The powerful power of the body instantly snatched most of the soul power over.

And the personalities also grabbed a part, and after absorbing those soul powers into their bodies, their souls finally had obvious changes.

Their bodies began to grow, and their bodies began to solidify a bit.

This also makes the personalities see a glimmer of hope, as long as they can grab the power of the soul, it means that they still have hope to defeat the essence.

"Next!" The

fourth personality was recruited outside, and the fourth personality didn't say anything, just compared a cheering gesture to the personalities.

After going out, the fourth instant was killed in seconds.

The next fifth, sixth and tenth, all of them were killed by the body as soon as they went out.

However, the personalities are not idle, they are constantly competing with the body for the power of the soul, and they are also using the power of the soul to quickly increase their strength.

By the time the eleventh personality was selected, the body of the eleventh personality had become nearly one meter in size, and it was no longer the dwarf who was only twenty centimeters.

There is no nonsense in the ontology, after the first personality came out, the ontology directly launched an attack, but this time it was not directly killed by the ontology like before, and this time the eleventh personality successfully withstood the ontology's attack.

Although his injuries were serious, he managed to delay time, allowing the remaining people behind him to have more time to absorb the soul power.

The remaining four personalities did not pay attention to the battle situation, and they all seized the time to absorb the power of the soul to become stronger.

Seeing that the remaining four personalities were doing their best to become stronger in cultivation, the eleventh personality wanted to buy them more time.

People can die, but they can't let the body win, which can be said to be the consensus of their personalities! It's

just that before the eleventh personality counterattacked, the ontology has appeared in front of him, no, it should be said that the fingers of the ontology have appeared in front of him, and the huge fingers pierced a big hole in his chest, and the eleventh personality suddenly disappeared

! "Next!"

The inner world once again descended a huge amount of soul power, even if the body was trying its best to absorb it, but those soul forces seemed to be inexhaustible, and they formed a liquid in the inner world.

After the twelfth personality was selected, a vortex appeared on the remaining three personalities, frantically absorbing the surrounding soul power, and their bodies were like blowing up balloons, expanding rapidly, and in a short time, they had grown to three meters tall.

However, it is not only the personalities that have changed in the inner world, but also the inner world is constantly getting bigger, and the inner world that originally looked a little crowded and made them fight a little unable to let go, has become very vast at this time, and it looks boundless.


huge heart is the world, so that the spiritual shock of the ontology cannot be completely covered, as long as the personalities escape far enough, then they can avoid the mental shock of the body.

The twelfth personality also used this method, using teleportation for the first time, trying to run to the edge of the inner world as much as possible.

It's just that...... It is not only they and the inner world that have changed in the inner world, but also the body, the height of his soul body has now grown to a full fifteen meters tall, and wings have grown behind him, frantically absorbing the massive amount of soul power.

This time, the ontology did not pursue the twelfth personality for the first time, but continued to stay in place and stand still, continuously absorbing the soul power in the inner world.

In the past, the personalities took advantage of the ontology attack to quickly absorb all the remaining soul power and strengthen their strength.

But the ontology soul did not pursue, but continued to absorb the soul power, they could not compete with the ontology at all, and could only watch the ontology occupy all the soul power in the past.

The personality who absorbed it for half a day but did not absorb the power of the soul shouted to the personality that teleported far away: "Attack the body, otherwise we will not have the opportunity to

absorb the power of the soul!" The personality who had only been immersed in escaping the attack of the body before reacted at this time, looking at the essence that absorbed all the soul power in the inner world, and then looked at the three personalities that could not even absorb a little soul power, and couldn't help sighing.

If he goes back to attack the body now, he will definitely be attacked by the body using mental shock, and he will definitely die at that time.

But if he doesn't go back, he can only watch as all the soul power is absorbed by the body, and the personalities who can't absorb the soul power have no way to become stronger, let alone resist the body.

In desperation, he could only choose to turn back.

The twelfth personality teleported to the side of the ontology, looking at the huge ontology spiritual body, he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and now he had no way to shake the ontology.

"I'm going to die anyway, so let's disgust you before I die!" The

twelfth personality teleported to the head of the body, only to see his skin constantly cracked, and his body shimmered with light.

The action

of the twelfth personality of "self-detonation !!" also attracted the attention of the body, and he turned his head to look at the twelfth personality, and saw that he was planning to self-detonate, and the body showed a look of disdain on his face.

The personality also found the disdain of the body, a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, accelerating the release of energy, countless energy burst out from the body of the personality, and the explosive impact wrapped in terrifying energy swept towards the head of the body.

In the face of the suicide attack of the twelfth personality, the face of the body did not change at all, and there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

The remaining three personalities who were cultivating looked at the ontology expectantly, as long as the twelfth personality hurt the ontle, they could take the opportunity to snatch the soul power over, so that they would be more confident in dealing with the ontology.

What's more, the twelfth personality this time relied on the arrogance of the body and rushed to the head of the body to blow himself up, such an attack should be able to hurt the body even if it can't kill the body.

But at this moment, they opened their mouths wide and looked at the body in amazement.

"This... How is this possible, that is a self-explosion that bursts out all the energy of the body in an instant, how can the body be unscathed?" "

You see, not only did it not hurt the body, but the energy of those self-explosions was also absorbed

by the body!" When the energy generated by the twelfth personality self-explosion was close to the body, it was mixed with the surrounding soul power and absorbed into the body.

It can be said that the self-explosion of the twelve personalities not only failed to harm the body, but also sent all its own energy to the body for absorption, making the body more powerful.

You are all soul bodies now, and the self-detonation is also soul power!"

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