"Klockdar, the navy made you a seven-armed sea, you should kneel down and thank Dade, you actually dare to betray the world government, and dare to appear in front of me, I see that the person who is looking for death is you!"

Give you a dog bone, you should obediently continue, be a loyal dog of the navy, now there is no brand of Qiwu Sea, what do you think you are?

Sakaski was also very opposed to the Qiwu Sea system, in his opinion, as long as he is a pirate, he should die, but the system of the Seven Wuhai was set by the world government, and he had no way.

Now that Klockdar is out of the Seven Martial Seas, then he is the one he can kill.

"Goohahahaha, I remember that your title was named a red dog by the Navy, and now it seems that you are very satisfied with the Draco's dog, is it better for the Draco to give you this red dog?"

As soon as Klockdar's voice fell, Sakaski threw a punch in anger.


The speed of this move is very fast, so fast that Klockdar can't react.

Just as this move was about to hit Klockdar, a phoenix soared into the sky and directly swallowed Sakaski's dog.

The flames on the dog's body made the flames on the phoenix's body even more powerful, and after a cry, he rushed towards Sakaski at great speed.

Sakaski held the head of the fire phoenix and kept retreating all the way to unload the terrifying power of the fire phoenix, and as for the flames burning on the fire phoenix, it was swallowed back by the magma on his body.

After the flames dissipated and the fire phoenix disappeared, Sakaski looked at his palm and found that a bow and arrow had penetrated his palm, and the entire arrow had passed through the back of his hand.

He looked towards the Liberty, his eyes full of jealousy.

Yang Yuki also recognized, according to the intelligence, Yang Yuki should be the deputy captain of the Chernos ship, and they had set a high bounty for Yang Yuki before, but he did not expect that Yang Yuki's strength was still a little beyond his imagination.

If it is only to deal with Yang Yuki alone, Yang Yuki's strength is not enough in front of him, even if it is Yang Yuki plus Klockdar, he is sure that he can win.

It's just that next to them is still standing a Five Emperors Chernos!

If he faced Chernos alone, whether he could win the battle was a problem, after all, Chernos was able to almost kill the existence of the undead Kaido when he was singled out.

If Zefa hadn't been injured, they would still have to fight the Chernos pirates, after all, Zefa could help him contain the crew of Chernos.

But now, how to fight this?

He frowned, more magma gushed out of his arm, turning his arm into a huge magma arm, and he threw another punch into the air.

"Meteor Volcano !!"

This time, the meteor volcano was more powerful than before, and even after Klockdar saw this large-scale move, he couldn't help frowning.

This move, he can't take it.

The Yangyuki on the ship also frowned, a meteor volcano he shot down one by one, ten hundred is no problem, but a few thousand...

He is not very good at dealing with such dense and powerful attacks.

At this time, Chernos took a step forward and stood in front of Klockdar.

"Klockdar, you go back to rest, I'll just come by myself, the red dog's fruit ability is still relatively restrained to you!"

Klockdar is reluctant to admit it, but Sakaski's magma fruit really restrains him, and his sand cannot withstand the burning of magma.

He had to turn back to the ship and let Chernos fend off Sakaski's attack.

Chernos looked up at the sky, looking at the meteor volcano that was getting closer and closer, and raised his hands unhurriedly.

His hands were clasped, and he whispered in his mouth: "Absorption!" "

Originally, the meteor volcano, which became faster and faster under the action of gravitational acceleration, dropped sharply when the Chernos used absorption, as if it encountered some resistance.

Not only that, the raging flames on the originally popular volcano suddenly seemed to be extinguished, and the color of the magma wrapped in the volcano also became a little darker.

The temperature on these meteor volcanoes suddenly seemed to disappear.

The gravitational acceleration and terrifying high temperature on the meteor volcano all turned into almost invisible threads of energy and gathered towards Chernos.

The two pistols quickly took shape in Chernos' hands, and at the moment of formation, they emitted an incomparably terrifying aura.

This terrifying aura also made Sakaski's eyes grow slightly.

"This is ... What moves? What a horrible feeling!

After feeling this breath, Sakaski no longer hesitated and withdrew in the direction where Borusalino was.

"Unlimited reloading and bouncing rays!"

At this time, the meteor volcanoes in the sky had all turned into swarthy ore shapes, floating in the air, no longer moving, until Chernos made a move, and then fell vertically towards the sea.

A light bullet shot out of the muzzle and shot towards Sakaski.

The speed of the light bullet was extremely fast, and it flew behind Sakaski's back, and after Sakaski reached the gap, he flashed sharply to the side, avoiding the Chernos light bullet.

But then, one two, three ... Until thousands of lights popped out behind Sakaski, Sakaski had no way to avoid such a dense attack, and could only resist while retreating in the direction of Borusalino.

"Canine Red Lotus!"

Sakaski threw out a piece of magma from his fist, like a dog from hell, and bit towards Chernos' light bullet.

"Yellow ape, the situation is not us, retreat..." Boom


Before Sakaski's words were finished, he was shocked by a terrifying explosion.

"What... Belch!

Sakaski vomited out a mouthful of blood, making his whole person a little confused.

His canine red lotus is very powerful, in his imagination, even if the Chernos light bullet is powerful, it will not be as big as his dog red lotus, if you use the dog red lotus to resist, it is no problem to resist several Chernos light bullets.

And the reason why he used the trick of the canine red lotus is because the canine red lotus is very flexible, so that he can resist the attack of Chernos while dodging.

But he didn't expect that the light bullet fired from the Chernos pistol was so powerful, not only directly blowing up his canine red lotus, but also blowing him out.

Chernos had already flown into the sky, looked down at Sakaski and said: "Fight if you want, retreat if you want?" What about playing? "

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