Yoyuki frowned, thinking secretly in his heart.


now, they just went to the island and have already seen a god, and the strength shown by this god is already very amazing, does this also mean that the strength of another god is similar to this god.

If this is the case, they need to be cautious when coming to the empty island this time.

I saw this self-proclaimed god Anilu before, his ability is thunder and lightning, but I don't know what the other god's ability is, but

if these two people can be pulled into their pirate group, then even if they are facing other sea emperors, they will not be deterred at all.

Chernos did not care about the god in the little boy's mouth, because he knew that on the empty island, the god was just the title of a chief.

It can be said that on the empty island, there is only one person who can be called a strong person, that is, Anilu.

It's just that what makes Chernos a little puzzled is that it should be easy to eliminate the people on the empty island with the strength of Anilu, why Anilu has not ruled this empty island until now.

And this empty island is completely different from the empty island with a golden country in the impression that Chernos is, perhaps the place they came to, the empty island in Gencheros' impression is not an island.

Thinking of this, Chernos turned to the little boy with a gentle smile on his face and asked, "What is the name of your island?"


hearing the little boy's words, Chernos remembered that Anilu was not the god of the empty island of Apayado, he had become a god there after invading Apayado.

That is to say, the empty island they are coming to now in Chernos is not the golden country they are looking for.

It was at this time that Chernos suddenly remembered that Anilu had destroyed his hometown that he went to the empty island of Apayado to become a god, which means that soon Anilu would destroy this place.

In the future, the empty island was one of Chernos' big plans, and he didn't want Anilu to destroy it.

"Apa, where are the two gods you said, I'll help you bring them down!"

With that, the little boy pointed towards the center of the island.

Chernos walked out of the broken wall with the child in his arms, looked towards the center of the island, and found a building that was different from the rest of the empty island.

On the other buildings on the empty island, all of them are made of white clouds, but above the buildings in the center of the island, you can see the buildings of Qinghai, and if you look closely, you can see the land below the buildings, not the white clouds.

At this moment, Hancock, who had been jealous for a long time on the side, came over, intending to tease the child, of course, her main purpose was to get close to Chernos.

Just now, when Liu Ji and Chernos squatted together and fed the little boy, they made her envious.

Chernos saw Hancock coming over to tease the little boy, so he handed the little boy to Hancock.

"Hancock, you take care of the little boys, let's go to the island center and bring their gods down. "

Eh???," Hancock

was directly stunned, what she wanted was to be close to Chernos, why did it become like this?

"Chernos, I..." Chernos

turned to look at Hancock, smiled at her and said: "Take care of the little boy, but also take care of yourself, pay attention to safety."

Hancock held the little boy in one hand and his face in the other, and said with a coquettish face: "Being cared for by Chernos, concubine, there is no regret in this life."

Looking at Hancock's cute appearance, Chernos smiled, and then said to the other members: "Let's divide the army into two ways, I will go to the middle of the island, which of you will go with me?"

Saying that, he was eager to leave here, but at this time, Cheros said with a smile: "This is not the land of gold..."

Before Chernos' words were finished, Tezzolo fell directly to the ground.

"What, isn't this the Golden Country?"

Golden Township is on other empty islands, and I heard Peake say below that Golden Township should be on an island called Apayado, but I don't know what the name is on the empty island.

You can ask if there are any other islands that have land on the empty islands

, and once the golden town of Apayado disappeared, and it should have been washed up by the sky-high current.

Tezzolo nodded in understanding.

The team then split into two teams, one of which was Chernos, Yoyuki, Moria, Liuhime and Perona.

The first team is Hancock, Tezzolo, Baccara, Brook and the Scarlet Villagers, and of course they also carry muscular turtles.

The purpose of both teams is also clear, Chernos they go to defeat the two gods, and Hancock they go to ask for the location of Apayado.

Then everyone went their separate ways.

Chernos looked towards the position in the middle of the empty island, "Let's go, let's go meet another god and see how his strength is?" Several

people walked towards the center of the island, and at this moment, a huge shrimp passed by the Chernos side at an extremely fast speed, and also rushed towards the position in the center of the island.

Chernos's eyes lit up, and he said to everyone: "There is a free transportation to the door, go, let this shrimp take us to Bika Island."

Several people laughed one after another, and Yoyuki quickly rushed towards the shrimp, while Chernos jumped on the giant shrimp with one hand, holding Liu Ji and Perona on the other.

The giant shrimp took the Chernos and they rushed towards the island of Becca at great speed.

The speed of the giant shrimp was amazing, and after a while, they rushed to Becca Island with the Chernos.

When they reached the island, countless people were gathering on the island of Beca, all of them fully armed, wearing weapons, and constantly shouting something.

"We can't give up the most precious island of Becca to that bastard from Anilu.

"Hmph, if Anilu wants to get Becca Island, he will first step over our corpses!"

"Don't worry, we have a giant impact shell, Anilu does not dare to act rashly, otherwise, he will not get anything." "

Hahahaha, if he dares to make a move, we will directly urge the giant shock shell and directly blow up Bika Island, so that he can't get anything!"

At this moment, the giant shrimp carrying the Chernos and them appeared directly in front of everyone, and everyone looked towards the Chernos in unison.

At this time, everyone's weapons were picked up and pointed their guns at the Chernos.

"Who are you, are you from that guy from Anilu?" said

Chernos awkwardly, "Would you believe us if we were passing through?"

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