Karp has just found Da Dan and the village, and is trying to ask the two to arrange his supplies for living on the island for a period of time in the future.

But before Karp could speak, he received a call from the five old stars.

Karp said coldly: "What happened? The

five old stars were concerned: "How is your grandson's side?" Chernos didn't hurt him, did he? Hearing

that the five old stars cared about his grandson, Karp's attitude eased a little.

"Chernos is still a face, and it didn't hurt Luffy, otherwise I would have fought with Chernos even if I died!"

"It's okay if it's okay, with the identity and status of Chernos, you won't hurt the child, so you can rest assured!"

By the way, Karp, there is something that still needs to trouble you, the recent world conference was held, and you know the current situation of the navy, we can't send so many people to protect the kings of those countries.

Since Chernos did not hurt your grandson this time, I think it will not hurt your grandson in the future, and there is no need for you to stay in the East China Sea.

Karp said angrily: "This is related to the safety of my grandson's life, what is it that Chernos did not kill him this time and will not kill him in the future?" What if Chernos killed my grandson on a whim? The

five old stars sighed and said: "Karp, now is a special period, you also know the situation of the navy, now all the three major generals have been sacrificed, the world recruitment has just begun, and no new admirals have been elected."

The world conference is going to be held again, and the number of navies is not enough!

If the kingdoms who come to participate in the world government are killed by pirates halfway through, who will dare to come to the world conference in the future?

Now how difficult it is for our world government to be, you know.

The battles of the New World have left our navy unusable, and the continuous erosion of the revolutionary army has made more and more countries choose to leave our world government, and if this continues, it is estimated that it will not be long before the countries under our world government become fewer and fewer.

The result of going on like this will only be one... World war!

Karp was silent for a long time, never speaking.

He knew that what the five old stars said was the truth, and this was what he was most afraid of seeing.

Now there is a world government suppression, there are still wars everywhere in the world, and those islands where there are wars, the people are not living and hungry, they are all good.

Most of the islanders will die in the war, and some will even destroy the island, leaving the islanders completely dispossessed.

Now because of the successive failures of the Navy, it is constantly depleted in front of the Varis Pirates, so that the credibility of the world government has begun to decline.

More and more pirates began to challenge the bottom line of the world government and began to invade the countries under the world government.

In order to escape the huge amount of heavenly gold, more and more countries began to choose to withdraw from the world government and join the revolutionary army.

This made the life of the world government also start to be difficult.

This world conference was used by the world government to pacify these countries and to formulate a strategy for the revolutionary army.

It can be said that this world conference has a bearing on the future direction of the world.

If the navy messes up again this time and the king who came to participate dies, the collapse of the world government will be overnight.

After thinking for a long time, Karp said to the five old stars: "Okay, I will escort those kings, but after this escort, I will return to the East China Sea to raise my grandson for a long time."

"No problem, after this world conference, I will give you a year or more of vacation, as long as nothing major happens, I will let you teach your grandson in the East China Sea all the time."

After hanging up the phone, Karp sighed helplessly.

He said a few words to Da Dan and the village chief, and asked the two to take care of Luffy and the three of them, and when the explanation was over, Karp did not go back to talk to Luffy and them, so he left in a hurry.

On the other side, the village of Coco Yasi.

Chernos wandered around the island, and at this time, the village of Cocosia was still a very peaceful island without Aaron's invasion, and the people of the island lived in peace.

At this time, a man in military uniform with two huge scars on his face appeared on the street, and he was grabbing a little girl with orange hair.

The little girl was holding a book in her hand and looked at the scar man with some grievances.

"Uncle Ah Jian, I just want to borrow this book to read back, not steal it!"

"Little Nami, you don't have to explain it to me, go back and explain it to Bermel!"

"No, Aunt Bermel will be angry!"

However, the little girl's coquettishness was useless, and Ah Jian still grabbed Nami's hand and walked towards her house.

In the distance, a beautiful woman with pink hair trotted over.

"Ken, did Nami do something bad?"

"Belmel, she stole a book from the bookstore and happened to be seen by me!"

Belmel put his hands around his waist and looked at Nami with a frown.

"Nami, why steal someone else's book? If you want, you can talk to me and I will help you buy it!

Nami lowered her head and pouted, and said with some grievances: "Aunt Bermel, I want to draw a map of the world, I want to read books that draw maps, but our family doesn't have much money now, so..."

"Your talent for drawing is very good, it is good to want to learn the knowledge in books to draw, and you have such a great dream as drawing a map of the world, which is very good..." Nami

looked at Bermel with a look of surprise, she did not expect that Bermel would actually agree with her dream and support her.

“...... It's not right to steal though, you know? If you want something, you tell me and I'll find a way to buy it for you!

Although she was still taught a lesson by Bermel, Nami had a smile on her face and nodded heavily.


This scene was seen by Chernos on the side, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In her previous life, Nami loved money very much, and became a famous thief cat in the East China Sea, in fact, she was forced by Along, if there was no Along, it is estimated that Nami would not steal in the future.

Chernos is happy to see that Nami is living well on this side and has not experienced the disasters of his previous life, although he has changed it unintentionally, but it feels good to be able to save Nami from suffering again.

Just as Chernos was about to leave, the sound of pirates fighting was heard in the distance.

The area of Kocosia Village is not small, but there is no army in the village to guard, and there is no force itself, all are some fruit farmers who plant trees, where are the opponents of those pirates, and soon the pirates have killed the village.

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