The five old stars followed Chernos, leading the way for Chernos while introducing them to Chernos.

"Lord Chernos, this is an escalator, we only need to step on here, we can automatically ascend without climbing the stairs..." Before

the five old stars could speak, Chernos raised his hand to stop them.

"I was also a slave who pushed the automatic stairs back then, and I know nothing more about this place, let everyone inside!"

One of the five old stars said with a smile: "Rest assured, my lord, of course we know this, it is not the slaves who are pushing the machine now, but... Draco.

If you don't believe me, you can wait until you climb the tall building and visit the Draco inside!

Chernos turned his head and looked at the five old stars in surprise, but he didn't expect the five old stars to be so ruthless, knowing that he was going to take the throne, he directly pulled Draco over and pushed the automatic stairs to please him.

These old guys don't have much ability to do practical things, but the skill points of serving people are full.

Know how to make the people they serve the most comfortable!

"Hahaha, Brother Fisher, Tezzolo, come and experience the automatic stairs we pushed back then, but now Draco is pushing it to us!"

Han Cook, come here too! When

Fisher and Tezzolo heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, today they came to take revenge on the Draco, if it was an automatic staircase pushed by a slave, they would not sit to death, but if it was pushed by the Draco, they naturally had to enjoy it.

As for Hancock, although she did not push the automatic stairs at the beginning, she was also a slave of the Draco, and her hatred for the Draco was no weaker than that of the three.

Several people walked up the automatic stairs, and were carried up by the stairs, all the way to the gate of the city of Mary Joa, the holy place at the top.

After reaching the door, Chernos did not enter the gate, but pointed to a hidden passage in the distance.

The five old stars naturally also knew the meaning of Chernos, and let people open the passage entrance of the automatic stairs and release the people inside.

After the passage opened, a group of people suddenly rushed out from inside, gasped for a while, and cursed at them after seeing the five old stars.

"Five Old Star, you are crazy, you actually dare to treat us like this, I will let Lord Im kill you!!"

"Five old stars, you are dead!!"

"Bah, you are just our Draco dogs, you dare to do this to us!"


These people are all fat and fat, with fine skin and tender flesh, and all of them have a high-spirited demeanor.

He walked up to the group of Draco and said to them, "Everyone, if you are willing to give me your keys, I will let the five old stars let you go!" "

The key is actually synonymous with heavenly gold, which is also the name that is often used as a bet among Draco, and this is also used by Chernos to test these Draco.

"I'll give you two, you killed the five old stars!"

"I'll give you five, I'm going to ride them out into the street!"

"I have the keys, tie them up, I'm going to use them to play shooting games!"


Looking at the reaction of the Draco, Chernos could be sure that these people were Draco, not ordinary nobles or other wealthy merchants outside.

Otherwise their reaction would not be so natural!

"Okay, I'll tease you, just keep your keys!"

Chernos nodded to the five old stars in satisfaction, walked into the Holy Land of Mary Joya, and motioned for the five old stars to bring these people into the palace as well.

The Holy Land of Marie Joa is a huge castle, inside which there is a huge castle, and this castle is Im's palace.

After entering the palace, Chernos saw that the palace was crowded with Draco, and there were three or four thousand of them.

It is still a very rare thing for so many Draco to appear together, and many familiar faces have been seen in Chernos.

Of course, this also includes the person he knows best, Charros!

He walked up to Charros and greeted Charros with a smile.

"Long time no see, Charros, but I think about you every day!"

At this time, Charros no longer had the arrogance of the original, the bubbles on his head disappeared, and the clothes on his body were also very dirty, and it could be seen that he was forcibly dragged over by the five old stars.

Charros looked at Chernos with some doubt, looking like he didn't know Chernos at all.

Chernos reminded: "When you had a toy, you gave me a name, you can't die!" Although

several years had passed, Charros remembered it after being reminded by Chernos.

"You can't die, you're still alive, quick, kill the five old stars for me, as long as you kill them, I reward you with food at night!"

Whether it was the five old stars or the people of the world government, they all looked at Charros with pity.

This guy had no idea of the current situation, nor did he know that the person standing in front of him was now the head of the four emperors of the New World, let alone that this person had killed the invincible Im.

Of course, he would not know that Chernos came back this time to seek revenge on them.

Order the strongest people in this world to kill and reward them with food at night?

It is estimated that no one else can do this kind of stupid thing except Draco.

After hearing Charross's words, Chernos also smiled, but he didn't say anything, but turned and walked towards the highest throne, sat on the highest throne, and then said to Charross: "What did you just say, I didn't hear clearly, or will you say it again?" "

Watching Chernos sitting on the highest throne, and then looking at the indifferent five old stars, even if Charros is stupid, he knows that something is wrong.

The throne belongs to Lord Im's position, and as Lord Im's loyal dog, the five old stars will not allow someone to do such a disrespectful thing.

His body trembled, and he lowered his head silently, not daring to say anything more.

The five old stars took the crown that Im had been carrying before and walked in front of Chernos.

"Lord Chernos, please wear the crown and become the new master of the Holy Land of Mary Joa!"

Chernos did not put on the crown, but took it and slowly squeezed it into a ball.

"I don't need this kind of thing!"

He leaned on the throne and said to the five old stars: "As long as the world knows that I am the king of this world!"

The five old stars bowed to Chernos in unison, "Follow your will!" When

the five old stars bowed, one of the five old stars secretly pressed a remote control button in his arms.


Countless sea tower stone handcuffs and iron chains appeared on the throne, instantly tying Chernos to the chair.


~ A figure came out of the darkness and looked at Chernos with scarlet eyes.

"You lose!"

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