Not long after, Choiba took Chernos outside a castle on the hill.

"This is the residence of Doctor Doryl, although I brought you here, but I dare not guarantee that Doctor Doryl will cure your disease!"

Chernos rubbed Joba's head again, and Choba's hair was very soft and fluffy, and it was very comfortable to touch.

"Thank you Choba, whether Kureha wants to treat me or not, your kindness has helped me, thank you!"

Looking at Chernos' heartfelt thanks, this feeling of helping people also made Joba very happy.

"Haha, that, in fact, I didn't do anything, you're welcome, that, I'll help you ask Doctor Dorier first, you wait here for a while first!"

After that, Qioba jumped towards the castle with joy.

After entering the castle, Qioba shouted happily: "Doril Doctor, Doril Doctor, where are you?" There's someone out there who wants to treat you! At

this time, an old woman wearing a crop top, tight pants, a pair of sunglasses under her white hair, and a jug of wine in her hand walked behind Qioba and struck Qioba in the head.

"Stupid son, how dare you bring anyone to your home, aren't you afraid of death?"

Qioba covered his head aggrievedly, looking overwhelmed, and his eyes were full of tears.

"Doctor Doryl, that person should not be a bad person, he is very good to me, he didn't treat me as a monster at all, that's why I just... I just brought him here!

"You, don't be deceived by the appearance of people, many bad people often appear as good people at first, understand?"

Qioba lowered his head with some grievances and whispered: "I know!"

Looking at Qioba's aggrieved appearance, Kuleiha couldn't help but soften a little, rubbed Qioba's head and said: "Just pay attention next time, you go and bring people in."

Say it in advance, if you bring a good person, I will treat him, if not a good person, I will not hesitate to drive him out!

Qioba looked up at Kureha in surprise, and said happily: "Don't worry, Doctor Doryl, Chernos is definitely not a bad person, I will go and call him in!"

After Qioba finished speaking, as if worried that Kuleiha would regret it, he rushed out with a puff of smoke, leaving only the stunned Kuleiha.

"Chernos? Chernos, the head of the Four Emperors? Is it a coincidence?

Kureha picked up the wine bottle in his hand and poured it directly into his mouth, not knowing what he was thinking!

Not long after, Chernos followed Joba into the castle and saw Kureha drinking.

"Hehe, just now I was guessing that it won't really be the head of the four emperors, Chernos is coming, I didn't expect it to really be you, and as the strongest in the world, you are still sick, interesting!"

Chernos shrugged his shoulders and said flatly: "It's normal that people get sick, but my illness is very tricky, I hope Dr. Kureha can help me treat it, otherwise, it is very likely that something bad will happen!"

"Oh, very bad thing? Are you threatening me? Kureha

looked at Chernos with contempt, not taking Chernos, the world's strongest, in his eyes at all.

Chernos smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How can I threaten a doctor who can save my life, I suffer from schizophrenia, but these split personalities are not naturally formed, but formed after being attacked by a weapon."

I don't like to kill, but I have a personality that likes to kill.

If this personality controlled my body, I don't know what would happen and how many people would die!

Kureha's brows furrowed, walked to Chernos to check, and after examining for a while, her brows stretched again, and she shook her head at Chernos: "You are not a disease, but a test given to you by the king of heaven, Ouranos, you can only face it yourself, others can't help you."

Chernos looked at Kuleiha with some surprise, but he didn't expect that Kureha actually knew about the Heavenly King Unolas, and also knew that his split personality was caused by Ouranos.

It's just that Kureha's words also made Chernos frown.

"The test of Ouranos? Can only face it yourself? What does that mean? How do I face it? For

Kureha's words, Chernos was also completely confused, if he could face it himself, then why would he come to Kuleiha.

While drinking wine, Kureha said to Chernos: "Ouranos is not actually a weapon, it should be regarded as God's help to people."

Do you know that the Devil Fruit is divided into three stages?

Gain, awaken, fit!

Almost no one can enter the third stage of merging on their own, so there is the ancient weapon of Ouranos.

If you want to enter the merging stage, you must defeat several personalities in your body and integrate them into your body.

When you defeat all personalities, you enter the realm of fitness!

Of course, how to defeat them requires you to figure it out yourself, which no one knows except those who were tested by Ouranos.

Chernos was shocked, did not expect that Ouranos is actually the key to entering the realm of fit, no wonder no one in this world has entered the third stage, only Im entered alone, it turned out to be because the key to enter the third stage was firmly grasped by Im.

It is simply impossible for others to enter the third stage on their own.

It is no wonder that Im has been invincible for eight hundred years.

But now how to defeat several other personalities is very critical.

Even Kureha doesn't know this, and it is estimated that only Im knows in the world, and it is impossible for him to ask Im how to defeat other personalities now, right?

It seems that you can only grope for yourself!

"I don't know what drugs you have here that can inhibit other personalities, I need time to fumble, and during the period of groping, I don't want these personalities to come out and make trouble!"

"I do have a depressing potion, but if you suppress other personalities, it is estimated that it will be more difficult for you to find a way to deal with them."

I will give you medicine, whether you want to use it or not, it's up to you!

Kureha walked into the pharmacy and rummaged through the cabinets for a long time before taking out a bottle of potion and throwing it to Chernos.

Looking at the potion in his hand, Chernos was also a little hesitant, and after thinking for a while, he still decided to put these potions into his pocket first, and when he was about to be unable to suppress them, he would take the medicine to suppress other personalities.

Then, he pondered in place how to deal with these vice-personalities, but he thought for a long time and did not think of a way.

Kureha looked at Chernos' distressed look and said with a smile: "Listen to your heart!" "

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