At this time, Karp suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, smelly boy, in the navy, there is no word cannon fodder, even if the sky falls, there are tall ones to resist!"

In Karp's loud laughter, all the soldiers seemed to see a sun, dispelling the cold in their hearts and making their eyes more determined.

Chernos smiled disapprovingly, but did not scare the sailors anymore.

At this moment, the fleet of red-haired Shanks and Aunt Kaido's fleet also sailed towards Karp's fleet.

Just now, looking at the past, I didn't feel anything, and when the three fleets came to the naval fleet, it suddenly made the navy soldiers on the ship feel as if three giant beasts appeared in front of them.

The three fleets are all composed of the top pirate groups in the New World, and the characters on the fleet are also frequent visitors that naval soldiers often see on the bounty order, even if they do not emit any momentum to oppress these naval soldiers, but the sense of oppression brought by the little momentum they exude is enough to make the naval soldiers feel soft.

At this time, each of the main ships of the three fleets walked out of a figure, and these three figures were standing on the bow of the ship, carrying a kingly momentum, which made the navy soldiers, who were already a little weak-legged, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Aunt took the lead and said to Karp: "Karp, the old guy with the white beard is already dead, why is this old guy of yours not dead yet?"

Karp also said to the aunt unceremoniously: "Fat woman, you have itchy skin again? Do you want to get beaten up again? "

What, you dare to call me fat mother, you

..." Kaido hurriedly stopped Auntie, "Lingling, now is not the time to be angry with that old guy, we..." After speaking, Kaido

kept making eyes at Auntie.

Although the aunt was angry, she still chose to endure and did not continue to fight with Karp.

At this time, Karp continued: "Hurry in, the banquet is about to start, by the way, remember to bring the gift!"

After that, Karp also ignored the four emperors and directly ordered his soldiers to turn the bow of the ship and return to the naval headquarters.

When the fleet of the Four Emperors entered the port of the naval headquarters, a crystal clear film suddenly appeared outside the naval headquarters, and this film quickly surrounded the entire naval headquarters.

On the fleet of the four emperors, all the pirates took up their weapons and aimed at the naval soldiers and the naval headquarters, and the atmosphere on the field suddenly became tense.

At this time, Shanks' hand was already on the sword at his waist, and Kaido directly put the eight fasts on his shoulder, and Aunt also held the Napoleon saber on his head, and Zeus and Prometheus also appeared on the left and right sides of Aunt.

The only person on the field who did not move was the Chernos with his hands in his pockets.

He just looked at the film in the sky with some curiosity, "This is... Coatings for the Chambord Islands? Karp

, who was picking his nose and looking at everyone speechlessly, after hearing Chernos's words, flicked his booger towards Auntie, and then gave a thumbs up to Chernos.

"Hahaha, Chernos, in the end you are young, your eyesight is better, unlike those blind people over there, when they see a layer of decorative coating for performance, they are so nervous that they want to take weapons to fight, what a group of turtles cowering in the new world!"

Karp's words also made Chernos roll his eyes, Karp's kung fu to sow discord is too unhomely, just step on one so clearly, none of the people present will be fooled.

"Karp, what do you old guy say..."

"Lingling, calm down!"

Chernos: "..."There

are really such fools....

Well, it's not right, Auntie is not stupid, she is just crazy!

What this crazy woman does, it is normal.

Chernos no longer paid attention to the situation of the other four emperors, but looked at the coating on the top and pondered.

Coating is a unique technology in the Chambord Islands, and this technology is generally only used in the Chambord Islands, because the world only needs to drive the ship to the Fishman Island at a depth of 10,000 meters when crossing the red earth continent, so that the ship needs to be coated to keep the air in the coating, so that the ship can safely dive into the sea.

It's just that what makes Chernos feel puzzled is that although the coating can withstand the high pressure of 10,000 meters of sea water depth, it is not strong, and even when exposed to air, it is very fragile, even some weak people can break it with one punch.

Those who are weaker are still like this, let alone the Four Emperors.

Even if Kuzan used the fruit ability to freeze this coating into ice, the defense ability would not be much better than the coating.

In other words, the role of this coating is not to restrict the departure of the four emperors at all, but has other functions.

It's just that this layer of coating that breaks with a poke, what can it do?

Chernos thought for a long time, and couldn't figure out how the Navy used this coating to cause harm to them, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't want to, anyway, Chernos didn't think that the Navy could stop him.

So he generously walked towards the headquarters of the Navy.

The other four emperors also thought for a long time, especially Shanks and Beckman, who exchanged ears for a while, before following Chernos into the gate of the naval headquarters.

The new naval headquarters was built very grandly, it was a three-story building, don't think this is ironic, it is indeed a three-story building, because each floor is twenty meters high, and if you have three floors, it is sixty meters high.

It is very rare to see such a tall building on an island.

Just let this building also make Chernos feel a little puzzled, because in the comics in his previous life, he had also seen the building of the naval headquarters, although it was also very tall, but it was not as tall as the building in front of him.

Warring States also doesn't look like a person who can be extravagant and wasteful, and there is no need to build such a tall building!

Chernos raised his eyebrows and looked towards the roof, but at this time there was a huge naval emblem plaque hanging on the roof, and this huge plaque was also wrapped in a larger red cloth, making it completely unclear what it looked like on the top of the tall building.

When he arrived at the gate of the navy, Karp walked directly to the center of the gate and extended his hand to everyone.

A standard welcome smile with eight teeth appeared on his face, and he said to everyone: "Several of them are big people in the new world, you can't come to the housewarming banquet of the navy empty-handed, right?"

Come on, come and go, after handing over the gifts first, let's go in!

Shanks took a huge wine jug from his men and dragged it towards Karp.

"This is a fine wine from the West Sea, this is a fine wine that I have been looking for for a long time, when the time comes, everyone can taste it!"

Karp leaned over to smell it, and even he, who didn't drink much, was fascinated by the aroma of wine.

"Good, next!"

The person behind the aunt directly pushed up a cake as big as the aunt, this cake does not look huge, but the production is very fine, the side of each layer of cake, with cream painted with the image of each race, it can be seen that in order to make this cake, the people under the aunt spent a lot of thought.

“...... One with wine, one with pastries, are you here for the banquet, or are you here for the buffet? "

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