Marko frowned slightly, and instantly understood why Shanks would be willing to pay so much for them, in the end, what Shanks wanted was also their huge combat power.

Although it seems that the combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates is somewhat weak, if Chernos attacks them, none of the people of the Whitebeard Pirates want to survive.

But that's because Chernos is too strong, in the Whitebeard Pirates, there is simply no one who can compete with Chernos, and the high-end combat effectiveness is missing, which is also the biggest drawback of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But the low-end combat power of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is the most powerful.

Marko's treatment, Joz's defense, and Foil Bista's attack can be regarded as the top figures in mid-range combat power, except for the Four Emperors, characters who can walk sideways everywhere.

And the other captain-level and captain-level figures, the combat power can also be regarded as the combat power of the middle and top level.

As for its pirates, not to mention, such as more than 1,600 pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates, all of them are not miscellaneous fish, but old pirates who have been messing around in the New World for a long time, and their combat effectiveness is also a good hand among low-end pirates.

Not to mention that there are 48 huge vassal pirate groups, these pirate groups are assembled, it is an extremely huge combat force, in this world, except for the navy, there is no larger force than them.

The red-haired pirate group, which originally adhered to the elite strategy, was regarded as the weakest pirate group among the four emperors, but once they took over the white-bearded pirate group, they could become the strongest pirate group.

And in terms of high-end combat power, Shanks' side is not lacking.

Shanks itself is a four-emperor-level high-end combat power, and their pirate group also has the combat power of Beckman, the four-emperor-level, not only that, Shanks and Hawkeye Mihawk have a close relationship, once a war breaks out, Shanks asks Hawkeye to help, I believe Hawkeye will not refuse.

In this way, in their pirate group, there are almost three four-emperor-level combat powers.

This strength, compared to the strength of the other four royal groups, is not much different.

At that time, Shanks can continue to achieve his way of balance, forming a three-pronged situation in the New World, with the Chernos gang, Aunt Kaido's gang, and their red-haired pirate gang, the three check each other and balance each other.

In this way, the situation in the new world can be restored to stability!

Shanks looked at the frowning Marko, he had been thinking about this for a long time, and even from the moment Whitebeard had just died, he began to think about how to restore stability to the new world, and letting the Whitebeard Pirates join them was the best choice.

Therefore, after Whitebeard's death, he has been sending people to keep an eye on the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, checking their movements, and when he knew that the people of the Whitebeard Pirates planned to kill Chernos and avenge Whitebeard, he immediately dispatched, and his purpose was for this moment.

Now just convince Marko that they agree, and his three-pronged vision can be accomplished.

So he persuaded Marko and said: "Marko, we have been dealing with each other for more than ten years, you know who I am, and I will treat you the same as my partners."

Moreover, like Whitebeard, I don't have any ambitions to become One Piece, I just want to maintain the stability of the sea, so I won't let the people of Whitebeard's Pirate Group be cannon fodder in order to fight for territory.

Even, I can let you continue to keep the status quo, will not disrupt the formation of your pirate group, still led by your people, and the wealth you have obtained does not need to be given to me.

You can do whatever you want!

As long as you join me against the other Four Emperors when I need it, and help me maintain the balance of the sea!"

Shanks said very sincerely, which also made Marko very moved.

He really wanted to promise Shanks, because most of the people in their pirate group were in the prime of their pirate career, which was the peak of their pirate career, and if they retired at this time, it would be a pity for most of the white-bearded pirate group.

And he also wanted to seek revenge on Chernos, but Chernos was too powerful, as powerful as their father when he was young, and such a character, relying on their own words alone, would definitely not be able to take revenge.

If they want to take revenge, they must join the same level of combat power as Chernos, only in this way can they use the combat power of the four emperors to avenge them.

Marko was entangled for a while and said: "I personally agree to join your pirate group, but after all, I am now the acting captain of the white-bearded pirate group, and I can't arbitrarily agree to your invitation, I also need to consult the opinions of other members!"

Shanks was immediately relieved to hear Marko agree.

He said generously to Marko: "No problem, and this is not a place to talk, let's leave here first and give you some time to discuss!"

Marco nodded, and after seeing that the wound on Shanks' broken arm had healed, he turned and left, taking the captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates back to discuss.

After Marko left, Beckman blamed Shanks and said: "I understand now why you did this, why don't you discuss with me, the price you paid for this is too great, one of your arms is more important than the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group now!" In

Beckman's view, the white-bearded pirate group without a white beard, although it is a huge combat force, but this combat power is not as important as high-end combat power.

Even if there are more people under them, but once they lose in high-end combat power, these people have no way to save their defeat, and even in his opinion, the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group, a little more valuable, only those captain-level figures and captain-level figures of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, no matter how many other pirates are, they are just a bunch of cannon fodder.

Shanks scratched his head and said with a smirk: "If I tell you, you will definitely not agree with my idea, so I can only do it first!" Beckman

gave Shanks a blank look, huffing, not wanting to talk to Shanks.

Mihawk on the side also frowned and looked at Shanks' broken arm.

"Shanks, you broke an arm, this will have a great impact on your strength, you are too impulsive this time!"

Mihawk is a pure swordsman, he has also been pursuing the strongest position, for him, such a weakening thing as self-cutting his arm is simply stupid.

At this time, Shanks looked at Mihawk squarely.

"Mihawk, my speed of improvement is starting to become very slow, and breaking an arm may not be a bad thing for me, maybe this will allow me to concentrate on kendo, maybe this will make my strength improve again.

So, I would like to make an excessive request to you.

Can you stay on my ship for three years, these three years have helped me improve my kendo strength, I want to become stronger! "

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