Pirate: I Am The Best Chef In All Countries

59 Memory Extraction, Heart Network Activated! 【Fifth Update! 】

The loud signal flare is a product of Germa Technology.

The range that can be transmitted is very wide, and it is used in the case of emergencies.

When landing on the Golden Treasure Island in the sea.

Kaji specially left a team to surround Cracker's pirate ship.

As long as someone from Auntie comes to support, whatever can be solved will be solved immediately.

Only when they feel that something cannot be solved will they use flares to inform them.

It means that a strong enough person has appeared!

The dead soldiers in the Germa Legion will not disobey Kaji's orders.

Speaking of which, reinforcements from powerful men really arrived at the scene!

Among the descendants of the Vinsmoke family, the only eldest daughter came to Kaji and asked:

"Father, it's an early warning flare!"

"The team performing the mission should have received a death order when encountering a powerful enemy!"


Nicknamed poisonous powder!

She has short, medium-length pink hair and blue indifferent eyes.

Elegant in his manners, he is one of the few people transformed by blood factors who still retains his personal feelings.

At the age of eighteen, he has already mastered the two-color Haki.

He also uses the combat power of technology quite skillfully.

If it weren't for the girl's physical limitations, Reiju might be the strongest among the family's descendants now.

Even so, it did not affect Reiju's status in the hearts of his younger brothers.

At the same time, Cracker also observed an inexplicable flare.

Although I don't know what it means.

But judging from the time the two mermaid sisters went out.

Cracker feels more confident!



"Biscuit Soldier!"


While taking action, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Cracker braced his severely injured body and put his hands on the ground.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Tu tu tu tu..."

follow closely.

Tall soldiers rose up one after another.

A rough estimate is that there are more than twenty.

Kaji stared at the flares in the sky.

Looking at Cracker who was still preparing to fight back, he looked embarrassed for a moment.

Kill Cracker now?

If Cracker resists, Big Mom's reinforcements may arrive halfway through.

According to the intelligence collected by Haizhongjin, today may be the last day to open it.

All operations must be completed before high tide in the evening.

All the core combatants of the Vinsmoke family were brought.

There can be no mistakes!

Otherwise, any future attempts to seize North Blue and continue to unify the hegemony will be ruined.

"Reiju, along with Iji, gather all the warriors of the family back."

"There is nothing we want in this area. Let's go to the ruins of the kingdom and continue looking."

Kaji ordered Reiju in a low voice.


The port of the Golden Treasure Island in the sea.

"This guy...wasn't that a signal flare he just fired?"

"You can obviously avoid fatal injuries, but why do you want to risk your life?"

Garrett's eyes flickered, she didn't expect that there would be such a group of guys in Germa's legion who were not afraid of death.

If you fight against this kind of person, you can completely understand the feeling of indifference.


Luo Nan grabbed the collar of the guy who just fired the flare, frowned and said:

"Would you rather die than leak information? The Vinsmoke family is really vicious!"

"It's a pity, my friend, that you're not dead yet. Just hold on!"

"Little Pudding, pull out his memory and look at it!"

With little Pudding by my side.

If you want to ask for some useful information, you don’t need the other party to answer directly.

"Here we come, Master."

After hearing Luo Nan's order, little Pudding immediately ran out from Prim's eight claws.

The battle just took place against a small group of Germa soldiers.

Prim was worried that little Pudding would be affected, so he always protected him.

After arriving at Luo Nan's side.

Luo Nan raised a hand, blocking Pudding's view from the front.

"Children shouldn't look at these things, as long as they know where they are."

"Take out the memories and I will review them one by one."

Luo Nan said with concern.

Although born into the Charlotte family.

I have experienced many bloody things since I was a child.

But if only this day could come slower.

Luo Nan is still willing to cover for little Pudding.

A healthy and positive childhood is what children really need!

"Thank you, Master. It's okay. I'm not afraid."

"Stop being so verbose, if you don't let me see it, I won't let you see it...Dang!"

Luo Nan hit little Pudding on the head, urging her to take action.

Little Pudding put his hand near the other person's forehead.

As long as someone is still alive, they will definitely retain their own memories.

Little Pudding pulled his hand along his forehead, and circles of film-like things popped out immediately!

On the film, what is imprinted are colorful pictures.

As long as they are connected together, they are all recent memory chains.

"It's not these, these are the pirate ships guarding Cracker recently!"

"Still before... continuing with the previous..."


"Wait, little Pudding, we have it!"

After some searching.

Several strange yet familiar figures finally appeared on the screen.

After the girls heard Luo Nan's words, they immediately came over.

Everyone wants to see some clues as soon as possible.

Of course, I didn't really see it.

It's Luo Nan's understanding of the world of the original work, and he has certain established impressions in his mind.

As soon as you see a picture that fits the image, you will automatically make an association.


Seeing the direction in which Cracker and the head of the Vinsmoke family, who were wearing technical clothes, left one after another, Luo Nan immediately determined their location.

Then, he stood up abruptly.

Close your eyes and carefully feel along the straight line.

The Sex Heart Network is activated!

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