New World was formerly the G-1 branch of the Navy, now the headquarters of the Navy.

During this time, the navy was busy with the relocation, although it also sent people to pay attention to the trends of the new world, but the fickle new world, in just a few days, underwent drastic changes, which caught the navy a little by surprise.

At this time, Sengoku Oh was watching the intelligence about the current Four Emperors at the new naval headquarters.

These intelligence are the latest information that his navy bought from Morgans, and the reason why he bought intelligence from Morgans is not that the intelligence department of the navy and the world government is not powerful, but because they do not have the ability to keep an eye on the movements of the Four Emperors Pirates in real time like Morgans.

It can be said that the person who knows the changes in the power of the four emperors of the New World best during this period is Morgans.

After reading the intelligence bought from Morgans, Sengoku covered his head with some headache.

The Whitebeard Pirates seek revenge on Chernos, which he expected.

After the defeat of the Whitebeard Pirates, he joined the Red-Haired Pirates, which was also unexpected to him.

Only the person who defeated the Whitebeard Pirates surprised him.

He never thought that the person who defeated the Whitebeard Pirates this time was actually an inconspicuous ship doctor on the Chernos ship.

You must know that when he first received Kuzan's information, Kuzan's evaluation of the ship doctor was... No danger!

Even the bounty they gave to that ship doctor as high as hundreds of millions was because she was a superhuman fruit ability in the healing department, such an ability is rare, and can help Chernos quickly recover its combat power, so they set such a high reward.

Now it seems that they have completely underestimated this ship doctor named Liu Ji, her combat power has reached the level of the imperial vice, and she is still a relatively top existence in the imperial deputy level.

Such a figure can be regarded as a naval general.

If it was just a Liu Ji, the Warring States would not have a headache, and what made the Warring States feel a headache was that such combat power was too much on the ship of Chernos.

The fishman hero Fisher

counts one, the Archer Yoyuki

counts one, the Thunder Fruit ability Anilu

counts one, and the sand crocodile Klockdar counts one.

In this way, the ship of Chernos has enough combat power of five royal and deputy levels.

And there are people with good combat effectiveness like Doflamingo, Moria, and Tezzolo on the Chernos pirate ship, and if you calculate it, the combat power of the fighters on the Chernos ship is simply too explosive.

The other Four Emperors Pirate Group was no match for Chernos in terms of high-end combat power.

And now the situation in the New World is also the same, Kaido and Aunt join forces against Chernos, Shanks Beckman joins Hawkeye against Chernos, forming a new three-pronged situation.

If the Navy had not implemented the plan to relocate to the New World, the Warring States would have been happy to see such a three-legged situation, because the most stable structure in the world was the triangular structure, and the four emperors formed a three-legged situation, then the New World would also change from chaos to stability.

However, before the formation of the three-legged situation, their navy made the decision to relocate to the new world, and now in the face of the three-legged four emperors, the navy's position has become embarrassing.

Originally, they wanted to combine verticals and horizontals, take advantage of the uneven combat power between the four emperors, let the navy intervene in the new world, and gain a foothold in the new world.

Now, their idea is probably shattered.

Because now the forces between the four emperors have barely reached a balance, the appearance of their navy will break this balance, so no matter which four emperors, the appearance of their navy is not a good thing.

No matter which of the four emperor forces the navy helps, it will definitely form a situation where that force is the only one.

Thinking of this, Sengoku was suddenly stunned.

He touched his chin and thought, secretly saying in his heart, maybe this is also an opportunity for the Navy!

Now that the situation of the three major forces in the New World has formed, except for Shanks, the other four emperors are definitely not willing to accept this situation, and want to continue to strengthen their power, overwhelm the other four emperors, and want to be the only one in the New World.

It's just that now the balance of power between the three parties, so that none of the three parties can defeat anyone, and if they want to defeat the other two forces, they must rely on foreign forces.

And their navy is this fourth force, and they are strong enough.

Perhaps you can use this to lure Aunt Kaido or Chernos into accepting the navy into the New World, while the navy sends a war force to help them eliminate the other four emperors.

For the navy, as long as the battle of the four emperors is fought, no matter who loses or wins, their navy is a stable business.

No matter how they fight, the power of the four emperors of the New World will definitely be weakened, and even they can help one of them eliminate the other two pirate forces.

Even if the remaining forces, even if they rule the entire New World, the pirates of the New World have been weakened by two-thirds by the Navy.

The more Sengoku thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

Now their navy has no way back, if they want to gain a foothold in the new world, so as not to be sent back just after moving the naval headquarters to the new world, this is the only way to go.

Although it is a bit risky, once it is achieved, he may be able to wipe out all the pirates of the New World when he is a naval marshal, and destroy them all!

And now, it is necessary to choose the four emperors who will promise their navy and pose not so much threat to their navy!

First of all, excluding Shanks, he has learned in detail about Shanks, he has no ambitions for the sea, even if he reaches a cooperative relationship with Shanks, Shanks will not be able to attack the other four emperors with their navy.

Subsequently, Sengoku set his sights on the two forces of Chernos and Aunt Kaido.

The person who makes him most excited is Chernos, because Chernos has the strongest strength, and once he reaches a cooperative relationship with Chernos, the strength of both sides can completely sweep the other two forces of the Four Emperors.

It's just that...... The risk of cooperating with Chernos is the greatest, Chernos' strength is originally the strongest existence, and it is still growing, and the strength may become stronger in the future.

And the strength of Chernos' subordinates is also very strong, once they cooperate with Chernos and help Chernos unify the new world, when the time comes for them to duel with Chernos, they are likely to not win Chernos.

In the end, all that their navy did was most likely to be making wedding clothes for the Chernos.

Since this is the case, then among the forces of the four emperors, only Aunt Kaido's side remains.

Working with Aunt Kaido is so much easier!

The first Aunt Kaido has ambitions, and these two siblings have always wanted to dominate the new world and become the next One Piece.

Second, their navy and Aunt Kaido have a basis for cooperation, and the sea floor stone of their navy has always been Kaido's supplier, and it is relatively simple to reach cooperation again.

Although cooperating with Aunt Kaido, they are likely to fight very hard when dealing with the Chernos side.

But once they help Aunt Kaido kill Chernos, even if Aunt Kaido unifies the New World, their navy will have the strength to eliminate Aunt Kaido.

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