Everyone present looked at Chernos with puzzled eyes, not knowing what Chernos was talking about with a mobile phone.

Without waiting for everyone to wonder, Chernos began to solve everyone's confusion.

"The mobile phone, you can think of it as the same as the phone bug, is a tool for communication, but it has many more advantages than the phone bug.

As we all know, the phone bug is a creature, although it can transmit signals from a long distance and let people talk, but it is a creature after all.

It needs to eat, it gets sick, it's fragile, it can't work in harsh, and it needs to be cultivated for a long time.

The mobile phone is different, it is not a living thing, it does not need to be fed, it does not need training, it can be used when it is picked up, even if you are in a room full of toxic gas, even if you are in an extreme environment of minus 20 degrees, it can still be used.

And its spread range is not smaller than the phone worm, at present, as long as you are in the new world and the great voyage, all can make calls, as for the four seas, we have not installed our signal site there, so there is currently no way to make calls to the four seas in the new world.

But trust us, it won't be long before we will be able to install our signal site all over the world, and by then, you will be able to talk to your hometown in the West Sea in New World through a mobile phone!

Everyone looked at Chernos in surprise, but they didn't expect that Chernos would actually take out something called a mobile phone to replace the phone worm?

However, after hearing what Chernos said, the reaction of the crowd was very average, because they were used to using phone worms, they were not interested in using new communication equipment, and more importantly, they did not know whether this kind of thing was safe.

You must know that the people who can come to this auction are all very influential big people in the New World and the Great Voyage, and once their secrets are eavesdropped, then it is very likely that they will lose a lot.

Chernos also knew that it was very difficult to get people to accept something new, unless it was more convenient and less expensive.

Chernos took out a mobile phone and connected the content on the phone screen to a large screen, so that everyone could see his real-time operation.

I saw that he clicked on a button called Address Book, and hundreds of names appeared on it, and Chernos slid the interface and clicked on the name of Tezzolo on it.

A cheerful ringtone sounded, and soon the phone was connected.

There was a burst of music and Brooke's excited shouts on the other end of the phone, and cheers from the audience.

"Tezzolo, is the concert almost over now?"

"Hahaha, not yet Chernos, now I'm preparing to sing a duet with Brooke, it should be late to finish!"

"Don't play too much, I need you to go to the eight-star hotel to receive guests later!"

"Don't worry, I'll be over in a moment!"


After hanging up the phone, Chernos continued to dial the phone and contact others, such as Perona on the Devil's Jib, Ani Road on the racing track, Han Cook who was shopping, and so on.

As Cheros kept dialing and hanging up, the eyes of everyone present began to widen.

Telephone worms need to be cultivated together, and when they are cultured and grown, the two phone worms will connect to bioelectric waves before they can talk.

Usually a phone bug can only contact one person!

Whether it is the people of the underground forces, the Four Emperors or the navy, there are many people they need to contact, especially those leaders of the underground forces who have a large territory and often need to communicate with their subordinates.

Almost each of them has dozens or even hundreds of phone worms, and in order to distinguish these phone bugs, they even need to hire one or more people to take care of these phone worms.

Every time they need to make a call, they need to list the person they want to contact beforehand, and let those who manage the phone bug take out the phone bug that is going to contact that person.

However, except for the phone worm of the particularly important person, generally no one will carry a lot of phone worms, which also causes them to call each time, it takes a long time, or needs to agree on a time in advance.

Communication is cumbersome and cumbersome.

But just now Chernos only has a mobile phone, but it can contact more than a dozen people, quickly explain affairs to them, give orders and communicate with people, which is very convenient and fast, and the most important thing is that the number stored on it is actually hundreds of them.

Does this mean that these hundred Cherokes can contact them at any time?

After making the call, Chernos threw his phone to the ground, took a gun out of his pocket, and fired at the phone until he had fired all the bullets on the gun.

Then Chernos picked it up from the ground and showed it to everyone, and after the mobile phone was shot several times, there were only a few shallow marks on it.

After Chernos made the call again, the phone was unaffected, it was able to continue calling, and the sound was very clear and did not wear or wear.

At this time, Chernos held the mobile phone to everyone, and after clicking on it, a burst of light flashed, and a clear photo appeared on the big screen, and the photo was exactly what everyone looked like just now.

Finally, Chernos clicked a button on his phone called Video.

"Harrow, everyone, I am Chernos, this is the auction site, and now I am introducing the functions of mobile phones to everyone so that everyone can better understand mobile phones!"

After that, he clicked on the recorded video to play, and everyone looked at the big frequency screen in surprise, but he didn't expect that this small machine actually had so many functions, isn't this equivalent to fusing the communication phone worm, the photo phone bug and the image phone bug together?

"Mobile phones are not actually auction items, just goods for sale, the price of each mobile phone is 500,000 Bailey, of course, there are mobile phones with more general functions, only call function, the price is 100,000 Bailey."

If you want to buy, after the auction is over, you can tell the staff present, and the staff will explain the various functions and usage methods for you in detail! After

seeing that some people were already a little eager to try their mobile phones, Chernos laughed, and when mobile phones became popular, it was estimated that they would not be able to do without mobile phones.

At that time, he can use Varys to monitor all mobile phone users, so that he can know the intelligence information of all users.

After a while of noise, the venue finally quieted down again, and Chernos began to introduce his third auction item.

"The third auction item is a devil fruit, but this devil fruit is somewhat special, it is called a rubber fruit, and the starting price is one billion!"

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