For example, the most ambitious Doflamingo, originally he heard Chernos say that he would soon solve his problems, but after so much time, Chernos disappeared, as if disappearing into this world.

If this is the case, then he can't bet all his bets on Chernos, otherwise if there is an accident, such as the death of Chernos, it will be too late to prepare until he knows the news.

Therefore, he immediately changed his previous style and began to use shipping to unite various dark forces to strengthen his power.

At the same time, he is also ready to contact Anilu, intending to use Anilu to deal with others, so that he can plot to take the Varis Pirates.

Of course, it wasn't just Doflamingo who did this, but others began to think differently.

If he was finally recruited into the pirate group by Chernos, but his strength was the most powerful Barrett in the pirate group, he also began to have a different mind.

If Chernos is there, he is willing to submit to Chernos and become the guardian of the Varice Pirates, but if Chernos is not there, then there is no need for him to guard the Varis Pirates.

Even, he wants to make the Varis Pirates his force.

Barrett wants to swallow the Varice Pirates, not to gain any big power and enjoy the wealth and status of the Varice Pirates, what he wants is to use the Varice Pirates to fight the world government.

He had heard Chernos say before that there was a person with similar strength to him in the world government, and now that Chernos no longer appeared, then Chernos was most likely defeated by this person, and it was even possible that he was killed by this person.

If this is the case, then this person has become his new target.

Barrett wanted to annex Vareth because he didn't have people from other world governments come to disturb him during the battle.

Of course, in addition to those who want to encroach on the Varice Pirates, there are also some people who want to keep the Varis Pirates, such as Yangyuki, Fisher, Shaq, Tezzolo and others, which occupy most of Varys's power.

This also made the Varis Pirates not fall apart for the time being.

If it is solved internally by the Varice Pirates, it is likely that some of the pirates with ideas in the Varis Pirates will woo the members who want to keep the Varys Pirates.

Even if it is a battle, in the end, the existence of the Varis Pirates can be preserved.

But the people outside will not let the people of the Varys Pirates solve the problem by themselves, what they want to do more is to dismember the Varice Pirates, preferably like the Rocks Pirates, split into several pirate groups.

The Varis Pirates who were originally twisted into a rope were not even their opponents to the world government, but if they split into pirate groups, they would change from sea overlords to opposition.

The Varis Pirates will also turn from unity to scattered sand, so that they are definitely not the opponents of the World Government, just like the original Four Emperors Group!

After the people of the world government learned that the Varis Pirates had begun to fight, they sent more spies to infiltrate the new world and began to sow discord in various ways.

Such as letting the people of Anilu go to the Golden City to make trouble, such as letting the people of Yuki deal with Doflamingo's men, such as letting people sneak into Barrett's side and encourage him to attack other members of the Varice Pirates.

Of course, the world government is also worried about when the Chernos will reappear, so their movements are very slow, accumulating the contradictions within the Varice Pirates.

However, as time passed, the Chernos never appeared, so their actions to provoke contradictions began to become more and more intense, and over time, the contradictions within the Varice Pirates also intensified to the extent that everyone knew.

The people who originally kept the Varis pirate group are now slowly unable to suppress other pirates, and even some people who originally believed that Chernos was still alive and would definitely return began to become unconfident.

For example, because Chernos has not appeared for a long time, Liu Ji, who is already a little crazy, she joins Barrett's camp and wants to attack the world government with Barrett.

For example, Tezzolo, he also began to cooperate with Doflamingo, intending to lead the Varice Pirates, but his purpose is the same as Barrett's, that is, to lead the huge power of the Varice Pirates to attack the world government and kill all Draco.

But the most special person among them is Shaq, who does not stand and does not care about the affairs of the Varis Pirates, but concentrates on his affairs.

Whoever came to him, he told people to go back.

Because he knew that Chernos was still alive and knew where Chernos was, he was just worried that Chernos in this state would be killed by other members, so he did not say where Chernos was to everyone in the Varis Pirates.

Others did not dare to offend Shaq, because now Shaq is so important, the Varis robots that control the entire world, and these robots help them manage and maintain the island, saving them countless energy.

Moreover, Shaq also has a large and very powerful mechanical legion, which also includes the Devil Fruit Mechanical Legion.

It can be said that Shaq alone occupies most of the combat power of the Varice Pirates, and even if the others all go to deal with Shaq, it is estimated that the mechanical legion facing Shaq will have to suffer heavy casualties.

Faced with Shaq, who can help them manage the island, usually does not ask about the world, only stays in the laboratory, and also has a mechanical legion with amazing combat power, they all choose to back down and not provoke.

Except for Shaq, the rest of the Varice Pirates intend to end the infighting and decide who becomes the new captain of the Varice Pirates through a battle.

Now the members led by Yoyuki intend to defeat the other wild members and continue to stabilize the Varis Pirates.

Barrett's side plans to defeat all the members of the Varice Pirates, take the Varis Pirates, and then launch a general attack on the World Government.

Doflamingo and Tezzolo, who also intend to rule the Varys Pirates, Doflamingo wants to destroy Draco on his own, and Teflamingo intends to destroy Draco and Im to avenge Chernos.

On this side of Anilu, he intends to set up a divine palace to rule the whole world.

The Quartet now intends to fight a decisive battle after the elimination of other forces.

As a junior, after knowing from Guina and Saab that Chernos is alive and where he is, he plans to come over and try to see if his fruit ability can awaken Chernos, let Chernos come out again to preside over the overall situation, and stop the chaos of the Varis Pirates.

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