After Kuzan heard Ayamura's words, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Nima, a 'little' chef capable of delivering a catastrophe-like attack?

But thinking about the perversion of the Varis Pirates, he can also understand that a strength like Scarlet Village can't even enter the top five.

With Kuzan's delay, Sengoku, Karp and the other generals also landed on the island, looking solemnly at the Varis Pirates.

After Barrett saw Karp appear, his eyes lit up and he said to everyone: "Karp is mine, I lost to him last time, this time I have improved again, I just want to test it!" "

The previous contact with Chernos gave Barrett a great shock, especially Chernos developed the ability of fruit ability to automatically cultivate the body, so that the body was cultivating all the time.

This greatly stimulated Barrett's idea, after joining the Varis Pirates, Barrett was either fighting or cultivating and developing fruit abilities, and he also wanted to cultivate automatic cultivation functions according to his fruit abilities.

In the end, although Barrett did not succeed in developing the fruit ability of automatic cultivation, he found other ways to increase his strength.

He is a combined fruit, so he developed the ability to fuse some substances into the body to make the body more powerful, such as the titanium alloy developed by Shaq for the robot, he directly fused the titanium alloy into the body, replacing his bones, making his body more powerful.

Although it only changed the strength of the bones, it was a great improvement for a strong person like Barrett, which made his strength go to a higher level, and directly became the strongest one in the Varice Pirates except Chernos.

Others have no problem with Barrett choosing Karp as an opponent, otherwise whoever is on Karp will have a hard time, and Karp's strength is not blown by the Navy.

So far, no one from the Varis Pirates has been a rival to Karp except for Chernos.

Yang Yuji looked at it and said to everyone: "Leave the Warring States to me, you solve the rest, this time we are here to reap the victory, don't pay attention to any rules with the navy, directly deal with a few people and solve them quickly!" "

Others have no opinion, the navy has no stronghold in the new world, as long as the situation is not right, they will quickly withdraw, and now all they have to do is force the navy to withdraw."

So Fisher and Hancock dealt with Sakaski, Anilu against Polushalino, Klockdar and Liuhime against Kuzan, and as for Doflamingo, Waldo, Ayamura and other cadres, they resisted the vice admirals.

As for Tichy, he said that he had dealt with two Four Emperors with Shanks before, which was very expensive and needed to stop and rest for a while.

The Warring States side saw the menacing Varis Pirate Group, and said to Beckman in a deep voice: "Beckman, Quinn, Pelos, are you willing to watch your pirate group being swallowed up by the Varis Pirate Group?"

If you help our navy defeat the Varice Pirates, you will also be able to become the new Four Emperors and become the rulers of the New World!

Beckman, Shanks was killed by the Tichy of the Varice Pirates, now if you don't deal with the Varis Pirates with the help of our navy, will you still have a chance to take revenge in the future? "

Aunt Kaido and the remaining strongest people in the Shanks Pirates were all named by the Warring States, and the words of the Warring States also said that Quinn and Pelos were very moved.

Now with the help of the Navy, it is indeed the easiest time to deal with the Varys Pirates, if they can help the Navy eliminate the Varis Pirates, then the new world in the future is up to them.

Even Beckman's godless eyes were moved by Sengoku, his eyes looked murderously at Tichy, and then gently put Shanks' 'corpse' on the ground, stood up and said to Sengoku: "Our red-haired pirate group is willing to join this battle, and we must avenge Shanks!" Quinn

and Pelos watched as Beckman chose to agree to the Warring States, and they all stood up and said to the Warring States: "We will also help you together!" "

If you join the Varice Pirates, they can only become vassals of the Varice Pirates, become their cannon fodder and tool people, but once they help the navy defeat the Varice Pirates, they are completely likely to become the emperors of the sea of the New World.

One is safe, but can only become a vassal of others, and the other is that he needs to take risks, but if he wins, he can ascend to heaven in one step.

For pirates, they don't even need to think about it, and will definitely choose the second adventure.

Since they all chose the profession of pirates who lick blood with a knife head, then of course they must choose the option that can maximize their benefits.

Barrett looked at the Four Emperors who chose to support the navy and couldn't help but laugh.

"When your captain was still alive, he didn't dare to easily choose to confront us, and now that they are dead, you have the courage to confront us, which is really interesting!"

However, since you have chosen, then be prepared to die! "

After winning the support of the remnants of the three Four Emperors, the Warring States suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Although the remaining remnants of the Four Emperors Regiment lacked high-end combat effectiveness, they were able to contain some members of the Varis Pirate Group, so that they could not defeat their navy with the numerical superiority of high-end combat power.

It had been a long time since she saw Chernos, and Yanagi who was in a bad mood asked Yoyuki: "Since they all chose to stand on the side of the navy, can I kill them all!"

Yang Yuji said with a smile on Liu Ji's face: "Liu Ji, these guys don't need you to make a move, just let others make a move!" "

There are three people in the Varis Pirates Group that cannot be offended, one is Tezzolo who is in charge of money, one is Shaq who is in charge of research and development, and the other is ship doctor Liu Ji.

Even if the other two are offended, there will be no big problem, but there is a consensus in the Varice Pirates, that is, you can't offend Liu Ji, once you offend Liu Ji, even if you are not sick, you will be shown to be sick.

And Liu Ji's fruit ability is too lethal, once she is allowed to attack, then these pirates are also considered wasted, even if they are lucky enough to survive, the rest of their lives basically have to be spent in a hospital bed.

At this time, Tiqi, who was sitting on the side to rest, took the initiative to ask: "Thief hahaha, leave these little minions to me, my fruit ability is the most suitable for Qing soldiers!" "

Everyone also has no opinion, they have no interest in dealing with these pirates with relatively low strength, in their eyes, only Sengoku, Karp and the three major generals and five people can be called their opponents.

After watching the members of the Varis Pirates all look at the Navy, Tichy grinned silently.

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