By this time, Waldo had closed his eyes and was ready to die, because he thought that even his closest companion would betray him and let him be designed by the people of the world government, which led to his imprisonment, not to mention the Chernos, who had just met.

And both of them looked at his appearance a little along the way, so this time he will die at the hands of the Warring States!

"Waldo, as my subordinate, don't give up hope at any time, understand? You have to believe that as the boss, I will definitely come to rescue you!

After hearing Chernos' words, Waldo opened his eyes in disbelief and looked at Chernos who was standing in front of him.

At this time, the huge palm issued by the Warring States was in front of him, but Chernos still turned his head and smiled at Waldo, as if Chernos was not facing an attack that was enough to kill Waldo, but facing a wisp of breeze, so relaxed and comfortable.

Waldo couldn't help but shout at the Chernos: "Be careful!! "

It's just that when Waldo shouted, it was too late, and the giant palm of the Warring States slammed into Chernos's body firmly, and after the giant palm hit Chernos, it emitted a dazzling light, so that Waldo could not see anything.

Although Waldo felt in his heart that with the strength of Chernos, he should not die in the face of such an attack, he still couldn't help but worry a little about whether something would happen to Chernos.

After a while, the light disappeared, and Waldo regained his vision and saw clearly the condition of the Chernos, and the condition of the Chernos was... Nothing in the condition?

He looked at Chernos with some disbelief, although he knew that Chernos' strength was very strong, and he was the strongest in the world in the mouth of the jailer, but even if Chernos was strong, in the attack that was enough to kill him just now, he should not be unscathed, right?

How to look at the appearance of Chernos, as if his attack just now was really breezy, there was no effect at all?

Looking at Waldo's shocked appearance, Chernos also knew what Waldo was thinking, so he said to Waldo: "I am a rebound fruit ability, I can absorb all attacks into my own energy, and then bounce out, this small attack of the Warring States has no effect on me!" "

Small attack?

Hey, hey, this is an attack that kills me!

I thought my fruit ability was perverted enough, but I didn't expect that there is also a fruit ability like yours that can absorb all attacks, it's too perverted, right?

Isn't that invincible?

Waldo complained frantically in his heart, but he did not dare to say these words to Chernos, he could only look sluggish, and said dryly to Chernos: "No... It's okay! After

Sengoku watched Chernos make a move, his first reaction was not to attack Chernos, but to directly turn his head and rush towards Karp, intending to help Karp defeat Barrett first.

As long as Barrett is defeated, then he and Karp can join forces against Chernos and try to delay for a while.

Sengoku rushed towards Karp as fast as he could, but before he could rush to Karp's side, he saw that Chernos had appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"Barrett finally has a good fighting partner, you let them have a good fight!"

Looking at the Chernos who appeared in front of him, Sengoku's face became ugly.

Before the battle between Im and Chernos, he did not see, although according to guesses, the strength of Chernos was much stronger than before, but when he faced Chernos head-on, he still felt a strong sense of oppression, which he only felt in Lord Im.

Fortunately, looking at Chernos's appearance, he did not mean to strike, but stood in front of him and watched the battle between Barrett and Karp.

This also made Sengoku breathe a sigh of relief, his own purpose was to delay the Chernos, and now it was better if the Chernos did not shoot, they could delay longer.


Im got on the ship of the World Government and galloped towards the advancing city, along with the five old stars, they also set off with Im.

The five old stars were looking at Im's face all the way, although they couldn't see anything through the mask, but they could feel that Im's mood was extremely bad now.

The ship traveled for a while before Im turned to the five old stars and asked, "Have you found the reason why Chernos fled?" "

My lord, I didn't find that it stands to reason that Chernos' body was tied with more than a dozen handcuffs and a dozen leg cuffs, these handcuffs were made of sea lou stone, even if they were opened with a key, it would take a while, not to mention that Chernos did not have a key, and outside these handcuffs, it was also sealed with a sea floor stone prisoner that sealed the whole person of Chernos.

It's incredible that there is no one in the Advance City who can help Chernos open the prisoner, but we speculate... It is very likely that Chernos opened the sea tower stone prisoner himself.

Yim beckoned and asked people to bring a handcuff of Hailou Stone, he grabbed it in his hand, and his hands forcefully tried to pull off the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, but he couldn't pull it off with the first stroke.

Yim once again used all his strength to tear the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, and only barely tore off the handcuffs of Hailou Stone.

"With a dozen handcuffs and leg cuffs, there are still Hailou stone prisoners outside? Oh, it's kind of interesting, it seems that Chernos hid his strength before and did not use all his strength to fight me.

Hope the Chernos doesn't disappoint me again this time! The

five old stars with the knife sneered and said: "Sir, Chernos is also his last chance this time, if Chernos disappoints you this time, just kill it!" Yimu

looked at the five old stars with knife holding scarlet eyes, and the cold eyes also made the five old stars with the knife tremble in their hearts, without the arrogant appearance before, they lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly into Yimu's eyes.

"I make any decision, do anything, I don't need you to talk much!"

The five old stars with the knife trembled in their hearts and knelt on the ground.

"Subordinates don't dare!"

Recently, the performance of the five old stars has always disappointed Yim very much, and even his attitude towards the five old stars has begun to become bad.

If it weren't for the fact that Chernos had no one to deal with except him, he really wanted to let these old guys deal with Chernos on their own.

"However, it's also time, I will take the fruit ability of Chernos, and you should have no problem dealing with the remnants of Dragon and Chernos after that."

The five old stars quickly replied, "No!" "

If they can't even deal with the remnants of the Dragon and Chernos, then they really don't have the face to serve as the Five Old Stars anymore.

However, when several people heard that Im would take away the fruit ability of Chernos, a trace of excitement flashed in their eyes, if Lord Im can obtain the ability of Chernos again, then Lord Im is truly invincible, even if Joey Boi appears in the future, he will not be able to deal with Lord Im.

They can rule the world for much longer!

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