On the battlefield of the uninhabited island, with the appearance of Chernos, everyone's contradictions disappeared, and the Varis pirate group, which was originally scattered, was also twisted into a rope in an instant.

Even if Chernos didn't do anything, even now Chernos himself is still a little confused, looking for someone to ask what happened in the past ten years.

But as long as Cheros appeared, as long as they knew that Chernos had awakened, it was enough.

All the members of the Varis Pirates will no longer make trouble.

Even Hancock and Liu Ji, who were hostile to each other, now both quietly hugged Chernos' arm, with happy smiles on each other's faces.

“...... Hey, Chernos, this time the matter is all blamed on me, the deputy captain is not good, did not play a role in protecting the members, maintaining the duty of the Varis Pirates, if you want to punish, punish me! "

Yang Yuki really blamed himself, because he believed Im's words, he did not dare to stop the fight between the members of the Varice Pirates, if he was firmer, maybe the members of the Varice Pirates would not have made a fight.

All the members have anger in their hearts, and if they really fight, it is estimated that casualties will be indispensable.

What will happen at that time, I can't imagine!

It's good that the Cheros is back.

Chernos laughed, "Punishment, okay, then I'll give you a big punishment!" Hearing

that Chernos was going to punish Yoyuki, all the members stood up and interceded on behalf of Yoyuki.

"Captain, Yang Yuki has done a good enough job, if he hadn't maneuvered from it, it is estimated that we would have fought years ago!"

"Chernos, we didn't know before, and we have been complaining about Yang Yuki, but that's because we don't know that he was threatened by Im, if we knew, we would definitely fight against Im with the enemy!"

Even Anilu, who didn't put others in his eyes, spoke: "Chernos, this matter is really not to blame on Brother Yangyuki, although I often quarrel with him, but I still know that he will reprimand me for this pirate group!"

Barrett also said to Chernos: "Lord Chernos, Yang Yuki is really a man, if he hadn't stopped him, it is estimated that our Vareth Pirate Group would no longer exist!" Seeing

that everyone was pleading for him, Yang Yuki's eyes suddenly moistened.

He had a hard time all these years, managing a group of hostile people and keeping them from fighting to the death, the hardships of which no one knows.

He also because of Im's warning, so that he could only hold the words in his heart and did not dare to tell anyone.

Now he saw that everyone understood him, and all the pain suddenly dissipated, leaving only emotion.

"Hahaha, wrong is wrong, since you all intercede for Yang Yuki, then you should also be punished together!"

When everyone heard Chernos' words, they were all stunned for a moment, but they didn't say anything, and they all nodded in agreement.

Looking at the people advancing and retreating together, Chernos knew that their hearts had not changed, and the Varis Pirates were still the same united Varis Pirates.

"Isn't this good, why do partners have to fight to death?

Everyone, give me a penalty later, one barrel of Beihai high spirits per person, must be drunk!

Everyone was stunned again, and then a happy smile appeared on their faces.

"Good !!"

"But speaking of which, I'm not there, you are still bullied, I heard you say just now, the navy's small actions over the years have been constant, often engaged in some things to sow discord, which has made the internal of our Varice Pirates more unstable and ununited!"

Yang Yuki sighed when he heard this, "The navy has obtained a lot of intelligence, and these intelligence are released from the hands of that person, and I originally planned to keep him and use him to give false information to the navy, but I didn't expect to really let that person send the intelligence out."

Chernos understood who the man in Yuki's mouth was, and that person was the Corazon who had been left behind by Chernos.

At first, Chernos kept Corazon in order to use Corazon to give the Navy some wrong information, but at that time Chernos was troubled by personality and gradually forgot about Corazon.

Unexpectedly, he actually let Corazon build a naval intelligence network within the Vareth Pirates, leaked a lot of intelligence to the Navy, and also caused a lot of trouble for the Varice Pirates.

And now, Corazon is hiding inside their Varice Pirates, but because of the intelligence network he has built over the years, he has become dark under the lights, so that the people of the Varis Pirates cannot find him.

"These are small things, as long as Im and the world government are solved, the navy that was originally hostile to us will become our forces.

When the time comes, you can deal with them however you want!

But for now, we still have to teach them a little lesson! Hearing

Chernos' words, Yoyuki couldn't help but fantasize about the picture of the navy becoming their subordinate later, and couldn't help but laugh.

Now the navy is constantly calculating them, fighting with them to death, but in the end they have become their top bosses, it is estimated that their expressions will be wonderful by then!

"Chernos, are you planning to teleport to the headquarters of the Navy? Forget it, now that you're back, we have time to settle accounts with them, and now the most important thing for us is... Host a banquet!

"Haha, it's okay, besides, they are not far away, just staring at us in front, just invited them to come and join us in the banquet!"

When the members of the Varis Pirates present heard this, their faces became ugly.

In order to start a war before, they had cleared the scene in the New World, but they did not expect that these navies still secretly ambushed not far from them.

If they really fight, they are likely to be wiped out by the navy in the end!

"Let's go, you guys prepare for the banquet first, I'll invite them over!"

After speaking, the figure of Chernos disappeared.

By the time Chernos reappeared, he had already come to the outside of the Marshal's office of the Warring States and greeted them.

Everyone in the Sengoku Office froze, and the people present were all the top powerhouses in this world, but they didn't feel it, and they didn't find out until the man spoke.

The only person who can have this ability is Chernos, who has just returned!

"Cut... Chernos, long time no see..." Before

the words of the Warring States were finished, the door of the marshal's office was slowly opened, and a young and handsome figure walked leisurely into the room.

Although Chernos' steps were very leisurely, with each step towards them, the momentum that pressed on them increased by one point, and by the time Chernos walked in front of them, the momentum emanating from Chernos' body had already overwhelmed them.

"I was a little surprised to find out that you were here just now, but as the host, the visitor is a guest, and I am just about to have a party, so you can go with me!"

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