Seeing that the trees had stopped growing, Blackbeard felt the flames coming from above before he could take a breath.

Blackbeard quickly turned to use the Dark Fruit, raised his hands high, pointed at the flames and shouted: "Dark Acupoint"

Qin Fei's flames were seen burning on Blackbeard's smoke.

Qin Fei's heroic fire extinguishing was blessed by Susano, and it was obviously not something that Blackbeard could absorb in time.

I saw that the trees around Blackbeard were already on fire, crackling and burning, and the fire was very strong.

"The other party wants to burn us to death! Let's find a way to rush out!" Lafitte said anxiously.

"My horse!"

Du Q shouted heartbrokenly.

I saw that Du Q's horse had inhaled too much smoke and fell to the ground.

"Sakaski! The opponent used the turtle shell trick again!" Aokiji turned to Akainu and said.

"I know!" Akainu replied helplessly.

They have been waiting for the opportunity, hoping that the other party will reveal the flaw!

When Qin Fei in Susanoo heard that Blackbeard and others wanted to rush out, he immediately formed seals with his hands and shouted: "Uchiha Fire Formation!"

Qin Fei controlled Susanoo and slapped his hands on the ground, and a square fire barrier rose from the ground around Blackbeard and others!

Lafitte saw the fire curtain not far away from him and shouted anxiously: "Captain! The other party wants to trap us to death!"

Blackbeard obviously saw this too.

At this time, Blackbeard now regrets provoking the other party. The secret ability that he has always been proud of actually met his nemesis today!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Blackbeard frantically activated his Dark Fruit ability, desperately absorbing the surrounding flames.

Qin Fei's flames and trees all contain chakra energy, and it is very difficult for Blackbeard to absorb it. Qin Fei also discovered this.

"If we don't break out, we will definitely burn to death in here. The captain can't absorb it. Now it's up to me!" San Juan Wolf said decisively.

San Juan Wolf didn't want to die here. When he found that they had no way to get out, San Juan Wolf had no choice but to fight for his life.

After saying this, San Juan Wolf directly activated his Devil Fruit ability.

In an instant, San Juan Wolf's body quickly grew in size.

When Saint Juan Wolf's body grew bigger and reached Qin Fei's fire formation, Saint Juan Wolf was burned so much that he yelled: "Ah~ it hurts!"

Ignoring the pain, San Juan Wolf desperately used his abilities. Qin Fei's flame array was directly burst by the enlarged San Juan Wolf!

Seeing San Juan Wolf becoming huge, Qin Fei said lightly: "Oh! Is it bigger?"

After saying this, Qin Fei directly activated Susanoo's full body!


An 800-meter giant stands on the harbor of the Navy Headquarters.

ps: Good night last night, only a few dozen people watched the commercial! Can you watch more ads or give me some free gifts?

Chapter 118 Blackbeard members died in battle

"what is that?"

Dusky asked with a shocked look on her face.

Qin Fei's Susanoo made Smoker's eyes widen, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Upon hearing Dusky's question, Smoker stammered and replied: "No... I don't know!"

"Hey! Are you kidding me? The Navy actually provoked such a being!" Doflamingo looked at Qin Fei's Susan in shock.

Looking at such a huge giant, Moonlight Moria had a look of fear on her face, and at the same time sighed in her heart: "It would be great if I could capture the shadow of the giant!"

"Is this your strength?" Hawkeye murmured as he looked at the tall giant.

Garp stared at Qin Fei's giant with wide eyes, and Lieutenant General He was also shocked and speechless.

In addition to the three generals, Garp and other senior naval officials also saw Qin Fei's Susanoo for the first time. They had heard Aoji and the others describe it before, but Garp and the others didn't take it too seriously. Only after seeing it with their own eyes now can they understand. The shock of the giant.


Looking at the giant in front of him, Lafitte stammered.

Blackbeard looked at the giant in front of him, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Van Oka had a look of horror on his face and said, "Captain! We seem to have provoked something we cannot provoke!"

At this moment, Qin Fei's Susanoo moved.

I saw Qin Fei's Susanoo stretched out his right hand and grabbed the neck of San Juan Wolf, which had become almost as big as half an island!

