Faced with the wails of his citizens, King Riku and his soldiers slaughtered them with tears in their eyes, and King Riku rushed towards a pregnant woman with a sword.

"No, don't

, King Riku, you bastard!" "Whoever it is, come and stop King

Riku!" "King Riku, I fought with you!" When

the people around them were already in a desperate situation, they did not intend to run away anymore, and were ready to fight King Riku and the soldiers behind him to the death.

A pink figure fell from the sky in the air, smashing King Riku and his horse to the ground together.

A foot wearing sharp leather shoes stepped on King Riku's face, and said to the surrounding people: "I feel your pain, let me save you!"


a pirate!" "Why are the pirates coming to

save us? "I don't care if he's a pirate, don't you see King Riku as a king slaughtering us, and the pirates save us

!" "Who are you?"

the man in the flamingo coat laughed, "I'm Don Quixote Doflamingo!"

Doflamingo grabbed King Riku's neck and lifted him up, while commanding the others: "Torrepol, Pika, Diamanti, go, go and sweep away all the garbage in this country!"

And how could those soldiers controlled by Doflamingo be opponents of the Don Quixote cadres, and almost all those soldiers were wiped out by the Don Quixote cadres before they could see each other.

The people of Dressrosa shouted with excitement when they saw that the King of Riku and the soldiers who were killing everywhere had all been solved by Doflamingo's men.


!" "Doflamingo!" "Doflamingo

!" For

a while, the fear in the hearts of the citizens of Dressrosa was all swept away, and the resentment and hatred in their hearts were also vented, becoming all immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives.

The mood of the citizens of Dressrosa fell from big to big, and once again extreme mood swings surged towards Chernos in the sky.

These emotions also allowed Chernos to harvest a lot of emotional energy again, allowing him to collect more soul dust.

Chernos is constantly busy, whether it is absorbing emotional energy or filtering out soul dust is a very simple thing for Chernos, but the amount he needs to filter is too large, and it is also a delicate job, so that Chernos does not care about the slightest distraction.

Although it is a little boring, but with his efforts, the amount of soul dust has accumulated more and more, especially the scene where Doflamingo appeared in the end to 'save' the people, which allowed him to harvest a lot of soul dust.

When Doflamingo had returned to the palace with King Riku below, Chernos had dealt with all the emotional energy and collected a large amount of soul dust.

Chernos was about to absorb the soul dust into his body, but the soul dust began to move on its own, and these soul dust fused together to form a soul bead.

The sudden change also made Chernos a little surprised, how can these soul dust change by themselves?

When Chernos activated the fruit ability to absorb this soul bead into his body, the soul bead immediately dissolved in his body, turning into soul dust and rushing towards Chernos' brain.

The speed of these soul dust was so fast that even Chernos did not react, and these soul dust had come to the side of Chernos' soul, constantly merging into Chernos' soul, making Chernos' soul more solid, as if it were a real person, not a virtual body.

After observing from the inner world, Chernos opened his eyes again, only this time it allowed him to see a completely different side of this world.

He saw their souls in everyone on the island, and in the center of their souls, he also saw a soul bead like just now, and the soul bead was located on the head of the soul, more like the brain of the soul.

Chernos looked at a dying people, and gently beckoned to the soul of the people, and the soul of the people seemed to be dragged by an invisible force and got out of the body of the people.

"Absorption!" The

soul caught by Chernos was directly absorbed by Chernos, but after absorbing the soul of the man, Chernoston covered his head in pain, and all the memories contained in that soul poured into Chernos's brain.

The memories of that common people's decades flooded into Chernos' mind, and Chernos felt as if a balloon had been forcibly blown into more air, making his soul feel like it was about to burst.

"What is the situation?" After

he absorbed the soul, the whole person was immersed in the memory of that people, as if he had become that people, and the memory of Chernos from childhood to before the death of the people seemed to have personally experienced.

But the feeling was extremely painful, and although less than a second had passed in the outside world, Chernos seemed to have regained decades.

When Chernos came to his senses, a trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes, and this exhaustion was not physical exhaustion, but mental exhaustion.

It's scary to live someone else's life for decades in an instant.

This is definitely not a real absorption method, if the soul absorption method needs to be infused with other people's life memories for decades, it is estimated that it will not be long before his soul fruit ability has not been developed, and others will be gone.

"It seems that the direction is wrong!" It

should not be possible to directly absorb the souls of others, otherwise the same pain as just now will occur!

Chernos once again came to a dying people and pulled his soul out with a wave of his hand.

This time, Chernos did not act rashly, but grabbed his soul in his hands and studied it carefully.

After taking a closer look, Chernos locked his gaze on the body of the soul bead in his soul.

When he absorbed the soul beads just now, there were no side effects at all, and it is estimated that the soul beads were what he could absorb.

It's just how to filter out the wrapped soul layer outside without destroying the soul beads?

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