It seems that the world's ability to restrain is still very strong, even if he has changed so many things, I didn't expect that the plot line of Doflamingo's invasion of Dressrosa is still happening.

However, many plot lines in this world are already happening, such as uncertain terminals, such as the plot lines of Yamaji and Tetsuo, which have not changed because of his appearance.

This feeling of still developing according to the original plot made Chernos feel uncomfortable.

Previously, Chernos was also because of this feeling, and also out of a good impression of the characters of the principle protagonist group, so he would let the personalities rescue the original plot characters and let them live better than the original.

However, this time he does not intend to change the plot line of Dressrosa's invasion, and Doflamingo will force Doelder to run wild on horseback and kill citizens who trust him in the streets.

There will be a lot of emotional fluctuations in this, especially King Riku, who is desperate and helpless, and can only let Doflamingo control the extreme emotions of killing.

For him, such emotions are a good time to cultivate the ability to absorb emotions.

Although it is a little cruel, for him, such a less important plot character as King Riku is not worth his rescue.

Chernos, who was observing King Riku and Doflamingo, suddenly heard the voice of Varys.

"That... Master, I feel that the owner's mood has been a little wrong recently, I want to remind the owner that your current mood is completely different from your previous mood, this is not a good sign, I hope the owner can pay attention!"

Chernos looked at the watch in his hand with some surprise.

Varis had never taken the initiative to talk to him before, and it was only when he had any orders that Varis would appear to explain the situation to him and answer his questions.

But this time, Varis took the initiative to talk to him and reminded him that his emotions were not right.

"Don't worry, it's because after I was attacked by Ouranos, there was a split personality, so you can feel the difference in mood.

This is the after-effect of the Ouranos attack, and when I finish solving the split personality, I will return to normal.

After hearing Chernos's words, Varis was silent for a while before he said to Chernos: "Master, I know that you are now taking turns to let other personalities control your body, and each personality will show different emotions.

But I'm not talking about this, but about the emotions of your current body, master, something is wrong.

Have you noticed that you are now extremely calm and rational, as if you have no emotions, which I sensed from your intological body when it was in control of your body?

And the situation is getting worse.

It's like after you control your body this time, the whole person becomes almost no mood swings, as if... It's like I've just been created.

After hearing Varres's words, Chernos's heart shook violently

, he also felt that something was not quite right, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Now after Varis's reminder, he finally understood that it was emotions.

After he was attacked by Ouranos, he actually began to have a little of this sign, but he didn't notice it at the time, and now the situation is getting more and more serious, and he is slowly losing his emotions.

His original emotions seemed to be slowly withdrawn by other personalities, and the emotions in them began to become obvious, and their preferences began to become different.

And his essence began to lose these emotions.

It was as if these personalities were slowly hollowing out his body, turning him into a shell without an inner body, turning him into an emotionless machine.

Although this will make him very rational and do things by the best means, he will not feel scruples about what consequences this will cause, and he will not feel some guilt because of this.

Of course, the consequence of this is that he began to ignore human life, began to ignore everything around him, as long as he could achieve his goal.

This is not entirely a bad thing, at least he can develop the ability to absorb emotions as quickly as possible.

Now he needed some extreme emotions, so he came to Dressrosa to watch King Riku being tortured by Doflamingo.

That's nothing, but what will

he do in the future? What would he do if he wanted more extreme emotions?

In this world, the easiest way to get extreme emotions is to start a war.

Because of the war, countless wives and families have been separated, and war will also give birth to countless despair, pain, hatred, anger and other extreme emotions.

So there's a good chance he'll start a war in pursuit of his faster development to absorb the rebound mood.

He is not the end after he has developed to absorb and rebound emotions, he also needs to develop the ability to absorb souls.

At that time, he will be absolutely rational and without the slightest emotion

, will he make a situation of killing people everywhere? Will he become a murderous maniac who kills people everywhere

? Will he kill an entire country, or even the whole world, in order to study a large number of soul powers?

If this development continues, then he will definitely become a murderous maniac, and finally become the enemy of the whole world.

It is even possible that even the Vareth Pirates he founded will stand against him.

Thinking of this, Chernos began to feel a little anxious, originally he felt that using the method of letting personalities control his body in turn would give him more time to slowly develop his abilities, and then defeat other personalities in one fell swoop.

At the same time, it can also allow those protagonists and plot lines to delay the development of other personalities, so that they are left behind by their own development progress.

Now it seems that this method is very stupid, perhaps because of his actions, it will exacerbate his current emotional loss, emotional loss situation.

But now he has no way to change the idea of taking turns to control the body, if he changes this idea, the stable personalities will definitely fall out now, and then it is likely to be directly out of control, making him more passive.

If he did it wrong before, he was wrong, and now the intelligent type finds a way to speed up the development, and then develops the ability to absorb the soul before he completely loses his emotions, only in this way can the problem be fundamentally solved.

"Thank you, Vareth, for helping me discover a big problem with me, and if you hadn't reminded me, it would have been too late by the time I found out!"

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