The nobles and wealthy merchants in the kingdom of Goya were constantly wailing because their villas and houses that had been passed down for generations had been burned down, which was definitely a major loss that they could not bear.

Now the fire is too big, and there is no water to extinguish it, so they can only watch as the flames burn their villas and castles to the ground.


it, you are still

staying here in a daze, there is no water, just rush in and put out the fire with your clothes, and use anything that can extinguish the fire!"

The nobles and rich merchants cursed at the soldiers, and there was also a big nobleman who wanted the soldier to put out the fire with his life and save his castle.

It's just that those soldiers are not stupid, the current fire is as big as the fire that burned the uncertain terminal station before, even the steel can be melted, and if you go in to put out the fire now, you are definitely committing suicide.

So they all stood to the side and watched silently, as an ostrich that buried its head in the soil and did not listen to the outside world.

Seeing that those soldiers could not be driven, the nobles could not do anything, they could only break their mouths and curse again.

At this time, some people walked out of the street, all of them were wearing bright clothes, but these clothes were obviously not the style of the Goya Kingdom, which also made the people present a little confused.

"Who are you, did you bastards set the fire in the Kingdom of Goya?"

a duke asked sharply at the men.

Those people also admitted very simply.

"That's right, we started this fire, just like ... The

nobles were stunned and looked at the group with a puzzled expression.

"Are you crazy?" "What are we doing with you foreigners by setting fire to our own garbage station

in our kingdom?" "Are you going to war with our Goya kingdom over that garbage?" Hearing


nobles who were not ashamed but proud also silenced the group for a while.

"We are the garbage in your mouth, and we almost died in the fire you set two days ago!" The

nobles of the Goya Kingdom were angry when they heard this, it turned out that these guys were not foreigners of unknown forces, but those garbage who were not sure of the terminal.

"It turns out that you garbage, why didn't you die obediently in that fire

?" "Do you know how much trouble you have caused?" "

Do you know that the consequences of this are unbearable for you?" Looking

at the shameless appearance of those nobles, those who were not sure of the terminal finally couldn't suppress their anger in their hearts and shouted: "Shut up!"

The first man with a scarred face came out and shouted at the group of nobles: "You are all going to burn us as garbage, now you ask us if we can bear the consequences?

I tell you, now we are not sure that the terminal will officially declare war on you nobles, and as long as we live for one day, you will not want peace for a day.

Our goal is to knock you high up into the same garbage as we do, with an uncertain end.

Our goal is to destroy all of you bastards, make you lose everything, and let you know how much mistake stupid you have let got!" The

group of people who were unsure of the terminal took out from their arms the assault rifles produced by the Varis Pirates, which were not known to be many times more advanced than the guns held by the soldiers of the Goya Kingdom.

By the time the soldiers fired a shot, those who were unsure of the terminal had already fired countless shots, beating the soldiers into a sieve.

"Fight for freedom!!"

those who were unsure of the terminal were charging towards the people of the Goya kingdom with weapons in hand.

For ordinary people, with advanced weapons in their hands, they will completely crush those backward weapons and kill the people of the Goya Kingdom.

As for the nobles and tycoons, they were all frightened and stupid, standing in place and not daring to move.

However, those who were unsure of the terminal did not kill them, but only surrounded them.

The kingdom of Goya also fell into great chaos, with the noble quarters, wealthy residential areas, and royal palaces all burning up, and most of the soldiers were trying to put out the fire, especially the royal palace.

Moreover, a large part of the soldiers of the Goya Kingdom do security work on the port side, protecting the nobles and royal families of the world in the port.

This also caused the soldiers of the entire Goya Kingdom to be scattered throughout the kingdom, very loose.

The people who were not sure of the terminal station took advantage of the void, relying on the crushing advantage of weapons, coupled with the uneven personnel of the Goya Kingdom, quickly swept away the soldiers.

Soon, the soldiers of the entire Goya Kingdom were almost swept away by the people who were not sure of the terminal.

All the people who were uncertain about the terminal gathered together and began to attack the royal palace of the Goya Kingdom, and there were already people with an uncertain terminal in the palace as internal respondents, and reported the king's position to the people who were not sure of the terminal, and after a while, even the kingdom of the Goya Kingdom was taken by the people who were not sure of the terminal.

After the people who were not sure of the terminal gathered all the royal and noble families together, they did not kill those royals and nobles, but just pulled them to the position of the previous unsure terminal.

Scar Man spoke as a representative in place of those who were unsure of the terminal.

"Now that the entire kingdom of Goya has been taken by us, you have become our captive, originally according to the rules, we launched a rebellion, overthrew the previous kingdom and all the nobles, and should kill you all.

However, our benefactor, Lord Chernos, is kind and intends to give you a chance to survive.

Starting today, you will live at this uncertain terminal as we did at the beginning.

Rest assured, we have a much more conscience than you do, and we will not set fire to the uncertain terminal, on the contrary, we will try to change the uncertain terminal back to its original form.

If you want to survive, you should be like us, collecting food in the garbage heap to eat, and finding something from the garbage heap that can be used.

If we were able to survive, I believe you can too!" After

speaking, Scar Man took the lead and dropped a pile of garbage, which was exactly the clothes and items they were wearing before, and the rest of the people who were not sure of the terminal also looked at the nobles and royals playfully, and threw the old clothes they wore before to the royals and nobles.

The Goya royals and nobles, who left dumbfounded, flew away and sealed the iron gate of the high wall!

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