The soul energy ball floated on the palm of Chernos's right hand, and then an absorbing energy ball appeared again in his left hand, and Chernos slowly leaned his hands together, so that after the two absorbing energy balls collided, the soul body in the soul energy ball began to collide everywhere in the energy ball.

In the next second, a silk thread began to appear on the body of the soul body, and this silk thread floated towards the absorption energy ball, slowly drilling into another absorption energy ball.

As the soul threads in the absorbed energy ball became more and more, the soul body in the soul energy ball also began to become blurred, and the energy on the soul body was continuously sucked away by the absorbed energy ball.

When the soul body disappeared, leaving only the soul bead, Chernos immediately separated the two energy balls.

Looking at the two energy balls floating in his palm, Chernos had a happy smile on his face.

Although Chernos knew that his current means of manipulating souls were very crude, it didn't matter, as long as it could be used.

His purpose is to deal with the personality in the body, and after eliminating the personality in the body, there will be time to develop a more convenient, faster and stronger soul ability.

Chernos took a deep breath, now there was only one last step left, which was to absorb the soul bead.

Whether you can succeed depends on this last step.

Chernos held the ball of energy containing the soul bead tightly with his hand and absorbed the soul bead.

The soul bead incarnated into a pure soul power and merged into the soul of Chernos, once again strengthening the soul of Chernos, and the soul body became more condensed.

After the soul bead was absorbed, Chernos opened his eyes, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

This is indeed the correct way to absorb, after stripping the soul body out, the remaining soul beads are the purest soul power.

Chernos threw the ball of energy that absorbed the soul body on the body of the soul body, and the figure flickered, appearing on those corpses that had just died, quickly absorbing the souls of those corpses.

As he continued to absorb soul beads, it also allowed Chernos' soul to grow rapidly, and when Chernos absorbed the thousandth soul bead, Chernos' soul began to change.

At this time, his soul had grown to the size of the others, and after absorbing the thousandth soul, his soul began to slowly compress, almost two meters tall in the Chernos, compressed to only ten centimeters in size.

This compression made his soul body more solid, no longer somewhat illusory, but possessed a real entity.

Chernos was going to try how strong the entity-like soul body really was.

After closing his eyes, his soul body flew directly out of his body and appeared in the outer space.

Based on the research just now, Chernos knew that the soul body exposed to the outside space would soon dissipate.

However, the soul body of Chernos did not have the slightest idea of wanting to dissipate, but like humans, it could survive in the outside world.

Appearing in the outside world as a soul body also allowed Chernos to see a completely different side of this world again.

When his soul looked at the world, he could see countless soul dust floating in the air, and the amount of these dust was so large that Chernos felt shocked.

If the sea below is still separated by islands and continents, then the sea of soul dust in the air is an endless sea without half an island or continent.

Perhaps this is the soul of this planet after thousands of years of death after floating in the air, all piled up in the air.

At this time, the soul of Chernos observed that in the sea of souls in the air, a pillar of soul dust fell from the sky.

Chernos glanced in the direction of the Soul Dust Pillar and couldn't help but smile.

That direction was exactly the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joya, and countless soul dust was converging into the Holy Land Mary Joya.

Chernos didn't need to guess to know that it was the ability of Ouranos!

Im had been in contact with him many times, and if Im had the ability to absorb soul power, he would have taken it out to deal with him.

No matter what world it is in, time, space, and soul are all powerful abilities.

If Im had the power of the soul, then Chernos would have died in the hands of Im long ago.

However, that soul dust pillar remained motionless, as if it was attracted by something, but there was no way to absorb these soul dust.

It seems that Im has not really mastered the use of Ouranos, otherwise Ouranos was able to absorb soul dust and turn it into power before, and after this power is used, Chernos will definitely not have the possibility of surviving.

Since Ouranos

can't absorb the massive amount of soul dust in the air, let me absorb it all! If I absorb this huge amount of soul dust, then a few personalities can be counted, and they don't have to be killed by him one

by one! Thinking of this, Chernos' soul body flew up into the air, and after flying to the soul dust sea, Chernos' soul body opened its arms and began to absorb soul dust to its heart's content.

Countless soul dust began to rush towards Chernos, and after a while, a vortex was formed in the air, and after these soul dust was absorbed by Chernos, soul beads were soon formed, and these soul beads turned into pure soul power and merged into Chernos' soul body, constantly growing Chernos' soul body.

The soul body of Chernos also began to grow larger and larger.

This time, Chernos' soul body grew to ten meters in size before it began to compress again, and after this compression, Chernos roared up to the sky, and terrifying power continued to burst out from his soul body, forming a series of thunder and lightning flashing around.

Where the soul thunder flashed, the space was constantly shattered and reorganized.

Chernos clenched his fists, he could feel the strong power that his body had at this time, although this power was not as strong as Chernos's body, almost one-tenth of his body.


soul body was originally a little illusory, not to mention the power, and the flickering appearance made people feel that they would break when touched.

However, now the strength of his soul body is one-tenth of that of his body, which means that he can kill all souls in seconds.

With such a strong soul, it is more than enough to deal with those few personalities in the body.

Just when Chernos was in ecstasy, fluctuations suddenly appeared in the soul dust, and a monstrous wave was set off on the soul dust sea.


deafening chirp sounded.

Chernos's eyes widened sharply, and he looked at the sea of soul dust with some disbelief, and a white light completely different from the soul dust sea rushed through the sea of soul dust.

Scales can also be clearly seen on this white light, almost every scale is nearly a meter in size.

Chernos slammed towards the body below, such a behemoth is definitely not an opponent now, or run first.

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