Are you too unconfident in the strongest man in my world!"

said Chernos with some self-deprecation as he looked at the anxious Ace and Saab.

"Brother Chernos, we know that you are very strong, you hurry up and use your teleportation to take us out, otherwise, we will all die here!" Chernos

said with a smile: "Since I want to invite you to join my pirate group, then I also have to show you my strength."

And this little flame is nothing to the strong.

In the future, you will know that in this magical sea, there are countless natural disaster-level powerhouses who can exert more powerful power than this small fire, and the power they exert in every move, this little fire is completely inadequate!"

said Chernos as he raised his hand to the sea of fire.

"Absorption!" With

a soft drink from Chernos, the flames licked towards Chernos' palms as if they were being pulled by something.

When the two saw that those flames were about to burn into Chernos' palm, they couldn't help but shout: "Brother Chernos, be careful!" But those flames

did not burn Chernos, but disappeared into Chernos' palms.

Looking at the strange scene of those sea of fire being absorbed by Chernos' palm, both of them opened their mouths and looked at Chernos in disbelief.

In this East China Sea, where there were not even a few Devil Fruit Abilities, the two of them had never heard of such a magical sight.

Even the most bragging people do not dare to brag such outrageous cattle.

As the flames continued to pour into Chernos' palm, the temperature around him dropped rapidly, and the place that was originally hot and unbearable became cooler at this time.

As the Chernos continued to absorb, the clearing became larger and larger, allowing them to finally see the situation around them.

"Hahaha, Brother Chernos is really powerful!" Ace

looked at Chernos with some envy, he also wanted to have such an ability to control flames.

"Ace, come and see!" Saab

crouched on the ground and picked up a piece of irregular iron that had been burned, and Ace was a little puzzled when he saw the iron.

The temperature of the fire just now was extremely high, and it was not a strange thing to melt the iron.

But at this moment, Saab suddenly stretched out and picked up the piece of iron on the ground, turning his head to look at Ace in shock.

Ace hurriedly went to stop Saab, these freshly burned pieces of iron are extremely hot, directly take them with your hands, and your hands will definitely be wasted.

Looking at Saab's intact hand after picking up the piece of iron, Ace's eyes widened sharply, and he understood why Saab called him.

Now this piece of iron has no high temperature, no, it should be said that he also feels the unique coldness of metal.

"Cut... Big Brother Chernos didn't just absorb the flames... "

It's not difficult to extinguish the flames, but if they want to quickly reduce the heat of these hot, hot-burned things, they can also do it with a little thing, but what about such a large range?

This is simply not something that people can do.

They had always heard that Chernos was the strongest in the world, but they had never been able to see how strong Chernos was, and now they finally saw the tip of the iceberg of the world's strongest man.

As the flames

disappeared, people who were not sure of the terminal appeared from the place where they were hiding, and the displaced people who were avoiding the flames slowly stopped and looked at the disappearing flames in disbelief.


"We survived?" "

Hahaha, we finally don't have to be burned!"

Woo, why didn't the flames go down sooner, my child was burned to death!"

Countless displaced people living in the uncertain terminal, after the joy of the aftermath of the disaster in their hearts passed, looked at the uncertain terminal station that had been burned around them, and their eyes were full of confusion.

Although this is a garbage dump, this is dirty, but this is also their home.


Their homes, which could barely shelter from the wind and rain, were burned down by the nobles and royals who lived in clean and tidy high-rise castles.

If the flames were not suddenly extinguished, it is estimated that even they would have been burned to death.

A homeless man cried: "Those of us who were born to collect food in the garbage heap to eat, why do those who were born to live in the castle still think of burning us?

Yes, most of them are just miserable people living in the slums, and only a very small number of them have been driven here because of crime.

However, the nobles and royals who lived in the city, in order to welcome a world noble, planned to sweep away the stain of the Goya Kingdom, and by the way, they were also taken away as a stain.

In the past, they all thought that the nobles were just shouting in their mouths and treating them as garbage, but they did not expect that these nobles really planned to burn them as garbage.

Looking at those miserable homeless, Chernos remembered a scene in his previous life, that is, the dragon stood on the ship and shouted "Those who are willing to fight for freedom, board this ship!"

, but this time I don't know if it was because he changed the plot, the dragon did not appear here, so that no one would follow these displaced people.

"Ace, Saab, what do you say will happen to these displaced people next?" Ace

thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Hey, everyone used to live in the garbage heap, but now the entire uncertain terminal has been burned down, and they have no place to survive, and they really don't know how they should live next." "

Saab is different from Ace, as a nobleman, he knows better, now the royal family and nobles of the entire Goya Kingdom intend to remove the stain of the Goya Kingdom, and have long prepared the 'cleaning team', even if the big brother of Chernos now extinguishes the fire at the uncertain terminal, the next thing to greet these displaced people is expected to be the slaughter of the 'cleaning team'."

"They... will all die!"

said Saab with his head bowed and his voice a little hoarse.

"This disgusting country sees these people as a stain, and if they want to show the perfection of the Goya kingdom, they need to erase the stain, so these people have to die.

Chernos sighed, "Hey, yes, these bastards treat the lives of the people at the bottom as grass mustard, harvesting and slaughtering at will, and even if these people survive this fire, they will die in the hands of those nobles next."

Both looked at Chernos with pleading eyes.

"Brother Chernos, can you save them?"

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