Pushing towards the city gate, Magellan had a little headache discussing something with the Sengoku.

"Sengoku-sama, I don't know what to do with Chernos, and I'm holding him in a cell, I'm afraid that with his strength, I will escape from prison!"

"Don't worry, when the golden lion escaped from prison, he also had to cut off his two legs, Chernos is also a fruit ability, and there is no difference between him and the golden lion!"

Magellan sighed and said to the Warring States: "I will try my best to take care of Chernos, and I will inform you of anything as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, on call!"

The Warring States are very trusting of Magellan's poisonous fruit ability, in a confined space such as the Advance City, the power of the poisonous fruit can be amplified many times, even if the four emperors come, it will be very tricky to face Magellan.

And at this time, Karp was staying at the headquarters of the Navy, and as soon as something happened, it only took three hours to reach the propulsion city through the circulating currents inside the Navy.

After instructing Magellan, the Warring States left with confidence.

This time, he intends to take the opportunity of the execution of Chernos to eliminate the main members of the Varis Pirates, so far, the people of the Varis Pirates have not made any moves, and the only thing that is considered to be action is that the ship doctor of the Varis Pirates Group, Liu Ji, is wreaking havoc on the naval base.

Now that Borusalino has gone over to support, with the strength of Liu Ji, it is estimated that Borusalino will not be able to help Liu Ji, but the Warring States do not need Polusalino to help Liu Ji, just need to drag Liu Ji and not destroy everywhere.

Sengoku has been thinking about how to kill and injure the members of the Varis Pirates as much as possible, preferably to be able to completely annihilate them.

It's just that the difficulty is very great, and you have to see if you can join forces with the other four emperors!

After watching the Warring States leave, Magellan sighed and said to the jailer on the side: "Escort Chernos to the sixth floor, lock it up alone, and don't open this torture device!"

Chernos glanced at Magellan and said with a smile: "Don't be so jealous of me, I have dozens of Hailou stone handcuffs and leg cuffs on my body, and I still have this Hailou stone coffin on my body, what else can I do?"

Magellan said solemnly: "No matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious!" Subsequently

, several jailers sent Chernos to the sixth floor of the Advance City.

In the sixth layer of Advance City, there are some bigwig-level pirates imprisoned, including Barrett, the left hand of One Piece, Valdo, the world saboteur, the most dangerous female criminal, Katerina, and so on.

The strength of these people is stronger than one, and one is more dangerous than another, and when the jailer just pushed Chernos into the sixth layer, countless dangerous eyes were placed on Chernos.

Looking at the young appearance of Chernos, Waldo said unpleasantly: "When will even such a little devil be able to be locked up in a prison with us?" It seems that the pirates outside are not as good as the generation!

"Hehe, it's a good-looking little brother, jailer, hurry up and put people in my prison, I want to enjoy the taste of a beautiful man!"

Katerina licked her lips, her eyes filled with longing.

Barrett, who was exercising, looked at Chernos, and his eyes suddenly burst into a hot light.

"This guy looks good!"

Although Barrett's words were not loud, as the strongest in the sixth layer, his words also made everyone look at Chernos again.

Waldo looked at it for a while, frowned and said: "The whole body is detained by the sea lou stone, this guy's origin seems to be not small, even we don't have this treatment!"

The jailer said proudly, "It's not small! The

prison guards escorting Chernos down knocked on the prison door to silence the others.

"Chernos is recognized by everyone as the world's strongest outside, even Whitebeard was killed by him, if you don't want to die, don't provoke him, understand?"

The jailer's words also made everyone's hearts sink.

Others may not know, but Whitebeard knows too well.

That guy is simply a monster of monsters, and the people in prison, except for Barrett and Whitebeard who have the power to fight, even Waldo almost means to deal with Whitebeard.

And this little white face in front of him, who doesn't seem to have good strength, can actually kill Whitebeard, it seems that this guy's strength is really terrifying!

They also heard the meaning of the jailer, the navy can now capture even such the strongest in the world, let alone deal with them.

After seeing that everyone had quieted down, the jailer nodded in satisfaction, it was very dangerous to transport prisoners to the sixth floor, because the people here were too strong, and one could be killed if he was not careful.

That's why the jailer will reveal a little Chernos information to them, so that these prisoners can calm down and focus on Chernos, so that these prisoners will not hurt them!

After putting Chernos in prison, several jailers locked the prison door and fled quickly.

The prison where Chernos was locked up also happened to be by Barrett's side, Barrett put down his training, dragged the heavy sea tower stone chain, walked to the prison railing, and asked Chernos: "Hey, did you really kill Whitebeard?" "


Chernos replied nonchalantly, and then focused his attention on the prisoner of Hailou Stone, pushing the prison door with both hands forcefully.

Looking at Chernos' actions, Barrett couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha, you guy won't want to push away this sea lou stone prisoner with strength, right? Tell you, it's useless, after the fruit ability is imprisoned by the sea lou stone, the power in the body will also be weakened, and it will not be able to exert its full strength at all.

When the golden lion wanted to escape, he had to cut off his legs to leave!

When the others heard Barrett's words, they also noticed Chernos' movements, but they also laughed at Chernos mercilessly.

"Boy, don't waste your effort, who are you? If we could open the prisoner of the sea lou stone, we would have opened the prison break long ago!

"It looks like another brainless guy!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, let him try, the most interesting drama here, isn't it watching a confident person fall into despair?"

In the face of everyone's ridicule, Chernos completely ignored it, but bombarded the door of the Hailou stone prisoner with his fist after punch between square inches.

At this time, an extremely subtle cracking sound sounded, which also made Chernos' eyes light up, and he erupted in his fist with all his strength.

Boom -

Chernos, in the stunned eyes of everyone, opened the door of the prisoner and turned his head to look at everyone.

"Don't compare me to you trash!"

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