The Liberty was speeding on the sea in the direction of Turtle Island.

Not long after Chernos entered the New World, he received a call from Brother Fisher.

"Chernos, my side needs support!"

Although it was only a short sentence, it also made Chernos very worried.

You must know that he left the New World for more than a month, Fisher was stationed alone on Turtle Island, during which Fisher did not call for help once, but now he called.

With Brother Fisher's strong nature, if it is not a last resort, he will not make a distress call.

"How long until I get to Turtle Island?" Chernos asked to the bracelet on his wrist.

"It's going to take about a day to arrive!"

The speed of the Liberty had been the fastest, but the Chernos still felt that it was too slow.

He turned to Yang Yuki and said, "I'll take a step first to see how Brother Fisher is doing, and you guys will come over later."

After Chernos finished speaking, he didn't wait for Yang Yuki to reply, he took off directly from the Freedom, kicked hard in the air, and the whole person was like a cannonball, ejected.

Chernos is running at great speed in the air, and every time he kicks hard in the air, he will use the fruit ability to absorb the resistance and gravity around him, making his speed continue to increase.

After that, he used the absorbed resistance and gravity as power to explode on his feet, making his speed even faster.

A pirate ship that has only entered the new world is sailing on the sea, and the pirates on board are celebrating happily.

"Captain Locke, this time you defeated the veteran pirate powerhouse Jiujian Cori, that is a sea pirate with a bounty of more than 300 million Baileys, this time will definitely make our pirate group famous in the new world!"

"Yes, now that the reputation of your Great Sword Locke has spread, even the redhead of one of the Five Emperors has sent us an invitation!"

"Hahaha, what is the red-haired invitation, our boss's ambition is to become the emperor of the sea!"

The great sword Locke was also praised by the pirates under his hand, and a rare happy smile appeared on his face.

Although his joy was already overflowing, he still pretended to be modest and said: "What to say, I am still far from becoming the emperor of the sea, but the target of our next challenge is indeed the Five Emperors Pirates, but I set the target of the challenge on the new Five Emperors Chernos." As

Dajian Locke spoke, the expression on his face began to become serious.

When he first entered the new world, he met the Five Emperors Chernos, and at that time, the Chernos did not directly strike, but one of his women shot and defeated him.

This also made Locke see it as a lifetime shame.

After defeating Corey with a bounty of 300 million Bailey, this time also made his self-confidence run at an all-time high, and he felt that it was time to challenge a wave of Chernos again.

If Chernos dared to shoot that woman again this time, he would definitely chop that seductive woman.


At this time, there was a roar in the sky, which attracted the attention of everyone on the ship.

The sea in the new world is extremely dangerous, once you hear any sound, it will alarm everyone's nerves, because maybe on this strange sea

, the sky is clear one moment, and the downpour is the normal climate in the new world, and they have all encountered icebergs in the sky.

If you don't strain your nerves, you are likely to be defeated by the terrible natural environment here.

The members of the Great Sword Pirates watched their surroundings warily, intending to see what was going on so they could respond.

It's just that the weather is very clear now, there are no strange clouds in the sky, and there are no visions in the sea, which also makes them a little confused.

The Great Sword Locke turned his gaze to their navigator, but the navigator didn't understand what the situation was, so he could only shake his head helplessly at Locke.

At this moment, an even louder roar sounded, and everyone on the ship could clearly hear this huge sound.

They looked in the direction where the sound came from, and found that a black dot appeared in the air, rushing towards them at great speed.

Locke's brows furrowed, and he picked up the big sword behind his back, staring warily at the black spot that rushed at great speed.

As the black dot got closer, they could gradually see what the black dot was.

But precisely because they could see clearly, they were also shocked.

Because they saw a man running in the air at great speed, so fast that even the sea was lifted by the wind he brought with him as he rushed over.

I saw that after the person ran over, the sea behind the person rolled up into a monstrous wave tens of meters high.

And before the pirates on the Great Sword Pirates could react, the man had already overtaken them from the side of their ship and ran towards the distance.

"Groove, who is this guy, such a cow!"

"That man is also too fast, so people can't see his appearance clearly."

"Hey, hey, is your focus wrong? Is that man running in the air? The

crew of the Great Sword Pirate Group were shocked by the mysterious person who appeared just now, and they kept exclaiming.

Seeing Locke was speechless.

"You bastards, the waves are coming, you still watch a fart!"

Because the man rushed over their pirate ship, the waves behind the man also swept towards them, and waves tens of meters high rushed towards their pirate ship.

After hearing Locke's words, everyone woke up and quickly controlled the ship, wanting to escape the attack of the giant wave.

It's just that the speed of the waves rushing is too fast, and they are too close to them, and there is no time to escape.

After looking at the giant waves in front of him, Locke knew that something had to be done, otherwise their pirate ship would definitely be destroyed by the waves.

He clenched the big sword with both hands, the muscles in his arms bulged violently, and shouted at the waves: "Epee style horizontal split!" I

saw a sword qi that was tens of meters in size slash towards the waves.

The waves that were tens of meters high were actually split in half by the big sword Locke, the waves were directly cut by the waist, and the waves above flew up, and their navigators also controlled the pirate ship to take the opportunity to avoid the flying waves from the split opening.


The chopped up wave landed in front of their pirate ship from the air, pushing their pirate ship back tens of meters.

They also survived the crisis of the waves without risk.

Just as everyone was glad to have survived, a pirate trembled and said to Locke, who was panting: "The ship... Captain, can you swing another sword? I

saw a wave behind them that was bigger than just now, more than a hundred meters high, and had come to the top of their pirate ship.

Great Sword Locke: "..." The

sword he used just now had already cost him a lot of strength, it was the strongest sword he could swing, and now facing even bigger waves than just now, he also felt a little desperate.

Just when the waves were about to lap on the pirate ship, everyone in the big sword pirate ship closed their eyes and waited for death, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of their pirate ship, clenched his fists and bent his arms, took a step back in the air, and slammed a punch towards the 100-meter-high wave.

"Concussion Fist!"

Boom -

When the people of the Great Sword Pirate Group opened their eyes, they could still see some waves 100 meters high, and the surroundings were calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry sorry, I rushed too much just now, I didn't notice you, now it's fine, if there is any loss, go to Turtle Island to find me to compensate."

By the way, my name is Chernos, just report my name when the time comes!

After Chernos finished speaking, the figure disappeared again and continued to rush in the direction of Turtle Island.

At this time, a pirate looked at the direction where Chernos left in a daze, and said to Locke: "Captain, or let's not challenge the Five Emperors Chernos first."

Locke nodded thoughtfully.

"Down... Next time! "

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