The dragon, who was standing on the side waiting for the two to finish speaking, stepped forward and said to Chernos: "Can I talk to you alone?" "Good


Chernos had the others guide the navy, the Four Emperors, and the underground to the auction venue, while he and the dragon stood in the audience waiting to watch.

After the opening performance, the staff of the Golden City began to guide the audience to play in the Golden City.

Chernos introduced to the dragon: "There are many interesting places in the Golden City, there are the world's largest amusement rides, and there are also the world's most complete and best commercial streets, where you can buy the world's services, food and wine.

At the same time, there are the world's largest haunted houses, the world's largest casino, and the world's largest convivial place.

As long as you can think of entertainment, there are all kinds of entertainment here, which can meet all your needs.

What do you think? Isn't it nice? "

Seeing such a place full of flowers and laughter everywhere made the dragon a little uncomfortable.

"It's good here, but... There are many countries in this world where people don't even have enough to eat, not even a single piece of clothing to cover their bodies, but here... Luxury!

The gold dust floating in the sky here, as long as you give a part of it to those people, it will be enough for them to eat for a week, enough for them to buy a piece of clothing that can cover their bodies..."

Chernos interrupted: "Hey, hey, please, don't tell me about these sufferings, I know better than you, but those people are under the jurisdiction of the world government, the world government ignores them, and I can't help them."

Golden City has only just started to open, but you can also see that this city has great potential, and once the city shows its strong ability to absorb gold, I can continue to harvest money.

When I have money, I can build infrastructure, I can help the islands under my rule solve all kinds of problems, I can make the things produced by the islands circulate, and I can make the people under my rule live a happy life.

As for the other islands, I can't take care of them for the time being!

I am also telling you this to let you know that in addition to liberating those countries, you need to do a lot, not after liberating them, let them out of the world government, they will live a convincing life.

You also have to think about a lot of things, how to protect them, how to keep them fed, how to get them clothed. "

The islands of this world are strange, many of them are not suitable for farming, nor for producing food, and if you want to eat, you have to transport it from where there is food.

In this era of pirates, if you want to transport food that is about the same value as gold, you need a large number of armed groups to guard it.

With food, armed groups are not enough, it is also necessary to rationally allocate resources to circulate goods everywhere, but at the same time make prices acceptable to the people, which is a very difficult thing.

If you want to do such a thing, you must have a large enough territory, only the occupied territory is large enough to meet the needs of most of the islands, can we allocate resources reasonably, and can we let the people live a stable and happy life.

This is also one of the difficult problems that dragons need to face now.

The reason why revolutionaries need to risk their lives to liberate those countries is actually because after many countries have separated from the world government, they not only have not been able to live happily ever after, but have lived worse than before, and their most basic food and clothing have problems.

For example, if the island is rich in grain, but there is no meat on the island, they need to go to other islands rich in meat to trade, and the island rich in meat is short of salt, they need islands rich in salt, and the islands rich in salt lack vegetables, and they need to trade with islands rich in vegetables....

It can be said that people on each island have different needs, and if one is missing, the entire supply chain may be disconnected.

This is also the main reason why many countries and many islands would rather be exploited by the world government, and would rather endure the heavenly gold that is almost unbearable than leave the world government.

Because once they are separated from the world government, the supply they need will be disconnected, and their life will change from being unable to live to not being able to live.

The dragon's revolutionary army was the same at the beginning, so knowing that the dragon was there to help them, they also rejected the dragon, and at that time the world government did not want to pay attention to this impossible revolutionary army.

It was not until the dragons liberated enough countries that the countries where the revolutionary army was located could barely communicate with each other and survive without the world government, that more and more countries began to be willing to break away from the world government and be willing to join the dragon's revolutionary army.

And it was at that time that the dragon became the number one target of the world government, characterizing it as the most vicious criminal.

Now the dragon's revolutionary army is fighting the world government every day, and the battle requires money, and it takes a lot of money, which is also what Chernos intends to remind the dragon that you have to find a way to get money from formal channels, and it is the kind that can make a lot of money.

After hearing Chernos' words, the dragon was silent for a long time.

Many sources of wealth for the revolutionary army are actually earned by fighting pirates and liberating the original government, which can be said to be a windfall wealth, such a windfall seems to be a lot, but it always runs out one day.

He also understood that it was Chernos waking him up so that he could hold out under the onslaught of the world government.

"Well, I benefited a lot from Your Excellency's words, but this is not the purpose of my coming this time, the purpose of my coming this time is to ask you, do you really plan to auction off the Hades blueprint?"

If other forces obtain the Hades blueprint, it is okay, but if the world government obtains the Hades blueprint, it will be a fatal blow to our revolutionary army.

Not only for us, but actually for the pirates of the New World, it will also be a huge blow to Your Excellency, I don't understand why Your Excellency made such a decision!

Chernos smiled bitterly, "Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"

The dragon looked at Chernos in disbelief.

"It was really an accident, when I asked my men to go down to Alabastan to pretend to grab the historical text, they really snatched the historical text.

This thing is so eye-catching that if I only hold it in my hand, then I don't want to develop at ease in the future, and I will definitely be targeted by the world government.

That's why I came up with a way!

The dragon couldn't help but cover his head, "Aren't you trying to solve one trouble and cause even bigger trouble?" "

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