The surrounding members of the Varis Pirates all surrounded Chernos, and Hancock and Liu Ji were even glued to Chernos' body, and they couldn't pull them off.

However, Chernos can also understand that although only a few days have passed for him, for Hancock and Liuji, a full ten years have passed.

Seeing that the people around were so aligned, even Saab and Guina were there, which also made Chernos a little curious.

"You said I've been asleep for ten years, so how did you know I would wake up today?" Everyone is gathered so well, don't tell me that you guard me like this every day, right? The

question of Chernos also made everyone present a little embarrassed.

Just when everyone didn't know how to answer, Yang Yuki walked to Chernos with a solemn face and asked Chernos: "Chernos, for you, what is the relationship between Im and you?" The

sudden question also made Chernos a little confused.

"What do you mean? Im is my enemy, this time I slept for so long, and let Im, the bastard, live for so many more years.

But now that I'm awake, whether it's Im or Draco, there's no need to survive in this world! Hearing

Chernos' words, Yang Yuki breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Chernos really defeated Im's Ouranos, and when Im showed him before, he saw that after the five old stars were defeated by personalities, those personalities occupied the body and would subconsciously regard Im as their master.

As for killing Im, maybe the five old stars who have lived for so many years can say it, but Chernos, who has just occupied his body and regards Im as the master, can't say it.

After believing in Chernos, Yangyuki told Chernos what had happened in the past few years.

The others also stood a little awkwardly on the sidelines, even the most rebellious Barrett and the self-proclaimed god Anilu were too embarrassed to look into Chernos' eyes.

As for Doflamingo, he came directly to Chernos to explain the situation to him and explain the reason why he did this, which surprised Chernos very much.

You must know that in the previous life, Doflamingo could be said to be the spokesperson of evil, and his goal was to destroy everything, but now he will actually join Tezzolo, intending to encroach on the world government step by step.

However, Chernos thought that Doflamingo was indeed an evil man, but he was not a brainless person, on the contrary, he ran Dressrosa from a poor country to a very rich country, and was the spokesperson of the underground forces of the New World, and established good relations with all the underground forces.

This is not something that a brainless person can do.

Now it is reasonable that Doflamingo can join forces with Tezzolo step by step.

A trace of fanaticism flashed in Doflamingo's eyes, and he said to Chernos: "Chernos, you were not there before, so I will have a little idea of cannibalizing the world government with Tezzolo, but now that you are back, then we don't have to waste time on the world government."

Directly take Im and Draco, submit the world government and navy, we will become the new world government, and you will also become the king of the new generation of the world!

Chernos smiled and patted Doflamingo's shoulder.

"That's of course, my strength has reached a new level now, and this time I won't let you withdraw from the Holy Land Mary Joa again!"

The first time Chernos went to the Holy Land of Marie Joa, he was repelled by Im using the Heavenly King Ouranos, and this time, Im no longer had the means to balance him.

It's also time for him to take revenge!

Although it took him ten years to solve his personality, but this is good, after defeating Im, he can just open the door to the Dragon Country, and even the people of the Dragon Country will be eliminated together, completely solving all hidden dangers.

After understanding everything, Chernos did not blame the members of the Varice Pirates, and wrote everything off, but if there were still people making trouble again, then he would personally deal with it.

Later, in order to welcome the return of Chernos, all the members of the Varice Pirates began to hold the biggest party to resolve all previous conflicts and welcome the return of Chernos!

Just when the Varis Pirates were happy because of the return of Chernos, Im of the Holy Land Mary Joa was looking in the direction where Chernos appeared with a shocked face.

The movement that Chernos had just woken up made Im sense that Chernos had woken up.

At first, he was happy that the awakening of Chernos also meant that he could put the world back under control, so that he could also have an explanation with the God King of the Dragon Country.

But when he took out Ouranos and prepared to control Chernos to come to him, he found that Ouranos' energy had been exhausted, and there was no way to control Chernos.

This also made Im a little panicked.

This Heavenly King Ouranos is his pride all along, no matter how strong the opponent, even if Chernos who gave him death threats, Im never worried, and did not put Chernos in his eyes at all.

No matter how strong Chernos is, he still has to succumb to the heavenly king Ouranos, and he does not have to obediently become his subordinate.

But now Ouranos is out of order!

This means that he has no greatest reliance.

Not only that, without Ouranos, will the five old stars controlled by Ouranos be as obedient as before?

Will his most loyal subordinates become his enemies?

More importantly, without Ouranos, how should he deal with the strong return of Chernos?

For a while, Im, who was very calm in the face of anything, also felt a little overwhelmed for the first time.

"No, I originally wanted to solve the Chernos before the assessment of the Dragon Country, but now I have to get ahead of time, and I want the people of the Dragon Country to come down to help me.

At least the Lord God can help me! Yim

thought for a while, there are four main gods in the country of heavenly dragons and the god king who rules the country of heavenly dragons, and his own strength is weaker than that of the four main gods.

The strength of Chernos had surpassed him before, similar to the strength of the Lord God, and now that Chernos has passed the assessment, it will definitely become stronger.

If you want to defeat Chernos, you must come to at least one Lord God.

He joined forces with the Lord God and defeated Chernos should not be a problem... Right?

After noticing his lack of confidence, Im not only smiled a little helplessly.

After coming to this world for so many years, it was the first time he faced a person, and he was still not confident that he could defeat the other party when he joined forces with others.

"Hey, damn Chernos!"

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