"All of you join hands together, I will take you to the other islands, and in three days, when you are assembled, I will bring you back with me." The

crowd obeyed Chernos' words, stood hand in hand, teleported to the island of the Sphinx, and after arranging for the people to settle them, Chernos returned to the uncertain terminal again.

"What are your plans?" Looking

at the three brothers sitting together, Chernos couldn't help but sigh with some emotion.

Originally, in a few days, Saab would be hit by Draco and rescued by the dragon.

Since then, the three brothers have not gathered again, and it is also very gratifying to see the three brothers together now, as a Jaime.

Saab said to Ace and Luffy, "Ace, Luffy, I want to go back to the city to find out the information in the city, you guys watch from the outside to find out what King Goya's army will do tomorrow."

After waiting three days, we were meeting and exchanging information.

Brother Chernos, trouble you to take care of Ace and Luffy for these three days!" Ace

and Luffy nodded in agreement, just now after Chernos left, Saab also told the two about his experience in the city during this time, and the two also understood Saab's mood of wanting to change the sick country but unable to do anything.

Chernos has no opinion, he just wants to brush the favorability of the three now, and strive to be able to pull these three brothers under his command in the future and become his right hand.

Saab can become the second-in-command of the revolutionary army in the plot of his previous life, why can't he become his subordinate

? Ace can recognize Whitebeard as a father in his previous life, and wants to support Whitebeard to become One Piece, so why can't he convince Ace?

The only headache is Luffy, the protagonist, but by the time Luffy goes to sea, it will be ten years later, and it is estimated that by the time Luffy goes to sea, he will already rule the world.

Luffy, who had no risk at that time, plus his two brothers were under his command, I believe it should not be difficult to convince Luffy to join him!

Chernos's hand was on Saab's shoulder, "Let's go, I'll take you back!" Saab didn't

have time to say goodbye to the two, and the next second he had already appeared in the kingdom of Goya.

When I returned to the kingdom of Goya, the city was noisy, no longer as calm as during the day, but full of panicked people.


my God, what should I do, if I let the garbage outside know that we are going to burn them, will they force their way into the city?"

"Yes, yes, now we have to worry about this problem, but there are still so many garbage outside that have not been burned, the world nobles are coming in three days, if we don't deal with these garbage well, we will be seen by the world nobles at that time!"

These sounds, which made people feel dirty, continued to reach Saab's ears, making him unconsciously clench his fists.

"Brother Chernos, do you say that these people are crazy, during the day they all know that thousands of people will be burned outside, but they are like a normal day, the dog that should be walked, the afternoon tea that should be drunk with afternoon tea, it seems to be the most ordinary day."

But at night, they were concerned that they panicked because the fire was extinguished, they couldn't burn people who weren't sure of the terminus, and they couldn't burn the garbage outside.

The lives of thousands of people are not as heavy as being joked by a world nobleman.

Chernos stroked Saab's head, soothing his angry emotions.

"Saab, you come from an aristocratic family and should be more able to understand it.

When a person is born with everything, when others eat delicious dishes cooked by specially hired chefs in order not to be hungry, such a person will not know the preciousness of food.

When others do not cover their clothes, and if they want to resist the cold, they can only rely on a few people huddled together to warm each other, but he wears a gorgeous dress specially designed for him by the designer, and he will not know the coldness and warmth of the world.

When others take the sky as the cover, the earth as the bed, there is no place to live, he is born to live in a mansion or castle, he will not know the desire of the people at the bottom for a home.

These nobles and royals have been too far away from the people at the bottom, and they are born to enjoy everything, regard face as a great thing, and honor as everything.

Such people, it is useless for you to say anything to them, and if you want to change all this, then you need to overthrow and start over, so that there are no nobles and royals in this world, so that everyone in this world is equal.

When they find that they also need to worry about food and drink, they will know the preciousness of food.

When they don't cover their clothes, they will understand that clothes are used to warm people, not to compare.

When they don't have a house to live in, they understand what it means to be home.

All this, only when they lose everything, they will understand what human suffering is, and they will understand how stupid what they are doing now!" After

hearing Chernos' words, Saab's whole person was stunned in place for a long time like a lightning strike.

"Yes, big brother Chernos, only if they lose everything, they will understand that now their so-called face, the so-called making a good impression on Draco, is nothing more than shit."

Chernos looked at the excited Saab and said while the railway was hot: "Yes, if you want to change the concept of these nobles, you must let them experience the life of the people at the bottom and let them understand what is precious."

However, it is too difficult to overthrow a country that has existed for hundreds of years, to change the thinking of these nobles, and to change them, it is impossible to do it by the power of one person alone.

Saab join us in the Varice Pirates, we now rule the New World, and I have abolished the aristocracy in my comrade's New World, putting everyone on an equal footing, and there will be no people at the bottom who are slaughtered as grass mustard like those outside who are not sure of the destination.

A nobleman who is high above and is born able to inherit everything.

It was a world where everyone was equal, it was a free world!" Saab was

struck by the world he painted in Chernos, and he wanted exactly such a world, a world where he could enjoy freedom.

"Brother Chernos, is there really such a world?"

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