"Okay, but my soul power can't be given to you for nothing, you need conditions to exchange, it depends on whether you want it or not!"

Ouranos looked at Chernos' stingy appearance and couldn't help but glance at Chernos.

"Human boy, the huge soul power in my body has come to you, you give me a little will die? Should it be returned to me?

"Why should I return the soul power I got by my ability?"

Ouranos: "..."Okay

, okay, what conditions do you say?"

"Be my mount!"

Ulanoston jumped up, twisting and bouncing in the hands of Chernos.

"What do you say, Lao Tzu is the most noble creature in this world, but the Lord who controls the sky and soul, you little human being, actually want me to be your mount, what are you kidding?"

"It's okay, if you don't agree, forget it, when I didn't say!"

Hearing Ouranos' refusal, Chernos didn't care, and directly let go of Ouranos and left the inner world directly.

"Hey, why are you leaving, give me the soul power first!"

"You're not my mount, you're still one trying to take advantage of me... Snake? Why should I give you power?

I'll go first, if you want to be my mount, feel free to contact me!

After that, Chernos left the inner world directly, and he ignored how Ouranos called.

Although Chernos and Ouranos talked for a while, Chernos changed the time of his inner world, and in the eyes of his partners, Chernos just rubbed his eyes.

Then Chernos and his companions drank happily, and by the way, opened the passage of the inner world to observe the outside world, so that Ouranos could see his happy appearance outside.

Ouranos was so angry that his teeth itched, but there was nothing he could do with Chernos.

Now it is no longer the supreme being it once was, just a small snake that was squeezed dry by Chernos to squeeze the power of his soul, and it can be said that he returned to the pre-liberation overnight.

While Chernos was drinking and celebrating with his companions, Im of the Holy Land of Mary Joa was also urgently contacting the Lord God of the Dragon Country.

"Lord God of Force, I need your help!"

Yim was speaking into a huge monitor, and on the other side of the monitor, a bald man was lying on the ground doing push-ups.

“1012,1013,1014...... Eh, Im, what did you just say, I was exercising, I didn't hear! The

corner of Im's mouth twitched, the Lord God of Force is a reckless man who only knows how to exercise all day, but this guy just came to this world, he snatched the powerful Fruit of Power, although he has not yet developed the Fruit of Power to the realm of fit, but with this terrifying fruit ability, it is enough to make him one of the Lord Gods.

If the Lord God of Power can develop the Fruit of Power to the realm of fitness, it is estimated that the God Lord is not his opponent.

"Lord God of Force, I have encountered a powerful enemy, I can't fight it alone, I need your help!"

In the face of Im's call for help, the Lord God of Force did not pay attention to it at all, and was still exercising his body.

"You can't beat because you're too weak, let you not be lazy, nothing to fight your body, but you don't listen, you talk about it, how long has your strength stagnated and not improved?"

Yim looked at the Lord God of Force who didn't intend to help himself at all, Im sighed, and deliberately said loudly: "Even if you don't want to help, the other party's Devil Fruit ability is just restraining you, it is estimated that if you come over, it won't help much, I'll go find other Lord Gods!" "

The Lord God of Force, who was doing push-ups, supported the ground with his arm hard, and the whole person jumped up from the ground.

"And the ability to restrain my Devil Fruit? Are you kidding me? Don't you know that one force breaks all laws? The Lord God of My Power is the one who restrains all abilities!

You wait, I'll come to you now, if the person you said can't restrain me, then you're my opponent and you have to fight me!"

Im whispered in his heart, but there was no change on the surface, but he solemnly assured the Lord God of Force.

"Lord God of Force, I'm not joking, that person really restrains you, if you come and lose to that person, don't blame me!"

"What about me? I'm really excited by you, wait, I'll go to you right away, I want to see who in this world can restrain me!" "

As soon as the Lord of Force mythical voice fell, the monitor in front of Im turned black, and the Lord God of Force had cut off the connection with Im and rushed towards Im!

At this time, a smile appeared on Yimu's face.

In fact, among the four main gods, it is estimated that only this Lord God of Power can come to support him.

As for the other Lord Gods, they didn't think much of him, let alone come to help him.

Although the Lord God of Power only developed the Fruit of Power to the awakening stage, unlike other Lord Gods, not only developed their original fruit ability to the Combined Body Realm, but also possessed another Demon Fruit ability that had already awakened.

The Lord God of Keli can achieve the position of Lord God with only one Devil Fruit ability, which shows that he is powerful.

Now with the help of the Lord God of Force, with his assistance from the side, defeating a Chernos should not be a problem.

Although Im felt that he and the Lord God of Force were enough to defeat Chernos, and knew that the other Lord Gods would most likely reject him, he still sent a cry for help to the other Lord Gods, hoping that they could help him.

However, the situation was also as Yim expected, and the other three main gods, without exception, all rejected him, and did not look at the next person at all.

Think that the next people are just the natives of this world.

If Im can't even beat an indigenous, not only will they not help Im, but they will consider changing to someone else to take Im's place.

It can be said that other lord gods look down on the natives of this world from the bones.

Im, who was rejected one after another, is now a little glad that the Lord God of Force is a reckless man, and if the Lord God of Force is like everyone else, then he can only wait for death.

"With the help of the Lord God of Power, there should be no problem defeating Chernos... Right? "

If it was before he met Chernos, he would have defeated anyone in this world, but now he doesn't know why, even if he joins forces with the Lord God of Force, he still has a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Im walked to the balcony of the palace, looking into the distance, looking very peaceful, but what outsiders didn't know was that he was now very worried and uneasy, worried about the arrival of Chernos, worried... Will he die!

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