In the News and Economic Newspaper, news king Morgan is eating popcorn while checking the news delivered by the news birds.

After reading the information for a while, Morgans angrily threw the information he had in his hand into the air.

"What's the latest intelligence?" Has the world become so boring? Not even a single flashpoint?

The supernova bounty in this issue is actually only 76 million Bailey, what kind of supernova is this?

What village was ransacked by pirates, and then directly arrested by the navy, is this news? It's something the Navy does every day.

Everyone move me!

I'm going to see the news like the previous Chernos and naval hero Karp fighting.

What I want to see is big news like Nanabu Sea Klockdar and the sea pirate Doflamingo joining the Chernos Pirates.

What I want to see is that the pirate group of Chernos has once again added a natural Devil Fruit ability, and it is also a Thunder Fruit ability with amazing attack and destructive power.

Such news is news with breaking points!

This kind of news is the news that can catch everyone's attention!

Send me more news birds to monitor the new Five Emperors Chernos, keep an eye on his every move, this man is a man who does great things by nature, and only by following him can we capture more eye-catching news.

On the side, an editor wearing glasses and constantly wiping sweat said to Master Morgan: "I am even more of a scumbag, but we have sent five groups of thirty news birds to monitor the situation in Chernos 24 hours a day."

If more are sent, it is likely to cause the disgust of the Chernos. "

Although they are not very afraid of the Five Emperors, if they offend the Five Emperors and let the Five Emperors kill their news birds as soon as they see them, they will have no way to get the latest news from the Five Emperors.

But Morgan said with a nonchalant face: "Don't be afraid, even if I offend Chernos, I will negotiate later, so that the news birds can take pictures and obtain intelligence with confidence!" "

As a news organization spread throughout the Great Shipping Route, he is the world's largest intelligence resource, and everyone who wants to get the most detailed and truthful information must cooperate with him."

This is also the foundation of his foothold in this world.

Now Chernos, the newly promoted five emperors, will definitely do things everywhere, only by following him, can you get the most news breaking points, and you can earn the most benefits by relying on Chernos.

At this time, it is necessary to follow the Chernos.

At this time, a fax machine continuously transmitted photos, and also transmitted a long sheet of intelligence information.

When Morgans saw it, he immediately walked over excitedly.

Because this fax machine was staring at the battle scene of the three Five Emperors on the side of Shanks and Aunt Kaido, now the information and photos were transmitted, proving that the battle had begun.

[Kaido and Aunt besieged the red-haired pirate group, and the red-haired pirate group is in danger! ] 】

【Shanks fell into a desperate situation and was besieged by the two great emperors! 】 【

Chernos rushes back to the New World and saves Shanks at the last minute! 】 】

【At the moment when Chernos is about to kill Kaido and Auntie, Whitebeard appears to rescue Kaido and Aunt! 】 【

Chernos challenges Whitebeard, the battle of the century! 】 】


When it came to the most critical moment, the fax machine stopped abruptly, so anxious that Morgans scratched his head.

He looked at the photo and knew that the two had fought to a white-hot stage, but what happened next?

Who loses and who wins between the two?

And look at Whitebeard's posture, now Whitebeard has gone all out, this is planning to kill Chernos, if Whitebeard kills Chernos, it will definitely be a news flashpoint, and it will be the biggest news in recent times.

If the two draw, it will also be a super big flashpoint, you must know that Whitebeard is a man who has occupied the position of the strongest in the world for decades, and no one has ever been able to pull Whitebeard from the position of the strongest in the world.

There is not even a single pirate who can tie with Whitebeard.

If Chernos can be equal to Whitebeard, at Chernos' age, he will be the strongest in the world in the future.

Of course, there is also a very small and very small possibility, that is, Chernos defeated Whitebeard!

If Chernos can defeat Whitebeard, it will definitely be a super big news that can sensationalize the world.

Whitebeard has been invincible for too long, for decades.

Even if Whitebeard is old now, his strength has begun to weaken, but Whitebeard is still the strongest in that world.

Once Chernos defeats Whitebeard, no matter what means he uses, as long as he can defeat Whitebeard, then a new world's strongest will be born.

I'm looking forward to it, I don't know what the situation is now?

Morgans anxiously paced back and forth, waiting for the news bird's next intelligence news, but after waiting for a minute, after seeing that there was still no news coming, he roared angrily at his subordinates: "Quick, now, immediately, immediately arrange a live phone bug for me, I want to see the scene in real time, I can't wait!" "

The people in the newsroom of the News and Economic News began to take action, contacting the people from the nearest news department on the scene to arrange a live broadcast.

At the same time, they also began to contact their partners in the Five Emperors Group, hoping that these partners could pass back the intelligence on the spot.

They now know that this will definitely be a super breaking news, who can get the information first at this time, promotion and salary increase is not a dream, high bonuses are also in sight.

Therefore, these editors did not need Morgans' urging, and the editors were using all their means to obtain intelligence for Morgans.

It's just that after these editors called the phone worm, none of them got any reply, even if someone contacted someone who was farther away, but still couldn't get in touch, as if the signal over there was all blocked.

After Morgan had ordered his editors, he waited with peace of mind, knowing that his editors would get him the information as quickly as possible.

Therefore, in order to suppress his anxiety, he began to eat popcorn while looking at the information and photos of Chernos again.

But when he finished eating the bucket of popcorn in his hand and read all the information several times, he found that none of his subordinates came to him with the information.

He frowned and walked over to the editors.

Those editors also saw the gaze cast by Morgans, but everyone lowered their heads at this moment, not daring to look at Morgans.

"You trash..."

Just as Morgans was about to reprimand his editors, the fax machine, which had been static for a long time, sounded again, and a photo spat out of the fax machine.

Morgan didn't care to reprimand his subordinates, and almost came to the fax machine in a flash.

When Morgan saw the photo, his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

After being stunned for a while, Morgans burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha, the new world's strongest was born!!"

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