In a bar in the West Sea, a handsome man is fighting with other people in the bar.

The man stomped on the table and shouted at a pirate who was still barely sitting in a chair.

"Come on, aren't you claiming not to be drunk gods of war? How did you lie down? "

And under the wine table, there are already pirates lying on the ground.

The last pirate opened his mouth to fight back at the man, but with just one mouth, the drink in his stomach suddenly rushed out, becoming a humanoid fountain.

"Hahaha, the amount of alcohol of the West Sea Pirates is only that!"

The man's appearance was extremely arrogant, and he also turned on the map cannon, but none of the pirates around dared to step forward to teach the man a lesson.

Fight, can't fight, drink and drink can't win, can only let the other party arrogant.

At this moment, the watch on the man's wrist rang, looked down at the time, and the man said to the pirates around him: "I'm here today, I'll come again tomorrow at this time, and then you can find more people to challenge me."

Haha, I hope someone will drink me tomorrow!

After that, he muttered a little unpleasantly, "Got it, don't rush, I'll change it right away, this hour flies really fast!"

After the man finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the bar, and soon disappeared into a small alley.

Tokai Windmill Village.

A man suddenly appeared on the island, just in time to see three pirates playing and playing.

A child in a dress and a top hat was shouting with a vigorous face: "We must go to sea, leave this country, and enjoy freedom!"

Another child, holding a steel pipe in his hand and a freckled face, walked up to the hillside and said loudly: "I want to become a pirate, keep winning battles, never say die, and gain the highest reputation, only in this way can I prove my existence!"

A child with a straw hat laughed and said to the two: "Hahahaha, I also want to go to sea to be a pirate, but I want to be a man of One Piece!" The

three looked at each other and all burst out laughing.

Looking at the three children, the man also showed a smile towards the corner of his mouth.

These three are Ace, Saab and Luffy, looking at the vigorous and combative appearance of the three, which also reminds the man of his past life.

"Damn Oda!"

The man did not hide his voice, and the three immediately looked at the man warily.

After being discovered by the three, the man did not hide his figure and walked towards them generously.

"Sorry to disturb you, my name is Chernos!"

Luffy hid behind Ace and whispered to Ace, "Ace, who is this guy?" I haven't seen it in the windmill village before, it's a man, but he looks even more beautiful than Marcino!

Aston had black lines all over his head, "Hey, Luffy, beautiful is used to describe a woman, he's a man, but this guy is really good-looking!"

Saab looked at the two grumbling brothers speechlessly.

"In other words, what's the difference between being pretty and looking good?"

"Hahahaha!" Looking at the funny and cute three, Chernos couldn't help but laugh.

When the three heard Chernos' laughter, they all looked at Chernos.

"Cut... Chernos? Where did you guy come from? How have I never seen you?

As the eldest Ace, standing in front of Luffy and Saab, he questioned Chernos warily.

Chernos smiled and said: "I'm a pirate, haha, Ace, if you want to keep winning, you can challenge me in the future!"

As for Luffy, you want to be One Piece?

Hahaha, it is estimated that you will not be able to become One Piece, and you can consider joining my pirate group in the future.

Saab's wish is simple, just join my pirate group and enjoy freedom! The

three did not expect that their words had been heard by Chernos just now, and Ace and Saab were a little shy, like elementary school students who had committed secondary school illness and were seen by teachers.

However, Luffy was already faceless and skinless at this time, and he didn't know what shyness was, and muttered to Chernos: "How can I not become One Piece, but I want to become a man of One Piece, I will do what I say!"

Looking at Luffy, who was straightforward and cute, Chernos laughed again.

While Chernos was chatting with the three brothers, a man in the grass stared at Chernos in a cold sweat.

The little brother on the side saw that the boss had been shaking, and asked a little strangely: "Boss Dadan, what are you shaking?" Mr. Karp didn't come either!

After that, the little brother also looked around, and indeed did not find Karp's figure.

"Karp didn't come over, but there is a guy who is even more terrifying than Karp!"

The younger brother asked in amazement, "A more terrifying guy than Mr. Karp?" Who is it? Where is it?

Da Dan covered his face, resisting the urge to kill his little brother.

"It's Luffy, the man in front of them!"

"Cut, this guy is just a little white..." Before

the little brother's words were finished, Da Dan directly pressed the little brother's head to the ground, making the little brother eat all over his mouth.

"Wang Baegg, let you usually read more newspapers and learn more about the world, but you don't read anything, that person is now recognized as the strongest in the world, and it is also considered by all pirates to be the most likely existence to become the king of the world.

Although Karp that guy is a bastard, his strength is undoubted, and even Roger was difficult to defeat Karp in the first place.

And Luffy, the man in front of them defeated Karp several times!

This is not the point, the point is, this guy and Karp are mortal rivals, he has been fighting against the world government, and Karp has been blocking him, and now he suddenly appears here, what do you say he will be for? The

more the little brother listened, the more flustered he became, "For what?"

Da Dan said with a gloomy face: "Of course, it is to take revenge on Kapu, come here to kill Karp's grandson, and make Kapu painful!"

"What? So what do we do now? This guy is not even his opponent for Mr. Karp, how are we going to stop him?

There was a hint of firmness in Dadan's eyes, and she gritted her teeth at her little brother: "You go back and contact Karp now, let him come and save his grandson immediately, I'll find a way to drag this guy!" The

little brother suddenly burst into tears, Boss Da Dan couldn't even take a punch from Kapu, where is there any way to stop someone stronger than Karp, the boss must want to use his life to stop it.

"I... I see, boss, you must survive!

Dardan looked generous, took a deep breath, got out of the grass, and rushed towards Chernos.

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