Under Shaq's control, the Liberty landed on a toroidal island consisting of ten small islands.

Just after landing on the island, Chernos discovered that the natural climate on this island is very good, and it is a scenic steppe island.

The island has endless savannah, and of course, there are some very strange, long creatures.

All the creatures on this island, including plants, grow very slender, which is also because of the island's unique magnetic field, so that the creatures on this island continue to grow.

There are horses like giraffes on the island, and puppies that are more than ten meters long, which looks very interesting.

Although Chernos had seen the scene here in the comics before, it still felt very fun after seeing it in reality.

On Shaq's shoulder appeared the intelligent system Varis, which introduced to everyone: "Long chain island is an island with a special magnetic field, and the creatures on this island will grow very slender because of this magnetic field.

Although there are ten small islands on the island, in fact, these ten small islands are a whole, which experiences a high tide every year, and the inhabitants of the island are nomads, and every three years they change islands to survive, and their means of migration is through low tide.

At present, it is perceived that there are no inhabitants on this island now, and the current residents of the island should live on other small islands.

If you need supplies, you have to go to an inhabited island.

Chernos looked at Varis with some surprise, but he didn't expect that Varis still knew a lot of things.

Shaq on the side looked at everyone's surprised expressions, and said proudly: "Now I have entered a lot of One Piece's books, navigation charts, and pirates' bounties into the intelligent system, and now Varis has mastered countless knowledge after learning."

Now if you want to know anything, you can ask Varys, if you encounter knowledge that he does not understand, it will find the answer to learn by itself!" Looking

at Shaq with his head raised and his eyes on the others, Chernos knew that it was Shaq asking for praise, and he smiled and gave Shaq a thumbs up.

"Awesome, Varis has this ability, it will be much more convenient for us to know what information we want to know in the future!" Staring

at the small Varis on Shaq's shoulder, Chernos's eyes flashed, and he said excitedly to Shaq: "Shaq, can you make something like glasses, watches, etc. to store Varis?"

After a while, I will make one for everyone, and then if you don't understand anything, you can ask

Varys!" Chernos shook his head and said: "I don't just want my partners to ask, Varis on your shoulder is the doppelganger on the Liberty, and the answers you get are all from the Varys terminal on the Liberty."

If we make a few more Varice doppelgangers, wouldn't we be able to communicate through Varys?

And with Varys in, we can implement the location of other members, and once a member is in danger, we can also know the situation and location through Varys.

So that other members can rush to the rescue as soon as possible.

Also, each person wears a Varis system, which also allows Varis to collect more combat experience, and then let the robots made by Varis learn these combat experiences and make them more powerful.

Moreover, it can also record and analyze the gains and losses of members in battle, so that members can modify their shortcomings in a targeted manner, so that members can become stronger.

Shaq looked at Chernos with his mouth wide open.

Chernos said so reasonably, I couldn't find anything to refute

it! And Chernos said all this so practically, why didn't I think of it?

Damn it!

Obviously I managed to make Varis out of a doppelganger and wanted to put it in front of everyone.

Shaq lowered his head a little discouraged, "I know, soon I will be able to get these functions out!"

Seeing Shaq's uncomfortable look, Chernos did not comfort him.

Because a genius scientist like Shaq can't let him be too complacent, otherwise he will easily become complacent.

If the average person is complacent because of his strength, as long as he meets a stronger person, he can cancel such emotions, but if a scientist is complacent, it is difficult to find someone who allows him to catch up.

It's a pity that Vegapunk is not here, otherwise, it is estimated that it will stimulate Shaq's desire to study more.

At this

time, Chernos is also more interested in Vegapunk, even a genius like Shaq is ashamed of himself, how terrifying is his research and development ability?

Although Varis said that there are no islanders on the island, if you want to resupply, you need to go to other small islands, but the members are not in a hurry to go to other islands, but enjoy the rare grassland scenery on the island.

For people who have always lived on the island, it is almost impossible to see the grassland, and it is estimated that many people will not know that there is such a scenery as the grassland in their lives.


this moment, a pirate ship appeared behind the Freedom at an unknown time, which was five or six times larger than the Freedom, blocking the back of the Freedom, and then two huge claw anchors were launched on both sides of the fox's bow, completely blocking the Freedom.

It's just that everyone on the island watched the actions of the pirate ship very calmly, and even felt a little novel.

Because, this is the first time that Chernos has been robbed after becoming the Five Emperors!

"Boom, we are the Fox Pirates, don't worry, we are here to face you guys!"

Barcara looked at the Fox Pirates with wide eyes.

If this is in the new world, Bakara can still understand, after all, the new world is full of strong people, and there are sea pirates who dream of becoming One Piece.

But in the paradise of the Great Voyage, there are actually people who dare to challenge Chernos, which

also makes her very curious about where this Fox Pirate Group is.

Will it be a newly rising powerful pirate.

At this moment, a pirate with a red nose and inverted eyebrows, looking like a fox in appearance, and even his hair combed into fox ears appeared in front of some people in Chernos.

"Nameless Pirates, we at Fox have now challenged you to challenge the three-coin David Tournament, do you dare to accept it?"

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