The next morning, the sky was slightly bright.

Cheng Cheng said goodbye to everyone in Kousha, lay down on the clouds and stepped back.

Yesterday, he signed the Great Grail contract with all thirteen people, including Kousha, and he looked at the water of life in the Great Grail with great distress.

In the past two days, not only has it not risen, but the water in the cup is almost bottoming out.

Cheng Cheng was lying on the muscles holding the golden Great Holy Grail, looking up at the sky, wanting to cry without tears.

But all in all, this trip out was quite smooth, not only completing the system task, rewarding two swords and sword moves with star burst air slashes, but also signing thirteen people at once.

Now with Lao Sha, there are fourteen soldiers under him.

Thinking of this, Cheng Cheng's mood improved a little.

Looking at the rapidly receding white clouds in the sky and listening to the sound of the wind passing by his ears, Cheng Cheng closed his eyes and re-realized the gorgeous sixteen consecutive fencing moves in his heart.

Starburst air flow slashed a total of sixteen sword moves, like a tide of endless flow, the sword momentum is wave after wave, each sword is also carrying out the next sword momentum at the same time, when the last sword is handed out, it is already superimposed on the previous fifteen sword moves.

Therefore, especially the last sword, it is the pinnacle of the entire set of sword moves, and it can truly be called a starburst air slash.

Kirito, Kirito, you are really a genius!

Cheng Cheng closed his eyes and marveled, unconsciously half a day had passed, and in a blink of an eye, he had already arrived over the rainy land.

The people in the rainy land looked up at the sky and pointed at the golden cloud in the sky.

"Look, it's a golden cloud!"

"Well, how can I see that there are people up there?"

"I saw it too, I saw it too."

"Wow, if you can step on golden clouds, this person must be a god, right?"

Cheng Cheng slapped his forehead, just now he felt that the sword move was too deep, and it was close to the rain, and sure enough, he hadn't noticed it yet.

Forget it, see it, see it, there is no need to hide this little thing now.

In desperation, Cheng Cheng simply let Douyun stay directly above the banana crocodile above Cayenne.

When he walked down, he was instantly recognized by the crowd below.

"Ah! It's Master Kokushi! Your Honor!

"It's true, the national teacher is so handsome, I really want to marry him."

"It turned out to be Master Guoji, that's fine."

Although everyone said their own thing, they all bowed down in the direction of Cheng Cheng without exception, and only got up after they couldn't see Cheng Cheng's figure.

Cheng Cheng walked slowly into the rooftop, his mind sensed, and hurriedly took out the Great Holy Grail to take a look, and found that the water in the Great Holy Grail was slowly rising, and finally stopped at a height of about a quarter.

Is this okay?

Cheng Cheng was a little crying and laughing, Lao Sha worked hard to build a house for an afternoon, and the water in the cup only reached this height, he just stood on the somersault cloud and circled around the city, there are so many wishes?

Or did it happen to collide with this scene for some other reason?

Cheng Cheng sighed, not thinking about this shit thing that he couldn't figure out for the time being.

Looking up, he couldn't help but smile slightly, and saw Danzi sitting cross-legged under the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree, closing his eyes and recuperating.

Her breathing was smooth and long, continuous, and there was a faint mist of water around her, which gradually turned into a white mist as the temperature of the air increased.

The azure blue dragon slaying knife pointed downward, touched the ground but did not insert into the ground, and stood in front of the danzi in a strange and coincidental balance, emitting a burst of humming from time to time.

For a while, it turned out to be smoke and steaming, like a female sword fairy.

Cheng Cheng looked at the big apprentice in front of him in amazement for a while, and said to himself with some uncertainty: "Is this raising a sword?"

He shook his head helplessly again, what kind of demon did I receive?

Then Cheng Cheng stopped looking at the danzi and turned to look at the phantom beast spirit tree in front of her.

Two days passed, the same size and height.

There is no difference at all from before he left, the golden spirit tree exudes a little starlight, the roots are inserted into the void, and you can see that there is a slow transmission of spiritual energy inside the translucent tree roots, but now the sky is blue and daylight, so it is not as dazzling as at night.

Cheng Cheng stood in front of the Phantom Beast Spirit Tree for a while, took both the Interpreter and the Darker out of the spatial ring, and placed them on the table not far away.

Danzi slowly opened his closed eyes, and for the first time looked at the two swords of the interpreter and the darker on the table, one black and one white.

"Master, are you back?" Dango said happily, but his eyes remained on the black and white swords.

Cheng Cheng walked over, lightly knocked on the head of the danzi, and said angrily: "These two swords were originally for you, Master, I am used to using one sword, and suddenly I feel uncomfortable using two swords."

"Hehe, the best person under the sky is Master." Danzi Dragon Tooth grinned, revealing two rows of large white teeth, and hurriedly ran over to pick up the black and white swords on the table.

After carefully looking at it in front of him, after seeing the white sword body of the dark chaser, he couldn't help but exclaim, "It's so beautiful!"

She reached out and gently stroked the tenacious, cautious, for fear that she would accidentally break the thin blade.

After a while, her gaze turned to the dark interpreter, and with two vigorous swings in her hand, the blade of the sword cut through the air, and there was a sound of breaking the air.

"These two swords are a set, if you like it, then you have to transfer to the double sword flow, and the dragon slaying knife master will put it away for the time being." Cheng Cheng said with a smile on the side: "But don't worry, Master Wei is just keeping it for you." Danzi

was immediately anxious, quickly ran to the Dragon Exterminating Saber, and hugged all the three swords of the Demon Dragon Dao, the Interpreter and the Darker in his arms, and hurriedly said.

"This is all mine, Master, your name is Cheng Cheng, you have to talk about integrity, what you have sent, where is the reason to take it back."

Cheng Cheng smiled helplessly, "Well, it's really powerful, now you know to reason with me, where is the crazy girl who either stole alcohol or robbed alcohol before?" I miss it so much.

"I don't care, these three swords are mine anyway." Dango rolled his eyes and said firmly.

Cheng Cheng rubbed Tuanzi's head and asked, "Three swords?" Do you also want to learn from your Uncle Solon to cultivate the Three Sword Flow? Then you have to bite a sword with your teeth, do you know that you can't help but be tired of biting like this, the most important thing is to bite the hilt of the sword for a long time, your cheeks will become bigger, and when you grow up in the future, it will also be a big pie face, and it is not easy to marry.

"You can not think about these things, but Master must be thoughtful for you."

Danzi rolled his eyes again and ignored the master.

Instead, he threw the dragon slaying knife into the air, and then moved extremely quickly to hold the interpreter and the darker in his hand, while his eyes were staring at the falling dragon slaying knife.

I saw that the dragon slaying knife was falling rapidly, and when it was about to approach the ground, the entire blade body suddenly stopped, suspended in the air like that, static.

Cheng Cheng's eyes widened and he silently swallowed and spat.

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