After the two had negotiated, they called Frum and Iceberg over, and Long wisely left space for the three of them to say goodbye.

After watching the dragon leave, Tom pulled the two into the room, closed all the doors and windows, and then walked to a hidden safe by the wall and took out a drawing.

"This is the design drawing of the ancient weapon Hades!"

Tom seemed to be holding an ordinary design drawing, and directly stuffed it into the hands of the two.

After the two of them finished the drawing, they looked at the strange design ideas on the drawings and the design drawings armed to the teeth in disgust.

Iceberg's voice trembled and said: "Is this really something that people can make? Even

Fram, who had always been dismissive of anything and thought about everything he modified, widened his eyes when he saw the drawings, and his face was full of disbelief.

"How could there be such a thing?"

Looking at the shocked two, Tom said to them: "This is the most vicious weapon in the history of shipbuilding, and so far I have never seen a ship more terrifying than it."

Its attack power can even destroy an island with a single shot, which can be described as terrifying.

That's why it's a weapon, not a ship!

Now that the world government, the head of the four emperors, Chernos, and the revolutionary army dragon have all received the news, knowing that this drawing is in my hands, these forces, especially the world government, will definitely stop at nothing to obtain it.

We simply have no room for resistance in the face of these forces.

Now, I give you this drawing, what you have to do is to write down the above design drawing, especially the most critical core power design drawing and fire design drawing.

I will take these key places and give the rest to the dragon.

When they leave, follow them! The

two were still listening carefully to Tom's words in front of them, nodding constantly, but when they heard the back, both of them stared at Tom.

The two said in unison: "I don't leave, I'll stay with you and let Frum (iceberg) go!"

After speaking, the two looked at each other angrily, both hoping that the other would leave.

"You let me go, let me stay with the master!"

"The person who should leave is you, you have learned everything, what are you doing with the master?"


Looking at the two who quarreled with each other, Tom's eyes were full of pampering and regret, his greatest achievement in his life may not be to help One Piece build a pirate ship, but to raise these two children.

Although they both seemed to be arguing with each other, Tom understood that it was because the two children knew that Tom would not let them leave his side if it were not a last resort.

And staying by Tom's side is very likely to be in danger.

Even if they know that they are still scrambling to stay by Tom's side, let another person follow the dragon and pass on their master, in fact, they want to leave the hope of life to each other, and the people who stay are responsible for taking care of Tom and dying with Tom.

They are all sensible children!

"Hahahaha, Lao Tzu is the world's number one shipbuilder, I don't need anyone to accompany me, you all roll for me, iceberg, you are responsible for passing on my skills, Frum, you are responsible for pioneering and innovating, both of you will leave for me and go to a wider world outside."

In the future, I want to hear your well-deserved name, hear which of you became the world's first shipbuilder, understand? "

We're not leaving!"

Tom said seriously to the two: "You have to go, and two people go together, and now the three largest forces in the world are eyeing me, do you understand what this means?" It means that as long as one force wants to attack me, then I will surely die.

I stayed because I still have one wish I haven't fulfilled, which is to build a train that can travel on the sea and save this beloved island.

This is my wish, it has nothing to do with you, with your talents, there is a broader world to wander!

After that, he also ignored the two, just let the two start to memorize the drawings in front of him, especially the two drawings of core power and firepower, until he confirmed that both of them had memorized them, and then he pushed the door and went out to find the dragon.

Tom came to the dragon and knelt directly in front of the dragon.

"I only have these two disciples, I hope Mr. Long will take good care of them in the future!"

At the same time, his hands presented the design drawings of Hades.

Instead of picking up the drawings, the dragon helped Tom up first, and then took the drawings.

After taking the drawing, he didn't look at it, and the power in his hand burst out, directly tearing the drawing into pieces and drifting down in the sea with the wind.

"As I said, the purpose of my coming this time is not to get the design of Hades, this design is too dangerous for us, for most people in this world, or ruin!"

I will also do my best to take care of your two disciples, but no matter how well I take care of them, it is not as good as you personally take care of them, otherwise, you better go with us!"

With us, you can also continue to study sea trains, and when you work it out, I will help you give this technology to the capital of seven waters, and then you can save the island.

What do you think?

Tom glanced at the dragon stunned, he originally thought that the dragon was just a nice talk, but he didn't expect that the dragon would so simply destroy the Hades design that countless careerists remembered and longed for, which also made him believe in the dragon even more.

"I won't go, if I can't complete the design before the world government captures me, then it's my fate, if I finish the design of the sea train before they capture me, then I will go to you, just hope you don't dislike me as an old man by then!"

Tom turned to look at Iceberg and Fram, a big smile appeared on his face again, walked over and hugged the two tightly, and the two also hugged him tightly, but in the next second, Tom directly shot a hand knife at the head of both of them, directly knocking the two unconscious.

"As a well-known man, what I hate the most is the crying parting, Mr. Long, take them with you, goodbye..."

Hope we see each other again!

The dragon walked over and patted Tom's shoulder, "The door of the revolutionary army is always open for you, you are welcome to come at any time!"

After watching the dragon leave with the two, Tom's eyes were confused for a moment, but then he rubbed his eyes and kept muttering in his mouth, "Time is running out, time is running out... I'll have to speed up and build it! "

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