High in the sky, the drought was covered with thunder and flames, and the moment it was hit, it had already turned into the form of a mammoth, which further intensified the speed of the drought's landing.

Boom! A

huge mammoth fell from the sky, and a huge pit appeared in the ground, and the flames in the pit gradually went out, and it became pitch black again.

Theodore was standing on top of the platform, covered in blood, and he had been badly wounded in the melee battle he had just suffered. At least three ribs were broken, and his arms were covered in scars from the scythe.

The three of them were in the air, staring at the dark pit below, and with the thud of thump, heavy footsteps stepped on the earth.

The drought, which had become a mammoth again, came out, scorched by lightning and flames, and some of the scars were being repaired quickly.

Some of the scars also shone with electric arcs, blocking the repair of the injuries.

In the past few blows, Rao has been injured even more than a drought!

Now his eyes are red, and the broken metal ivory is even more and more hideous at this moment.

But there was nothing he could do, he couldn't go up to the sky, and the gimbals there didn't welcome him.

"A group of wastes only dare to hide on it, what is it, if you have the ability, come down" Drought roared impotently, and shook off the giant tree next to him with one nose.

He was already irritable, but he was even more angry at this moment.

The three people on the gimbal were all panting, no matter how the drought below called, they just didn't make a sound, didn't they take advantage of this time to recover some physical strength, and drain their strength.

Don't look at the current three people can still stand, the high-intensity battle just now has already consumed most of their physical strength. Being able to follow the drought like this is already a very good cooperation.

It is impossible for any one person alone to have such an effect.

"Have you rested enough, just keep going" Theodore took a deep breath, calmed down the chaotic rhythm he had just had, full of crazy battle intent,

how could a sassy bag who dared to challenge Hawkeye and the general on the great voyage so easily let go of the rough-skinned opponent in front of him.

Seeing this,

Theodore directly gave up the advantage of high altitude and jumped directly down the gimbal.

Lightning and bullets are faster than him.

"Three wastes, do you dare to come down now"

Jack looked at the lightning and bullets falling from the sky, his eyes seemed to be about to erupt with anger, this time he would not spare his hands anymore, he must tear the three of them apart with his own hands.

The nose covered with the domineering color of the armed color flung up to the sky fiercely, and in an instant, the thunder and lightning exploded, as if it had been changed direction, and it hit the forest in the distance, making a roar of explosion.

The bullet then hit the nose and burst open again.

In the face of the flames, Theodore was close to the close, feeling that his adrenaline hormones had exploded, and his speed had increased a little.

"Eat my ordinary punch!" The

pitch-black fist slammed directly into the top of the ivory, and the drought roared in pain, and the huge elephant body took a step back and stopped its body.

The nose curled Theodore

up, raised it high, and threw it violently! Boom!

The earth cracked with great force, and stone after stone flew up, and Theodore sank into the ground, exposing himself to the legs of the drought-stricken elephant.

"Die, waste!" the

massive elephant's front feet were lifted high, the power of the mountain-splitting rock to shatter an island, and if he stepped on it, Theodore would surely die.

The thundercloud of the card shield group directly descended rapidly, and the whole person also rushed over with the gimbal.

Jack's bullets were aimed at the two pairs of raised elephant legs, leaning down.

"Look at Lao Tzu's deliberate fist!"

the white mang flashed, the fist intent exploded at this moment, Theodore squatted up

, and threw a punch!

The huge elephant's leg fell, and the force that was even more violent than just now leaned on the island, and cracks spread out like a spider's web along the midpoint.

The giant tree of the forest below couldn't withstand such a force and cracked straight apart inch by inch, and the beast that had no time to dodge fell into the bottomless abyss.

A crack spread to the top of the mountain, making a clicking sound, and the pterosaur flew away. The small mountain seemed to be unable to withstand this force anymore, and it was visibly crumbling to the naked eye.

"Theodore!" shouted

Jack and Kadun at the same time.

"Vess!" Karina looked at Vis with tears in her eyes, and even the cat on the back of the tiger stopped pretending to sleep and stared at the bursting pit.

"Don't worry, he's fine," Vis calmly patted Karina's head, observing from the beginning of their battle.

Just now he was about to save Theodore, but was stopped by his eyes.

"Huh?" Drought Red Eyes glanced at him slantedly, a little incredulous, as the man at his feet blocked his angry blow.

"Is this a drought? But that's it!"

Theodo, in the pit, knelt down, his fists against the huge elephant's legs, his mouth spitting blood, staining his entire chest red, and he was so badly injured that he didn't die!

"If you're not dead, let's do it again," said the drought, and lifted the elephant's leg again.

Theodore breathed a sigh of relief when the tremendous force on his hand was gone, but he couldn't lift his arm anymore.

At this moment, Jack quickly approached and pulled Theodore out from under the elephant's legs, and the drought saw this and stepped directly on him.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Jack endured the pain in his back, turned around and threw a few bombs, quickly retreating to dodge.

The card shield held the two people and quickly floated into the air, and a lightning bolt struck down at hand.

Jack's injuries were fine, and he vomited out of the country, with no major injuries other than back pain. Theodore couldn't, and was already lying on top of the clouds.

"Comfortable, enjoyable!" said

Theodore and laughed, no matter how serious the injuries on his body were, they could not compare to the pleasure of his mood at the moment. Even if he had followed the general before, he had never fought so happily, because he was directly killed in seconds.

This also proves that Theodore has indeed grown.

Although they were defeated, Theodore and Jack are so big that there is still a lot of room for growth, and catching up with the goal of drought is only a matter of one or two years according to their talents.

Despite the drought, it is still very young.

"That's the end of it, you three are very good, it's already a very good strength to be able to hurt the drought," Vis walked out slowly.

Don't think that the three of them are very weak, they have been practicing for a year and a half when the card shield is full, and Jack is just a captain teaching on Valan Island.

It can be said that the strength of the two of them only grew up in the year and a half after going to sea!

Although Theodore has been wandering on the sea for many years, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, that is, after following Weiss.

In this way, it is very powerful to be able to break the two leg bones of the drought.

Weiss originally expected that all three of them would be seriously injured, and the drought would be slightly injured.

Although it's pretty much the same now.

A broken leg bone takes a very short time to recover from an animal like drought.

How short is it, the time for verbose is good now

!"Then the drought, you should lie down" Weiss pulled out the abyss on his waist!

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