Karp slammed head-on into those energy-absorbing balls.

Countless wounds appeared on Karp's body, but Karp was also prepared, using armed color domineering energy to wrap the whole body and protect the whole body.

These armed color domineering acts as a certain protection, but there is no way to resist all the damage.

Countless wounds appeared on Karp's body, turning Karp's entire person into a bloody man.

Although it seems that Karp's injury is very scary, Karp has long used armed color domineering to protect his body, and at the moment when the body wound appeared, he also helped Karp stop the blood from continuing to flow out.

Karp didn't look at the wounds, but continued to rush in the direction where Chernos fell.

Soon, Karp came to Chernos and continued to smash a punch towards Chernos.

Karp's decisiveness also bought him the opportunity to continue attacking Chernos.

Before Chernos could break free from Karp's punch, he was again smashed towards the ground by Karp's punch that appeared in front of him.

But Chernos, whose head was smashed all over the place, not only did not panic in the slightest, but smiled at Karp.

"You, hit the plan!"

Karp's eyes widened sharply, watching Chernos control a ball of absorbing energy and smash it on his punching arm!

Chernos was once again smashed into the ground by Karp.


This time, Karp's terrifying fist to the extreme, all of them erupted on Chernos's body, and Chernos's whole person was like a cannonball, smashing towards the naval headquarters!

Boom boom....

Chernos's body smashed solidly on the island of the naval headquarters, directly smashing the entire island of the naval headquarters in half.

The entire naval headquarters island is like a flower clam that has opened its shell, the land on both sides of the island has been smashed away from the sea, and in the middle of the island, a deep pit that is 100 meters in size has appeared!

In the pit, the badly injured Chernos lay on the ground laughing, as if the person who had been knocked to the ground was not him but Karp.

Chernos struggled to get up from the pit, saw Karp who had just landed, and laughed again.

"Hahaha, Karp, you are in a hurry, if you are not in a hurry, I will not have such a chance to seriously hurt you!"

Karp's arm, which was imprinted by the Chernos absorption energy ball just now, directly became fractured, and the middle of the arm was directly broken into two sections, and a bone stubble was exposed at the bend of the elbow.

Chernos pressed his hand to his chest, absorbing the domineering energy of the remaining Karp on his body, and after absorbing these domineering qi, he gently slapped his palm against his chest, and the serious injuries on his body suddenly disappeared.

Then Chernos pulled the clothes that had turned into rags, revealing his intact body.

"Karp, the fruit ability has a fatal drawback, that is, they are afraid of water.

But fruit ability people sometimes really have very, very many advantages over your domineering strong, such as now, I can use my fruit ability to heal good injuries, so that I can stay at the peak and continue to fight, and you... No way!

Karp's face also became very ugly, and he was really anxious about the blow just now.

Before the battle, Sengoku had told him that in this battle, he only needed to be able to drag Chernos, and he had a helper over there, maybe this time he could change the pattern of the entire world in one fell swoop.

It's just that what Karp didn't expect was that it had reached the appointed time, but the helper said by the Warring States still hadn't arrived, which also made him a little anxious.

On the battlefield now, Kuzan has been beaten to death by Shanks, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he is defeated.

And the two general-level combat forces of Sakaski and Magellan have pressed Kaido to fight for so long, but they still failed to give Kaido fatal damage, and they didn't even make Kaido pass out for a short time, so that they had time to support others.

Zefa is not Mihawk's opponent at all, if he hadn't just hit Chernos on the ground, causing the terrain of the entire island to change, allowing Zefa to avoid the fatal blow, it is estimated that Zefa would have died in Mihawk's hands now.

It can be said that except for the Sengoku and Borusalino side, the situation is better, and the situation of the others is very dangerous.

And the Warring States himself, facing the aunt known as a steel balloon, fought for half a day, but still failed to defeat the aunt.

Now the situation in the Navy is too dangerous, he will be a little anxious, took out the hole card to deal with the Chernos, but his hurry, let him press the Chernos to fight at the same time, but also fell into the Chernos scheme.

After breaking an arm, although he is still extremely powerful, that is for ordinary people, for people like Chernos, whose strength is not much different from him, at this time, his combat effectiveness has dropped by at least three percent.

In this way, not only did he fail to defeat the Chernos to help others, but he even needed the help of others.

Karp took a deep breath, pulled his arm hard, straightened the bones of his arm, returned it to place, and then put his left hand on his chest in a defensive position.

What he can do now is to drag Chernos as much as possible until the help mentioned by the Sengoku arrives.

Only in this way can their navy have a glimmer of life and a chance to turn defeat into victory.

"Karp, you seem to have beaten me very well just now, now it's my turn!"

"You are called Tekken Karp, attack is your strongest point, I hope your defense ability is as strong as your offensive ability!"

After Chernos finished speaking, the figure flew up at great speed, with two more guns in his hand, and aimed the muzzle at Karp.

In an instant, countless light bullets vented towards Karp, forming a light curtain and bombarding towards Karp.

Karp's eyes narrowed, his expression became serious, and he used his hands and feet to resist the light curtain of Chernos.

When he was in Alabastan before, Kapu's moves that could easily be dealt with with with both fists now seemed extremely difficult, and the light bullets that struck at great speed continued to bombard Kapu, which also made Karp's hands and feet a little busy.

The broken bones of his arms greatly affected his movements, making him unable to cope as easily as when his hands were sound, causing the light bullets to constantly retreat.

At this moment, a light bullet of a different color appeared in the middle of the light bullet, like a small sun, emitting an orange-red light.

Karp also saw this light bullet, and his face went straight black.

He knew that this move was the sunset that he had exploded, but he was at his peak at that time, and he also needed to bring out all his strength to burst the sunset, and now he doesn't know if he can take this move.

However, although the sunset is terrifying, it is not the reason why his face is really black, and the reason that really makes him black is the combo move after sunset, the move that hurts his arm - the sword of heaven!

In the face of Chernos' ferocious attack, Karp couldn't help but have a thought in his heart.

"I... Are you going to be defeated?

"If I'm defeated, what will happen to the others?"

"What about the Warring States?"

"Can the Navy survive at the hands of these vicious pirates?"

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