The fat man and the tall man walked out of the bar with their clothes in their hands, and said sorry in their hearts for those colleagues who were caught by Xia Qi, and fled directly.

It wasn't until the two fled that they found out that the name of the bar was called the Blackmail Bar.

In the bar, after looking at the dozens of CP personnel who were stripped naked and squatting on the ground, Xia Qi couldn't help but laugh happily: "Today's business is really good!" Meanwhile

, in the Chambordi Islands, several CP0s are watching the entire island from tree branches, looking for suspicious persons.

Although the intelligence said that the dragon would arrive tomorrow, according to the dragon's cautious character, maybe he would come to the Chambord Islands today to check the situation, so everyone did not dare to relax a little.

Kuzan also sat fishing on the harbor with a fishing rod, but his mind was not on fishing at all, but he put on the blindfold and continued to fall asleep.

As for Crystal Dao and Lu Qi, they also patrolled the port of the Outlawed Land, looking for suspicious people.

"Sir, it should be that Rayleigh sensed our existence and transferred the disciples of Chernos out of the bar, and now the disciples of Chernos and Kaido's daughter have not been found in the bar."

After listening to the news from the phone worm's headset, Jing Dao did not have an unexpected expression, and said calmly: "Then expand the scope and continue to track down their whereabouts!"

He had just hung up the phone when he heard Luqi shouting, "Dragon!

After that, Lu Qi rushed out and chased directly towards a man with a cloak and a tattoo on his face, and the crystal knife just wanted to chase together, but he suddenly stopped and put his hand on the hilt of the knife on his waist.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of him and handed him a phone worm.

"This is Lord Chernos' phone worm, you can choose to answer it or not!"

After speaking, the hand directly stuffed the phone worm into his hand, and then disappeared directly into the flow of people on the street.

The crystal knife looked down at the phone worm, his face became a little complicated, he hesitated for a while, and was about to crush it forcefully when the phone bug rang!

Bru Bru Bru ~

Jing Dao glanced around, and then the figure disappeared in place, found a no-man's place, and picked up the phone.


"Teacher, I'm Chernos, I haven't seen you for a long time, I wonder if you have time to meet?"

Crystal Dao said to the phone bug in a deep voice: "Now you are a pirate, and I am the top level of the world government CP0, the two of us are natural opposites..." "

No, no, no, I am indeed a pirate, but my enemy has always been Draco, but you are not, I think, we can still cooperate!"

Jingdao said disdainfully: "I am living very well now, with high status, great power, more money, and a very happy life, why should I risk my life to cooperate with you?" "

Are you really having a good time? Giving those waste as dogs every day, watching them bully innocent people, taking away all human dignity, everything that is human, trampling people underfoot.

It's obviously a bunch of waste, but they still think of themselves as gods.

Don't you want to kill those scum?

Chernos' words reminded Draco of all the human tragedies he had seen as the protector of the Draco, and how the Draco had ravaged people into inhuman-like ones.

Deep down, he always wanted to kill those Draco, not for anything else, just because those Draco made him feel sick.

Just thinking about what to do, he didn't dare to make any action to put his thoughts into action, once he moved, the end was only death!

"It's useless, Chernos, no one will be his opponent, those Draco are just rice worms in his captivity, even if you kill all Draco, as long as he doesn't die, then Draco will always exist, for him, it's just a group of people."

"Don't worry, that person's opponent is me, although I only have a 30% chance of winning against him now, but I am still young and I am still growing.

And what I want to do now is to use all external forces to enhance my chances of winning even by one percent, which is a very cost-effective thing for me.

Give me a few years, and when I increase my strength, I have at least a fifty percent chance of winning against him, and at that time, as long as the external force can give me another layer of odds, then this will be the straw that overwhelms him.

I don't need you to do anything for me, I just need you to put water when it matters!

Jing Dao hesitated, did not speak for a long time, he was hesitating, whether to promise Chernos, now once he agrees to Chernos, his future may change because of this, and this change is likely to become worse.

"Teacher, when I was in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, if it weren't for you, I might have died in that hell by now, and you gave me a new life and made me break free from hell.

This time is actually the same as what you did at the beginning of the teacher, for you, maybe it was just a small thing, but for many people, it is indeed a big event that changes the fate of life.

The crystal knife sighed slowly and said to Chernos: "I refuse!"

After that, the phone worm in the crystal knife's hand suddenly turned into a spar and was dropped from the air by a handful of crystal chips by him.

Looking at the crumbs that slipped from his hands, he sighed again, just now he was a little afraid, afraid that if he continued to listen, he would not be able to help but promise Chernos.

As he said, now his life is very good, he has a beautiful wife, and a son who has just been born, he is in a high position, he has a lot of money....

Although all this is in exchange for basing the pain on other people.

But so what?

It would be fine if he could protect his home and his family, and as for the others in hell, he didn't have that much ability.

He supports Chernos' desire to rebel against the world government, but he will not offer any help that could drag him to hell.

"Oh, people are really contradictory, do I want him to succeed or do I want him to fail?"

On the other end, Robin looked at the phone worm with his head lowered, and said to Chernos with a smile: "It's really surprising to me, I didn't expect that Brother Cheros would actually fail!"

After being rejected, Chernos was not disappointed, but laughed.

"Who said I failed?

Sometimes it is not necessary to make people agree on the spot, because after agreeing on the spot, he also has a high chance of regretting it.

Now I have planted a seed in my teacher's heart, and over time, this seed will take root and grow into a big tree, and when I need it, he will naturally shield me from the wind and rain.

"Oh, after Brother Chernos didn't go out to fight and kill, his heart seemed to be getting worse and worse, but why are they all bad for people outside, not bad for people around them?"

Chernos directly gave Robin a snap of his fingers, but Robin, who was not prepared too early, welcomed his head, so that Chernos couldn't get off for a while.

This girl likes to tease him more and more.

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