Emotional energy fluctuations are very different from other energy fluctuations, which form a beam of energy like light upwards.

The mood swings generated by the citizens of Dressrosa rose into the air and were absorbed by the Chernos, and the light of these mood swings gathered into a thick rope and rushed towards the Chernos.

After absorbing this emotional energy, Chernos did not store this emotional absorption, but while absorbing, he constantly released these emotional energy in the air, allowing this massive amount of energy to dissipate.

He doesn't need these emotional energies to fight, he just wants to filter out the soul power contained in them through these emotional energies.

After layers of filtering, Chernos finally found energy that was similar to emotional energy on a thin line of emotional energy, but with completely different energy properties.

"Is this the power of the soul?"

Chernos looked at the small, almost invisible dot of light in his hand, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

If emotional energy is a thread, then soul energy is a grain of almost invisible dust.

Although extremely subtle, although pitiful, Chernos cherished it very much, because it was his first step towards soul power.

Chernos carefully collected this soul dust into the palm of his hand, and then began to filter out other threads of emotional energy.

There was only one grain of soul dust wrapped in each emotional energy thread, and he still needed a long way to go to gather enough soul energy.

However, Chernos was very patient, filtering the silk thread one by one, constantly collecting soul dust.

This time, the emotional energy threads seemed to be very much, but when Chernos began to absorb and filter, he found that these emotional energy threads were not many at all, and it didn't take long for Chernos to filter all the emotional energy.

After looking at the small pile of soul dust in his hand, Chernos couldn't help but frown.

After absorbing and filtering so much emotional energy, he felt that the weight of the dust in his hand was almost one or two grams, and he could hardly feel the weight of these souls in his hand.

The dust is too little, so little that even if Chernos absorbs all these soul dusts, it is estimated that he still can't feel the soul power.

If there is no way to feel the soul power, it is impossible for Chernos to develop the soul power.

However, Chernos is not worried, because now it is just the beginning, and the next drama will allow him to get more and more violent mood swings, and these energy mood fluctuations will allow him to gain more soul power.

He looked at Doflamingo who was laughing wildly below, and a smile appeared on his face, come on, Doflamingo, let me absorb more soul power! Doflamingo looked

at King Riku's embarrassed appearance, and looked at the surrounding people looking at King Riku in disbelief, all stunned in place, watching King Riku's crazy actions.

The soldiers who reacted were trying their best to block King Riku, so that the surrounding citizens would not be attacked by King Riku.


Well, the night has just begun, soldiers.

"Go dancing too!"

said Doflamingo's right hand, and countless silk threads soared into the sky, and then these tiny silk threads fell down like rain, as if it were the next invisible rain.

"Parasitic threads!" When

these silk threads fell on the soldiers' heads, they burrowed down the soldiers' helmets into the soldiers' heads.

Countless soldiers felt very terrified, they suddenly lost control of their bodies, and then their bodies began to move on their own.

Why is my body out of my control and still moves on its own

!" "How did I draw my sword myself, I obviously didn't mean to move

!" "No, no, no, get out of the way, my sword is going to cut at you, run away

!" "Can't escape, I can't control my body!"


The soldiers pulled out the swords on their waists and slashed at the partners beside them, and the partners were immediately slashed in the shoulders by the soldiers, and countless blood gushed from the shoulders of the partners.

Wailing, chasing, shouting, helplessness...

Countless emotions are eroding and the hearts of the soldiers.

At this time, they also understood that their Majesty King Liku was not crazy, but his body was really not controlled by him, and someone controlled King Liku, so King Liku would attack those people who loved him.

They also learned from the original King of Riku and shouted loudly to the people around them.

"Run away, everyone run away, I can't control my body, run!" But

the movements of their hands were not slow, and they slashed at the residents around them one after another.

"Crazy, all crazy, even the soldiers are crazy, actually rioted with King

Riku, and poisoned us ordinary people!" "What happened? Why, I don't believe that King Riku will attack us, and His Majesty King Liku will never do this to them!" At this

time, King Liku, who was blocked by the soldiers before, had no obstruction at this time, and continued to slash at the people around him.

At this time, King Liku had also understood.

He secretly said in his heart that Doflamingo should have done all this, but after seeing the surrounding residents see him, their faces are no longer full of happy smiles, but full of fear.

King Riku knew that once trust was broken, it would be impossible to re-establish it.

"It's too late to say anything, this country ...

"Doflamingo, damn Doflamingo!" Doflamingo,

who was far away on top of the palace, laughed more and more exaggerated and arrogant as he saw the soldiers of the entire country chasing and killing his citizens.

"Boom, it's not enough, it's not enough!"

"Let the whole country be surrounded by fear and terror!" "

When they resent King Riku from the bottom of their hearts... The killing

continued, and the citizens of Dressrosa were incredulous at the beginning, constantly questioning, constantly helping King Riku to speak, and when they were chased and killed by the soldiers, the trust in their hearts completely collapsed.

They began to question King Riku, began to resent King Riku, and began to hate King Riku, because King Riku regarded their trust as a child's play and stepped on the soles of his feet.

Toying with their trust, and slaughtering these citizens who believed in him at will, such a king is not worthy of their love anymore!

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