Anilu, waving a golden rod in his hand, walked very leisurely in the middle of the street, facing Hancock and them.

For Anilu, as long as the person who can absorb his attack is not there, these people in front of him are not a threat to him.

And he had an idea to catch these people and threaten the one who could absorb his attack, Chernos.

Chernos can absorb his 60 million volt thunder dragon unscathed, so it should be no problem to absorb the impact of the giant impact shell.

In this way, he could claim the land-owning island of Becca for himself.

Become a true god on this island.

Hancock also looked at Anilu with a solemn face, before Chernos seemed to be very easy to face Anilu, but that was because Chernos had the strength of the Five Emperors.

And just now, Yang Yuki, who had the second most powerful combat power on their ship, was also very jealous of the attack power shown by Anilu.

Tezzolo took the initiative to step forward and greeted Anilu.

He said to Hancock: "Hancock, you protect Apa, Scarlet Brooke, you help me to raid the formation, and I am in charge of the main attack."

Bakara, you... You are responsible for taking care of the muscle turtle.

As Tezzolo spoke, the gold armor on his body quietly dropped a layer of gold dust and flew towards Anilu.

It's just that when the gold dust flew in front of Anilu, Anilu's eyes opened slightly, and he waved the golden rod in his hand, bringing up a fine lightning bolt, and all the gold dust was adsorbed on the golden rod.

"Yehahaha, have you also gained power? Has the ability to manipulate gold.

After Anilu finished speaking, the look in his eyes that looked at Tezzoro also became different, and his eyes were full of looking at the same kind.

"Join me, and I will make you a priest and make you a priest above ten thousand people under one man."

Tezzolo didn't expect Anilu to be so sensitive that he could feel his gold dust and easily defuse his attack.

This also made him even more jealous of Anilu.

It's just that after he heard Anilu's words, he laughed disdainfully.

"The only person in this world who can let me join is Chernos.

You, not qualified enough! Saying

that, Tezzoro, dressed in golden armor, rushed towards Anilu.

At this time, Anilu showed a disdainful smile, raised his right hand, and extended his index finger to Tezzolo.

I saw a thunder light flickering on Anilu's index finger, and then turned into a thunderbolt and flashed towards Tezzolo.

Looking at the incoming thunder and lightning, Tezzolo was unhurried, and threw a punch towards Anilu.

"Golden bomb!"

I saw Tezzolo's fist slamming into the air, and the friction between the fist and the air produced a lot of high temperature.

Subsequently, the gold on Tezzolo's fist turned into a liquid state as if it had been dissolved.

After that, Tezzolo's fist slammed forward again, striking the liquid gold, and the effect of the gold melting cannon was proposed.

As if it had been blown up by a bomb, the liquid gold turned into gold shotguns and exploded towards Enidor at a very fast speed.

And the thunder and lightning that originally attacked towards Tezzoro, after colliding with the liquid gold, constantly flashed and jumped in the liquid gold, but was wrapped in the liquid gold and shot back towards Anilu.

Anilu also looked at Tezzolo with some surprise, but the stronger Tezzolo became, the happier he was.

He didn't want his men to be a bunch of waste in the future.

And with Tezzoro, his divine position will definitely be more secure.

When the golden liquid hit, Anilu was unhurried, and the figure kept flashing in the golden liquid, although the amount of gold liquid was very dense, but not a drop of golden liquid hurt Anilu.

It's just that when Anilu stopped, the calmness on his original face disappeared, and he frowned and looked at his naked upper body, only to see that there were traces of burns on his body.

Tezzolo said to Anilu while rushing towards Anilu: "My attack is not only an attack on gold, but on gold, it is a heat radiation generated by friction with the air.

After hearing Tezzolo's words, Anilu looked thoughtfully at the golden rod in his hand, this move is not unfamiliar to him, and he often uses lightning to heat gold to change the form of gold.

But at the moment when Anilu was distracted, two figures flashed beside him.

"Nocturnal Song Straight through!"

"The breeze blows!"

The two men, Brooke and Ayamura, appeared behind Anilu after flashing past Anilu.

Blood suddenly burst out of Anilu's

chest, and I saw a blood hole appear on Anilu's chest, as well as countless knife marks.

Anilu looked at his chest in disbelief, he didn't understand why his Thunder Body was attacked.

"You... Can you attack me? In

fact, just now Anilu had sensed the attack of the two, but due to his distraction, he didn't have time to dodge, but Anilu didn't care, but stood in place and used the body of thunder and lightning.

But he has obviously used the Thunder and Lightning Body that can ignore the enemy's physical attacks, why is it still attacked?

After hearing Anilu's words, Tezzolo laughed.

"Hahaha, although your ability is also very rare below us, this ability is not an invincible existence.

Below us, there is a method of restraining ability, called domineering.

So be careful!

Don't accidentally get killed by us.

Our captain still wants to recruit you into our pirate group."

After hearing Tezzoro's words, Anilu lowered his head, but then his mouth grinned, revealing an excited smile.

"Yehahahaha, I thought I was invincible in this world, and you mortals couldn't attack me, which made me feel very bored.

Now that you can attack me, it also makes me a little interested.

That's fun to fight!

As soon as the words fell, Anilu's figure disappeared.

In the next second, his figure appeared next to Brooke, grabbed Brooke's skeleton hand with one hand, and released a large amount of thunder and lightning on his hand, making Brooke's explosive head even more explosive.

Ayamura on the side reacted very quickly, and the moment he noticed Anilu, he had already swung his knife towards him.

Anilu flicked his hand casually and threw Brooke towards Ayamura.

Ayamura could only quickly change his move and slash the knife upwards, avoiding Brooke's body.

After that, he touched Brooke and was knocked back by Brooke.

But at this moment, Anilu appeared beside them and kicked them fiercely, kicking the two of them out.

The two were instantly shot out, smashing an unknown number of walls before stopping.

Anilu's feet carried ultra-high volts of electricity, which instantly stunned the two.

"You guys, is that the only skill?"

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