But by this time, even if he wanted to explain, he couldn't explain it clearly.

Aunt Kaido has long determined that they have a leg with the Varice Pirates, and the only thing they can do now is to fight Aunt Kaido back first, and then explain to them clearly that they have all fallen for the plans of the Varis Pirates!

But no matter what the result of this time is, the Varis Pirate Group has definitely made a profit, and after their battle this time, they will definitely end up with a lose-lose result, and then no one will be able to curb the pace of the Varese Pirate Group's unified new world.

"Whether you believe it or not, I still want to tell you that we really haven't signed any secret agreements with the Varice Pirates, let alone help them deal with you.

Even just now, I was telling Beckman that once the Varice Pirates are going to go to war with you, we will help you!

But I think if I say this now, you won't believe it, so you have to fight! Although

Shanks failed to convince Kaido, his conversation with Kaido still succeeded in helping their red-haired pirate group to buy time, so that the pirates in their base camp had all been assembled, so as not to rush to face the battle like just now.

It's just that after Kaido saw that the people of the red-haired pirate group were all gathered together, he laughed instead, and he was not annoyed by the delay at all.

"Fire !!"

Kaido's main bow position suddenly opened, and a giant gun barrel stretched out, and the moment the barrel stretched out, the mouth of the barrel gathered a large number of dazzling rays, and there was almost no time to stagnate, and it blasted towards the base camp of the red-haired pirate group.

The energy of this terrifying light was almost ten times the energy of Kaido and Aunt who had just cast a joint technique to dominate the sea, and the speed was also ten times that of the sea of hegemony, and almost the moment Shanks just saw this dazzling light, the light had already shot out.

It is almost foreseeable that as soon as this light hits the island of the stronghold of the red-haired pirates, the island will cease to exist.

At this moment, a strong man with a shining silver light and a crystal clear body rushed in front of everyone, crossed his hands in front of his head, and went towards the light.

Buzz -

the light exploded on the strong man's body, and also directly blasted the strong man into the air.

Although the strong man dissipated, the strong man also successfully blocked the attack of this light, reducing its power to only one tenth or two.

The people of the red-haired pirate group did not have time to grieve, and they had to solve this and the power of the sea first.

At this time, a man holding a long sword rose up into the sky, piercing the long sword in his hand straight into the light, and when he swung the long sword, it was accompanied by bright petals falling.

The longsword man stabbed a sword into the light, stabbing the light to pieces, turning into a rain of light and scattering, and he was also blown out by this light that still had terrifying power.

The longsword man was caught by the people on the ground, but the skin of his arm wielding the longsword was all exploded, the bones on his body were all broken, and the bones on his arm were completely shattered, it is estimated that there is no chance to wield the longsword again in this life.

"Joz, Bista !!"

Shanks was disgusted and let out a roar.

It's just that Diamond Joz has been absorbed, and Foil Bista has also fallen to the ground with serious injuries, and he doesn't know if he is alive or dead!

The situation suddenly turned extremely unfavorable on Shanks' side, and as soon as the war began, their combatants Mihawk, Joz, and Bista were killed, seriously wounded and seriously wounded.

Because of Aunt Kaido's sudden attack, their other important combat power Marko is not in the base camp at this time, that is, the high-end combat power of the red-haired pirate group has been reduced to only Shanks and Beckman.

On the other hand, on Aunt Kaido's side, the combat power on their side is almost undamaged, and there is still a peak state.

The comparison of the combat effectiveness of the two sides is simply one in the sky, and it is almost foreseeable that after this battle, the red-haired pirate group will cease to exist.

"You have successfully aroused my anger, even if I die in battle, I will pull most of you to be buried with Joz!"

Shanks took the sword in his hand and rushed towards Aunt Kaido's pirate group, at this time he no longer had the idea of wanting to balance, he now had only one idea, kill all the pirates on Aunt Kaido's side and avenge Joz and Bista!

His goal was also clear, and he rushed directly towards Aunt Kaido's pirate ship, intending to deal with those relatively weak pirate cadres first, and then deal with Kaido and Aunt after eliminating these cadres.

Only by doing so will he have a slight chance of victory!

Seeing Shanks rushing towards the pirate ship, Kaido did not stop it, but laughed and rushed towards the base camp of the red-haired pirate group.

His plan is exactly the same as Shanks, planning to eliminate the cadres of the red-haired pirate group first, and then deal with Shanks.

As for the life or death of the people under him, Kaido didn't care at all.

These people will die when they die, as long as he can win this victory, then he can have as many as these pirates want in the future.

Shanks, on the other hand, is different, he takes the elite route, almost every member of the pirate group is carefully selected by him, no matter which member is sacrificed, it is a painful blow for him.

After seeing that Kaido did not come to stop him, but rushed towards the base camp, in desperation, Shanks could only give up his previous idea and turn over to pursue Kaido.

As for Beckman's side, he has been blocked in front of his aunt, and steel balloons like Aunt happen to be the nemesis of a shooting combatant like him, and his attack is not a defense for Auntie at all, and if Aunt hits him, he will be half-crippled.

Therefore, in the face of the aunt, he can only adopt guerrilla tactics and delay the aunt as much as possible.

It's just that his combat effectiveness is still weaker than that of his aunt after all, and he can only be pressed and beaten by his aunt all the time.

At this time, the three plagues under Kaido and the children of Aunt also began to take the initiative and launched an attack towards the red-haired pirate group.

The battle between the two sides is almost a one-sided battle, Aunt Kaido's side has the full advantage, once this continues, the red-haired pirate group will only have the consequences of being destroyed.

After seeing this scene, the Varis Pirate Group, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but sigh a little, they didn't expect that Kaido would actually be able to crush the red-haired pirate group, let alone that the red-haired pirate group would be so no, there was no way to kill the people on Kaido's side, and now they can only hope that Shanks can kill a few more cadres on Aunt Kaido's side.

In this way, when they deal with Aunt Kaido's pirate group later, they will be more relaxed!

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