As soon as Chernos' voice fell, the tumor on Whitebeard's body suddenly changed.

Originally, the tumor on Whitebeard's body was like an entity, which could be seen and touched, but at this moment the tumor changed.

In the middle of the tumor, a black dot appears, and the tumor begins to collapse and sink towards that black spot, forming a black vortex.

Compared with the tepid suction in the tumor state, the suction power of the black vortex is suddenly ten times stronger, and the suction power of the black vortex is still rapidly increasing.

Originally, the flames on Marko's body were offset in the direction of the tumor, but when the black vortex appeared, the flames on Marko's body floated directly to the black vortex and were swallowed by the black vortex.

And his whole person also felt an extremely strong suction force, intending to pull him towards the black vortex, as if he intended to devour him.

Marko, who is farther away from the black vortex, is still like this, and Whitebeard, who is closer to the black vortex, is even more uncomfortable.

He could feel that the Shock Fruit Energy and the Overlord-colored Domineering Energy on his body were being pulled by the black vortex, as if to pull these energies out of his body.

Only at this time did Whitebeard understand that what Chernos said just now was not a lie, he really created a black hole.

It's just that at first this black hole is camouflaged, making people not aware of its danger, and by the time it is detected, it is too late.

Whitebeard shouted to Marko beside him: "Marko, let me get out of here, leave it to me."

In fact, Marko can also see the danger of black holes, and he understands that with his ability, there is no way to take this black hole.

If he goes rashly, it will cause confusion for Whitebeard.

So he turned around and retreated directly, but he didn't retreat far, and after exiting almost 1 kilometer, he stopped and looked anxiously at Whitebeard.

Before this battle, he was very confident, and with the strength of Whitebeard, he was not yet able to deal with the newly promoted Five Emperor Chernos.

But when Chernos launched such a strange and terrifying attack, Marko also began to worry about Whitebeard's safety.

At this moment, a sword qi shot up into the sky and slashed towards that black vortex.

Chernos, who was originally watching the play, looked towards the source of the sword qi with some surprise, and found that the person turned out to be his ally, Shanks.

He turned to Shanks and asked, "Shanks, what do you mean by that?"

Shanks could also hear his displeasure in Chernos' tone, but Shanks had to do it because he couldn't let Whitebeard die here.

At first, Shanks was worried that Chernos would die at the hands of Whitebeard, because he thought that in that case, the balance of the new world would be upset.

At that time, the old and weak whitebeard will not be able to suppress Kaido and Aunt for long, and he alone will not be able to resist the combined attack of Kaido and Aunt, and then the new world will fall into the hands of Kaido and Aunt.

And with the ambition of Kaido and Aunt, after they control the new world, they will inevitably provoke a world war.

At that time, the whole world will be in chaos, and he will not be able to wait for the person Roger is talking about.

Because of this, he wanted to stand on the side of Chernos at first, intending to help him when Chernos fell into the downwind.

But he didn't expect that the battle situation changed so quickly, and Chernos repeatedly used strange tricks, and he kept pressing Whitebeard, the world's strongest Whitebeard, who actually failed to gain the upper hand in the battle.

And now it is even more strange tricks like black holes.

If Whitebeard doesn't cope well, he may still be in danger of falling.

This also made Shanks anxious.

What he wanted was stability among the three parties to act as a counterbalance, so whether it was Chernos or Whitebeard's side, he didn't want anyone to fall.

Once someone falls, then this triangular balance will be broken, and there will be no way to maintain the stability of all forces in the new world.

And the whole sea will be in chaos.

This is also what he does not want to see.

Therefore, he saw that Whitebeard was in danger, and he did not hesitate to help Whitebeard.

Shanks looked at Chernos with a serious expression, "Whitebeard can't die, at least not yet."

Chernos stared at Shanks for a long moment and then laughed.

"Shanks, are you planning to abandon me as an ally and become my enemy?"

Although Chernos had a smile on his face, his voice had become extremely cold.

Shanks' act of changing sides to help the enemy in this way is difficult for Chernos to understand, and in his opinion, such behavior means betrayal.

Originally, he also planned to deal with Kaido and Aunt with Shanks, and after defeating Kaido and Aunt, he would challenge the strongest position in the Whitebeard world.

After he became the strongest in the world, he also wondered if he could recruit Shanks under his command to fight with him against the world government.

Of course, this was only his original plan, and even after he made the black hole move, he still thought so.

Because he didn't think that this move would kill the world's strongest whitebeard.

But Shanks' sudden betrayal made him shake his original thoughts, perhaps he thought too well, Shanks has never been with him.

Chernos' words also made Shanks lower his head.

"Sorry, Chernos, but I can't let Whitebeard die here right now."

After saying that, Shanks rushed straight up and rushed in the direction where Whitebeard was.

Looking at Shanks, who was running towards the White Tiger Zhi, Chernos did not say anything, let alone stop it, but still stayed in place, holding his hands to his chest and watching coldly.

Chernos has always had a very good impression of Shanks because of his memories of his past life, but at this moment he completely let go of the emotions in his past life memories.

In fact, what he sees is only one side of the comics, but in this life, it is the world he really experienced.

If he had his feelings for the characters in the comics in his past life, it might have plunged him into a greater crisis.

Shanks is now betraying, and it's good for him.

At least it won't put him in crisis, and it will make him no longer have illusions about Shanks.

Thinking of this, he no longer paid attention to Shanks, but looked towards Whitebeard, he wanted to see what method the strongest in this world would use to deal with his black hole.

"Whitebeard, let me see, how strong is the strongest in the world? Don't let me down! "

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