Tokai Frost Moon Village,


Chernos was lying in the air full of wine and looking at the man and woman below.

"You guys are really bastards, the time is actually just right, wait until the meal is finished and then change people, it's really..."

But he didn't complain for too long, but looked at the two people below with concern.

Both of them were facing each other with swords in their hands, and the girl pointed the sword at the man in one hand, but her eyes were a little empty, as if she was thinking about something.

The boy held the sword in both hands, his expression solemn, like a great enemy, like a terrifying existence of the girl in front of him.

However, the boy's eyes were not timid, but full of fighting spirit, looking at the girl with full attention, looking for flaws in the girl.

But even if the girl is full of flaws, the boy does not do it easily.

Having lost to girls 2,000 times, he learned that girls are full of scams, and none of them can be believed.

It is precisely because of this that even if the girl is careless and does not pay attention to him, he does not make a move.

Even if the girl was full of flaws, he didn't make a move, just waited quietly in place.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew through, blowing up the blades of grass on the grass, and when the blades of grass flew in front of the girl's eyes, the girl subconsciously blinked.

The boy's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards the girl, holding two knives, turning into an X shape and slashing at the girl.

But in the next second, the girl jerked upwards with the back of the knife, and the boy's long-prepared killing move was suddenly cracked by the girl.

The boy's balance was broken and he fell heavily to the ground.

The girl's previous indifferent demeanor completely disappeared, and she looked indifferently at the boy who fell to the ground, turning the knife handle with both hands, the tip of the knife facing down.

He slammed on the boy and slammed the knife into the boy's head.

Buzz -

A trembling hum of the knife body sounded in the boy's ears.

The girl's knife was pressed against the side of the boy's face and stuck on the ground, and only a little closer, the knife would be inserted into the boy's head.

The boy was also so startled that he gasped for air, and cold sweat ran down his forehead.

At this time, Chernos in the air also watched with relish, and the boys and girls below were one of the members of the protagonist group he wanted to contact this time, and they were also Chernos' favorite characters in his previous life, named Solon who had reached the level of fruit ability and lost skills!

As for the girl, she defeated Solon's genius kendo girl Guina 2001.

The kendo strength shown by Gu Yina just now also surprised Chernos, this girl is definitely a genius among geniuses, if she cultivates well, she can definitely become the world's top swordsman.

It's just that Gu Yina seems to have entered some misunderstanding, always thinking that women can't surpass men in kendo, and have her own troubles.

Gu Yina put away the knife and sighed helplessly.

"I also want to be the strongest sword master in the world..." Halfway

through, she looked down at a certain bulge below her line of sight, not caring at all that there was a Solon beside her, reaching out and grabbing the bulge hard.

"It's starting to develop here too..."

"If I... If I could be a boy..." Solon

, who was originally standing on the side, saw Gu Yina's amazing move, and the whole person blushed, looking stupidly at the place where Gu Yina grabbed.

But when he heard Guina say this, Solon suddenly became angry.

"Hey, you've beaten me, don't say these grumbling words!"

But when he looked up at Gu Yina, he found that Gu Yina was already in tears.

"Where to blame the victory and defeat, you are too despicable, you are my goal!"

Guina looked at Solon with some emotion, "Solon..." Solon

didn't give her a chance to speak at all, and continued: "What kind of man and woman, when I defeat you one day, will you say the same?"

Just like I didn't win by strength, wouldn't I be like an idiot when I trained so hard?

Solon walked forcefully to Gu Yina, who looked at him stunned, and said loudly to Gu Yina: "Don't allow you to say that, promise me, one day it will be either you or me, you must become the strongest sword master in the world, let's compare and see, who can be the best!"

Guina looked at Solon stunned, and Solon was unmoved, looking at Guina with determined eyes.

Gu Yina smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and her heart was full of emotion.

"Stupid, obviously so weak..."

But Solon still firmly stretched out his hand, wanting to make this agreement with Guina.

He has already made up his mind in his heart, after going back, he will double his training, become stronger, and strive to get closer to the strongest swordsman in the world!

Looking at Solon's firm eyes, Gu Yina was also moved by Solon, and her originally shaken heart began to firm.

She reached out and clasped Solon's hand tightly.

"Okay, it's settled!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, for this agreement made in the moonlight, both of them firmed their hearts, no matter what, they would rush in front of each other to become the strongest swordsman in the world, even if there were many obstacles and difficulties, they would have to cross it!

After the two made an agreement, they each turned around and went back.

Solon went directly to the woods, and during this time he planned to live in the woods for special training, using a stronger training volume to strengthen his strength and strive to become stronger.

What Solon will do next, Chernos has long known through the plot, but Guina's side has always been a mystery.

In the manga, just to put it mildly with a scene, Guina fell down the stairs and died!

But this makes countless Jaimi how can believe that as a genius girl who can defeat a monster like Solon 2001 times, even if the stairs are filled with oil, even if she falls from the stairs of a skyscraper, this genius girl will not fall to death.

Countless times the Jaimes have also speculated that this should be the foreshadowing planted by the old thief of Oda, and it may be taken out when it will be taken out to let Guina and Solon meet again.

But before Chernos crossed over, the old thief of Oda seemed to have completely forgotten this stubble, and was stunned that he did not let this genius kendo girl appear.

This also made Chernos very curious about what happened to this genius girl.

So he silently followed behind the girl in the air, observing the girl's movements, and the act of following a girl in this way was simply too unrealistic for the world's strongest Chernos.

But Chernos was too curious.

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