Yes, the person Corazon was holding at this time was the clone created by Shaq.

It's just that this robot is very different, and it is the result of Shaq's research on the ancestry factor.

After he extracted Luo's bloodline factor, he cloned a person exactly like Luo, and Shaq also extracted a part of Luo's surgical fruit ability to create a surgical fruit.

However, this surgical fruit can be said to be a castrated version of the surgical fruit, and only has part of the ability of the surgical fruit.

But even so, the value of this surgical fruit ability is very high, and if it is cultivated, it will be a good combat power in the future.

However, the main role of this clone now is to deceive Corazon.

Chernos knew that with Corazon's character, he would definitely not leave Luo alone, and would find a way to save Luo, but with Corazon's strength, he wanted to save Luo, which was simply a fool's dream.

In front of Corazon, the only thing to do is to find his righteous father of that naval marshal, Sengoku!

And what Chernos wants is for Corazon to go to Sengoku, and even wants Corazon to give Sengoku the intelligence information he 'saw' and 'heard' on the Chernos side.

In this way, Chernos can let the Navy know some information that Chernos wants them to know through Corazon, and let the Navy respond accordingly to complete his plan.

Chernos looked at the two people who started acting again on the screen, shook his head and laughed, if they knew that they were like Truman in "Truman's World", living under the gaze of others all the time, they would know how ridiculous their so-called acting skills were.

"You continue to monitor them, if there is any situation, notify me as soon as possible!"

Shaq did not turn his head, waved his hand at Chernos, and continued to observe the two, for Shaq, the picture of the two together was like a cultivation game, very interesting.

In order to see the picture of the two living together, he was even willing to stop researching, quietly sitting in the monitoring room to observe, even if he was at a critical juncture of the experiment, he would order Varis to film the life of the two and continue to observe when he was not busy.

Chernos was also accustomed to Shaq's unanswering reaction, and now the entire Varis Pirates estimated that only Shaq dared to do this to him.

Chernos walked out of the observation room and headed for a place.

When Chernos came to a huge room, the Varis system directly opened the heavy alloy door for Chernos.

Completely different from the cold metal laboratory outside, inside the room, there was a vibrant forest, and Chernos walked along a path in the middle of the forest.

As soon as I entered the forest, I could hear the crisp sound of weapons clashing.

A teenager is holding a sword taller than him, fighting with five pirate-like people.

Chernos leaned against a tree and observed the battle in front of him with interest.

The boy quickly rushed towards the five pirates with his sword, and those pirates did not look at the young because of the young boy's young age, but were full of vigilance against the teenager and waited for the attack of the young man.

As the boy ran, he stretched out a hand and shouted lightly: "ROOM • Baton!" The

five pirates in front of him all floated under the action of his fruit ability.


The young man's figure disappeared instantly, and in the next second, he appeared behind a pirate, and without hesitation, he stabbed towards the pirate's heart with the sword in his hand.

After the long sword pierced the heart of the first pirate, the boy disappeared again and appeared in front of another pirate.

In less than five seconds, the five pirates who were waiting in strict formation all died in the hands of the young man.


.... Chernos clapped as he walked over to the teenager.

"Not bad, now it is very easy for you to deal with these million-level pirates with a bounty, tomorrow I will send some million-level pirates in to train you and continue to work hard!"

After Luo saw the Chernos, he quickly put his sword into its sheath and ran towards the Chernos.

"Thank you for the compliment, teacher, why are you free today?"

"Corazon is here, do you want to go see him?"

Luo's face was a little complicated, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head at Chernos.

"Teacher, I still don't see Mr. Cora, after we solve the world government, I will explain it to him properly, I hope he can forgive me!"

Chernos touched Luo's head and said with a smile: "Corazon will forgive you, after we overthrow the world government, he will understand our good intentions!" In

fact, when Law had just been sent to this island, Chernos told Luo most of the things, including the fact that he deceived Luo, and that Corazon was not dead.

At a young age, Luo couldn't figure out why Chernos told him about it, shouldn't such a thing be hidden?

Looking at the puzzled Luo, Chernos asked Shaq to take Luo to see Varys's surveillance system.

And also called up a lot of real-time surveillance videos about the world government, about Draco.

In the surveillance video, Luo saw an incredible scene, Draco did evil all over the world, treated people as animals, and even trampled on the lives of some ordinary people at will.

However, the world government has become the helper of these Draco, helping the Draco to deal with the aftermath, and even killing more ordinary people for the sake of the Draco.

After Luo saw this scene, he couldn't help but think of his country.

Their country is a happy country, but because of the greed for pleasure of the nobles and Draco, it has caused tragedy in their country.

Afterwards, in order to cover up all this, he even promoted Perlead disease as an infectious disease that would die as long as it was infected, which led to the demise of their country and the entire death of his family.

When Luo finished reading it, Chernos said to Luo: "I plan to use Corazon to complete a plan, and use this plan to deal with the world government."

In this plan, in fact, it is not bad to have you or not.

However, your fruit ability has great potential, and it is because of the world government that you have become what you are now.

So, I want you to make a choice, do you want to choose to become my disciple and go with me to deal with the world government, or do you choose to leave here?

No matter what choice you make, I respect your decision!

Luo stared at Chernos with dead eyes, and said to Chernos: "Are you trying to use me to perform immortal surgery on you?"

Chernos shook his head and smiled, and then stretched out his palm to the fish tank on the side, absorbing the life force of the goldfish in the fish tank, and after a while, the goldfish in the fish tank was directly drained of the life force, forming a milky white energy ball.

With a flick of his hand, Chernos pressed the energy ball into Luo's head.

Luo's eyes widened instantly, he could feel a pure vitality nourishing his unrecovered body, and after a while, he fully recovered, and felt that the whole person was very energetic.

"Not old or dead? Oh, I can do it myself, I don't need you to sacrifice your life to do ageless surgery for me! "

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