The teenager was watching from the tree outside the blackmail bar, his brow furrowed.

The bar lady just now was very strong, even if the other party did not use any attack methods, just kicked the pirate out, but the teenager could still see a trace of unusualness.

He was no match for this woman at all.

Chernos's friend was very strong, which was a normal thing, but what made the teenager feel strange was that the woman was so strong that she should have intelligence in the world government, but he didn't remember seeing this woman's intelligence.

"Strange, such a strong person, there should be intelligence, why haven't I seen this person?"

"Her name is Xia Qi, she used to be a sea thief personally captured by Karp, but she has washed her hands more than twenty years ago, and she has not done anything for a long time, and now the world government still has her information!"

The boy's eyes widened sharply and he looked to the side in disbelief.

He didn't feel any breath just now, and someone came to his side, this is still when he has always been vigilant around him, if this person is an enemy, he is now dead.

The young man swallowed his saliva and looked to the side carefully, but the moment he saw the person who had just spoken, he quickly knelt on the ground and greeted the man: "The subordinate is Robluci, who is affiliated with CP9, I don't know that Lord Jingdao is coming, and I have missed the welcome, and please forgive me!" The

visitor wore a mask, was dressed in black, and held a long knife, but the man didn't look at Luqi, his eyes were glued into the bar.

While looking at the bar, he said to Lu Qi: "I heard of you, although it is far worse than one of my disciples, but you are also a good physical genius, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can join CP0!"

After being praised like this by the CP0 chief who oversees all CP organizations, Lu Qi's face did not show any happy smiles, but looked at the crystal knife a little strangely.

This Lord Crystal Dao is a famous existence in the entire CP organization, once resisted the entire pirate group of an old sea pirate in the New World alone, saved the life of the Draco, and at the cost of minor injuries, destroyed the entire pirate group of the old sea pirate, this incident also made Lord Crystal Dao famous, known as the sharpest sword in the hands of Draco, and some people even compared him to the world's first sword Hawkeye Mihawk.

Such a big man, if he had a disciple, should be very famous, but he had never heard of it.

And although he doesn't care, but he is called the strongest genius of the CP9 organization in 800 years by outsiders, is there anyone more genius than him?

He had never heard of such a character!

Just as Luci was thinking, Lord Crystal Knife grabbed Lu Qi's shoulders, and his figure retreated sharply, away from the bar.

When the two came to a large tree far from the bar, the crystal knife stopped and continued to observe the bar.

Lu Qi was a little surprised, he knew that the actions of Lord Crystal Dao just now must be a strong enemy, in the range just now, even if they hide well, they are easily sensed by strong enemies, so they will choose to stay away, but what kind of strong enemy will make Lord Crystal Dao have such a reaction?

Could it be that the dragon is coming?

At this moment, an old man with white hair, glasses, a white robe on his body, and flip-flops on his feet, walked towards the bar like an old man going out for a walk.

"Sir, this

old man..." Lu Qi saw the person coming from the back, but did not see the old man's face, so he felt very puzzled, what is so scary about such an old man who looks like no threat?

However, before he finished speaking, he was covered by the crystal knife.

At the moment when the crystal knife covered his mouth, the old man glanced back at them, and after finding that there was nothing, he continued to walk towards the bar.

When the old man turned his head, Lu Qi also knew the identity of the old man in an instant, this is the famous One Piece deputy captain Hades Rayleigh!

After One Piece Roger turned himself in, his crew disappeared, unexpectedly appearing on the Chambord Islands, which are very close to the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Moreover, how old is Renly now?

It should be more than sixty, and after so many years of retirement, I didn't expect that the induction was still so powerful, and with a distance of almost a kilometer, I almost found them because of his soft inquiry.

It wasn't until Renly entered the bar that the crystal knife let go of Luqi's mouth.

However, the crystal knife grabbed Lu Qi again and moved towards other places, and when they moved places, a figure appeared where they were just now, and that figure was Renly who had just entered the bar.

After checking for no results, Reilly resumed his appearance as an old man walking again and slowly walked towards the bar.

Only after Renly actually entered the bar did the crystal knife let go of Luqi.

"In the face of these old guys, you must be careful and careful, they have been wandering in this sea for decades, and the sense of crisis has turned into instinct, and a little clue is likely to be discovered by them, understand?"

Lu Qi nodded solemnly, although this sentence is only a simple truth, but there are indeed many useful life experiments, if there is no crystal knife, it is estimated that he has been discovered by Hades now.

"Thank you for your teaching!"

"Sir, we need to apply for support, this time the leader of the revolutionaries, the dragon, the disciples of Chernos and the daughter of Kaido, and the former deputy captain of One Piece, Hades Rayleigh, are all gathered together, it is estimated that they are plotting something very important, we should take the best measures as soon as possible!"

It's just that the focus of the crystal knife is not at all on what the few people gather, but asked Luqi with some surprise: "Chernos... Disciple? Chernos has disciples? Who? In a bar? Seeing

that the crystal knife had some abnormal reactions, it also made Luqi frown, but he still replied to the crystal knife: "Yes, just now I saw two children, a man and a woman, the female should be Kaido's daughter Yamato, but the man I don't know, when I was monitoring the two just now, I heard the boy say that Mr. Chernos, that boy should be a disciple of Chernos!" Crystal

Dao said with some emotion: "Gee, Chernos is only a few years old, he has disciples, and it's really..."

Lu Qi suddenly asked Crystal Dao: "Master Crystal Dao, you just said that your disciple won't be Chernos, right?"

"Yes, I once taught Chernos, that guy is the real genius, alas, it's a pity that he is a pirate!"

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