The San Juan Wolf who was choked felt that he began to have difficulty breathing, and he beat the giant's arm with his hands desperately.

"Oops! Save San Juan Wolf!" Lafitte shouted.

"Let me try!" Shiliu spit out the cigar in his mouth and made a sword-flow gesture.

When Shiliu gathered enough power, he shouted: "Ittori-ryu Thunder!"

I saw Shiliu shouting and quickly drawing his sword.


A flying slash with thunder struck Susanoo's arm.

Only a "bang!" was heard.

Shiru's slash hit Susana's arm with a loud sound.

Seeing that his confident blow did not cause any damage to the opponent's giant, Shiliu was shocked and said: "How is it possible?"

Qin Fei ignored Xi Liu's counterattack, and instead tightened his grip on San Juan Wolf's neck.

The huge force on his neck made the giant San Juan Wolf's face turn red. At this time, San Juan Wolf was already in agony.

San Juan Wolf, who was maintaining his giant size, was pinched and immediately lost his giant size.

I saw San Juan Wolf's body shrinking rapidly, and within a short time, it became normal size.

San Juan Wolf, who had released the fruit, was just about to escape in the air when he saw a big hand coming.


The normal-sized San Juan Wolf was held in the palm of Susanoo's hand.

San Juan Wolf felt a huge force coming from his whole body.

At this time, he struggled desperately in Susanoo's hand, but Qin Fei didn't give him a chance at all.

I saw Qin Fei's Susanoo holding San Juan Wolf's hand hard.

San Juan Wolf heard the "click!" sound coming from his own bones.

Immediately afterwards, San Juan Wolf felt a pain in his body, and then his vision went dark. Apparently he had been pinched to death by Susan.

"Damn masked man! Release San Juan Wolf immediately!"

The black beard below shouted to Qin Fei on Susanoo.

"you want?"

Qin Fei from Susanoo asked.

After asking this question, without waiting for Blackbeard to answer, Qin Fei directly threw the broken bones of San Juan Hungry Wolf at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard saw San Juan Wolf coming towards him very quickly, so he quickly stretched out his arm and caught San Juan Wolf.

Blackbeard, who caught San Juan Wolf, was directly hit by the huge force and flew more than ten meters away.

After Blackbeard stabilized his figure, he looked at the San Juan Wolf he was holding and realized that the San Juan Wolf had been squeezed out of shape.

"Damn it!" Blackbeard yelled.

After realizing that the deformed San Juan Wolf was no longer alive, Blackbeard threw San Juan Wolf to the ground and stared at Qin Fei's Susanoo with hatred.

Qin Fei saw Blackbeard's hateful eyes, and Qin Fei planned to eliminate the root cause directly.

Qin Fei, who was standing on Susanoo, controlled Susanoo and shouted: "Yasaka Magatama"

In an instant, Susanoo gathered several huge magatama made of blue energy on his hands, and smashed them towards Blackbeard and others.

Blue magatama is extremely fast.

Blackbeard didn't dare to be careless when he saw the incoming blue energy, and reluctantly dodged with the domineering power of seeing and hearing.

Van Oka knew he couldn't dodge, so he immediately raised his gun and shot the blue magatama.

"Bang!" sounded.

The location where Fan Oka was was exploded.

Apparently Van Oka failed.

Here Lafitte also did not avoid Magatama's attack.

After hiding, Blackbeard turned around and saw that Van Oka and Lafitte were no longer standing on the ground.

Blackbeard ran towards Van Oka quickly.

After arriving at the place where Van Oka exploded, Blackbeard found Van Oka, half of his body left, lying quietly in the pit.

"Hey! Van Oka!"

Blackbeard shouted to Van Oka in the pit.

Blackbeard's cry obviously received no response.

At this moment, Blackbeard heard a weak voice.

"Captain...Run away!" Lafitte's weak voice came from another pit.

Hearing Lafitte's voice, Blackbeard immediately abandoned Van Oka who did not respond to him, and quickly came to Lafitte.

At this time, half of Lafitte's shoulder and one right leg were gone, and he was lying in the pit with blood streaming from his mouth, breathing hard.

"Hey! Lafitte! Hold on! I'll let Poison Q save you!" Blackbeard shouted to Lafitte in the pit.

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