look at Whitebeard and said, "I suggest you leave quickly."

After saying this, Qin Fei continued: "By the way! There is also a sand crocodile. If you want to die here, just stay and watch."

Qin Fei reminded him many times, which can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous.

"It's just you, masked man!" Sand Crocodile said unconvinced.

"Kulala~ What do you want to do? Kid!" Whitebeard asked with a laugh.

Qin Fei ignored Whitebeard's question and said without looking back: "Penn! Let's go!"

After hearing Qin Fei's words, Payne immediately ran towards the back.

At this time, only Sand Crocodile and his men were the only ones on Whitebeard's ship. The rest, including Luffy, had already left with Ace.

"What does he want to do?" Warring States looked at Qin Fei standing on the ground and asked Kuzan beside him.

"I don't know! I guess what move he wants to launch!" Kuzan said.

Seeing that Payne had left far enough, Qin Fei directly launched the first phase of Susanoo.

Everyone present saw a blue skeleton emerging from the masked man's body, and the skeleton turned into a giant. The giant actually had four arms and two heads. The giant was almost ten meters tall.

"Are you going to use this turtle shell move again?" Akainu looked at the giant who was more than ten meters tall and said.

"No! I don't feel like it," Qingzhi said solemnly.

When Yaoshi Kabuto saw Qin Fei's movements, he knew what the other party wanted to do.

Kabuto Yakushi looked at the navy below and said with a sinister smile in his heart: "I don't know how many people can survive if this move continues!"

At this time, Yakushi Kabuto was ready to soften his body at any time. He planned to soften his body and dodge Qin Fei's move if the navy couldn't catch it later.

Qin Fei's hands were seen forming seals, and Qin Fei's Susan also followed suit.

Qin Fei used his left eye to activate the power of the Samsara Eye, and whispered: "The sky is hindering the earthquake star!"

Seeing that the other party remained motionless, Seng Guo and the others did not dare to be careless.

Suddenly, everyone felt that it was slowly getting dark.

"Why is it dark?"

Someone in the navy crowd wondered.

Dasqi also felt that it was getting dark and looked up.


Dasqi stammered.


One of the marines stammered and cursed.

At this time, he lost his courage and dropped the knife directly to the ground.

"You're...liar!" A navy man looked up at the sky and said in a disbelieving tone.

"What is that?" Seng Guo said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Meteor... meteorite?" Garp looked at the sky with his mouth wide open and stammered.

"Hey, hey! Are you kidding me?"

Doflamingo looked at the meteorite in shock and said.

"What kind of power is this?" The eagle eye holding the knife stared at the meteorite above.

"Bigger than the golden lion's island!"

Cyborg Kong looked at the meteorite above his head with cold sweat on his forehead.

"But...but...damn it!" Akainu looked up at the sky with a pale face and stammered.

"Amazing move!" Whitebeard said in shock when he saw the meteorite above.

"Captain Bucky, look..." the pirate pointed to the sky and stammered.

Bucky followed his finger and found that there was a huge meteorite in the sky.

Bucky was so frightened that his eyes popped out.

"Captain Bucky will definitely be able to break the meteorite," a pirate said firmly.

"Yes! Captain Bucky can definitely do it" another pirate responded.

"Captain Bucky, hurry up and smash the meteorite!" The pirate closest to Bucky said to Bucky.

At this time, Bucky was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

The pirate looked at Bucky sitting on the ground and said, "Captain Bucky should be using his powers, look!"

"Yes! It must have required too much strength, so Captain Bucky was so exhausted that he was shaking!" Another pirate replied.

Bucky was in trouble at this time. In fact, he was so frightened that he couldn't move and his body was shaking because of fright.

the other side.

"Hey! What do you see above?" Diamond Jozi pointed at the meteorite above the navy and asked.

Marco looked up and broke out in cold sweat, and quickly shouted: "Set the boat quickly!"

Luffy, Ace and Jinping on the boat were all staring at the meteorite above.

Looking at the huge meteorite in the sky, Ace stammered: "What kind of power is this? Actually...can...can control meteorites?"

"Sengoku! Do you still like this move?" Qin Fei, who was standing in Susani, asked Sengoku.

"Asshole! Do you want everyone to be buried with you?" Sengoku shouted angrily at the speaker phone bug.

"Don't get me wrong! I'll be fine!" Qin Fei said.

After saying this, Qin Fei continued: "As for whether you are okay or not, it depends on your ability!"

When Warring States heard Qin Fei's words, he turned to look at the navy in the harbor and found that many navy had fallen to the ground.

Looking at the ground in the harbor and then at the meteorites in the sky, Akainu said angrily: "The hateful masked man turned the water into the ground in the first place so that the navy could not escape and wanted to crush us alive! "

"Hey! Come on, think of a solution, you generals!"

Seeing that the meteorite was getting closer, Doflamingo shouted anxiously towards the Admiral.

Warring States turned to look at Garp solemnly and asked: "What should I do?"

"I don't know if I can break it, but give it a try!" Garp replied solemnly.

It seemed that he was not sure whether he could break this super huge meteorite.

The meteorites in the sky were getting closer and closer, and the hearts of the naval forces present were already in their throats.

At this time, there is really no way to go to heaven and no way to go to the earth. A small number of timid navy can no longer stand up.

There are also many sailors who are praying silently.

It wasn't that they didn't want to run, but that they had no place to go. The sea around the navy headquarters had turned into the ground, and the ship was embedded in the ground. Moreover, the meteorite was too huge, so they had no choice but to hope that the generals would take action.

After Qin Fei released a meteorite, he did not continue to take action. He wanted to make the navy feel desperate.

Qingzhi stared at the falling meteorite above, his mind racing as he thought about whether he could think of a way.

Suddenly, Qing Pheasant had an idea and ducked into the middle of the crowd.

I saw Aokiji with his hands on the ground, desperately using his Devil Fruit ability.

In an instant, an icicle of more than ten meters in size rose from the ground, growing crazily.

Qin Fei looked at Qing Pheasant's operation, and the face under the mask smiled slightly, as if he was mocking.

Seeing Aokiji take action, Garp quickly stood up and took off his coat.

Garp, who took off his coat, kicked his legs on the ground with all his strength, and shot towards the meteorite above.

I saw Garp in the air, his whole body dark, and he hit the meteorite very quickly.

PS: Give me more free gifts and watch more ads to remind me. If tomorrow’s data is good, I will rest less and update more. Ace was also saved! Wouldn’t you like some gifts?

Chapter 112 What about the second one?

Garp, who was flying in the air, shouted: "Iron Fist"

Garp's right fist was shiny black and hit the meteorite hard.

There was a loud "bang" sound!

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