Just as the pirates were immersed in the shock of the ultimate luxury of Golden City, a pirate suddenly shouted: "The sea... The Navy is coming, run!!

As soon as these words came out, countless pirate ships instantly moved, intending to escape first.

There is only one port in this golden city, and if you want to get out of the port, you must break through the oncoming naval fleet.

But to break into the navy's warships head-on is simply looking for death.

They never thought that they had just come to Golden City and were blocked in the port by the navy, which was really unlucky.

Countless pirates were panicked and a little overwhelmed, not knowing how to respond, but some pirates or pirate captains seemed very calm.

"What's the panic, this is the territory of Chernos, believe it or not, the navy dares to besiege Golden City, and Chernos dares to destroy them!"

After the pirates heard the captain say this, they began to slowly calm down.

This is not the territory of the Navy or the World Government, but the territory of Chernos, if the Navy dares to come and besiege the Golden City when the Golden City is opened, the Chernos will definitely destroy the navy.

Things also went in the direction they expected, and the naval warship sailed into the harbor and stayed quietly in the port, and did not make a move on the pirates who also stayed in the port.

On a warship, a group of young sailors ignored the teacher Zefa standing next to them, constantly exclaiming at the Golden City, but this time, the always stern Zefa did not reprimand them, and he who had been wandering on the sea for decades was also shocked by the luxury of the Golden City.

At this time, a sailor with a cigar in his mouth frowned and said: "The head of the four emperors, Chernos, has only been out to sea for a long time, and he has collected so much wealth, and I don't know how many people's blood and tears are behind these riches!"

These words were just heard by Zefa on the side, but Zefa did not agree with the naval soldier's point of view, but said in a deep voice: "Smogg, don't be blinded by appearances, although I don't know how Chernos got so much wealth, but one thing I am sure is that these riches were not snatched from the common people!"

As far as I know, since Chernos went to sea, it has not robbed the wealth of the common people, let alone attacked the common people on any island.

Smog asked puzzled: "It's impossible, as long as it's a pirate, how can you not use powerful force to exploit and plunder the people?"

What's more, if he didn't plunder the people, how did he get so much gold? It can't just come out of nowhere, right?

Zefa was about to say something when a laugh filled with evil aura sounded in the air.

"Fu Fu Fu, young man, you are right, these gold did fall from the sky!"

A man wearing a flamingo with sunglasses and small leather shoes slowly landed from the air, his landing posture was very strange, as if a spider was sliding down the spider silk.

"Zefa, don't worry, I just came to warn you that in Golden City, your navy is not allowed to attack others, and it will not attack your dear student!"


Smogg was furious when he heard this, pulled out a weapon called Ten Hands behind his back, and prepared to attack the man.

It's just that before Smog could attack, he was grabbed by Zefa.

"Doflamingo, you don't need to come and warn me about such a thing, just go and talk to the Warring States about them!"

Doflamingo said with a smile: "Yang Yuki over there has already said that I saw so many immature faces on your ship, so I kindly came to tell you, but now it seems that your disciples are dissatisfied with me!"

"It's not your turn to dictate to my disciples, get out!"

"Fu fur, old fellow, I hope you can take good care of your disciple, others are not as good at talking as me!"

After speaking, Doflamingo's figure disappeared instantly, and after he disappeared, the surrounding sailors could recover from Doflamingo's terrifying momentum.

"Teacher, why don't you let me make a move, these guys are so arrogant that they dare to come and warn us of the navy!"

Zefa looked at Smogg, who was full of disbelief, and then at the surrounding sailors, and couldn't help sighing.

"Smogg, your ability is very strong, but your personality is too impulsive, you must learn to restrain yourself, otherwise you will suffer a big loss in the future.

And Doflamingo is right, no matter what happens to you here, don't take the initiative to take action, you can come to me or other admirals to deal with it, don't act impulsively, otherwise, you may really die here!

After Zefa finished speaking, he was still a little uneasy, and beckoned to a pink-haired girl.

"Tina, you show me Smogg, and if he wants to act impulsively, I will allow you to use the fruit ability on him!"

The girl known as Tina trotted over from among the sailors and saluted Zefa: "Tina understands, although this guy Smogg is not easy to manage, but Tina will do her best to watch him!"

Smogg said a little unpleasantly: "Teacher, I don't have to... Tina, what are you doing, I didn't do anything, you let me go!

Smog just spoke, and Tina did not hesitate to use the Threshold Fruit ability to throw out two fence-like iron branches and tie Smog up.

In desperation, Smog could only transform into a puff of smoke to avoid Tina's attack.

"From now on, even if you want to speak, you must obtain Tina's consent, otherwise, I will arrest you immediately!"

Smog was about to say something unpleasantly, but was stopped by Zefa.

"Smogg, and all the sailors, coming to Golden City this time, in addition to opening your eyes, is also exercising your ability to resist pressure, here I am very serious to say to you, don't shoot indiscriminately, let alone pay attention to anyone's provocations, otherwise, you will really die here, understand?"

At that time, even I will find it difficult to protect your thoroughness here, please remember that this is not child's play!

After Zefa finished speaking, his eyes stared at Smogg, and the others were quite relieved that the young man who was Smog needed him to worry about.

Smog flew down from the air, obediently caught by Tina's fruit ability, and said to Zefa: "Teacher, I understand, don't worry, no matter what happens this time, I won't come impulsively!" Seeing

that Smogg's attitude was a little better this time, Zefa nodded in satisfaction and prepared to take the sailors off the ship.

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