Everyone looked at the plain that appeared on the sea, and for a while the shock in their hearts made them unable to say any adjectives, and they all looked at the place for a long time.

After a while, they reacted, now that the sea ahead has been destroyed by the Chernos, then the ship they are on is on the high sea, and if this sea water falls....

"Oh, it's strange, why doesn't the sea water fall here?"

Hearing someone's exclamation, the surrounding people noticed that the ship they were on seemed to be blocked by an invisible and would not fall.

From a distance, they could see their boat above the water thousands of meters away, as if they were looking at a sky pool.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from a distance.

"Look, the sea is coming from all around."

The sea water where the pirates were located was motionless, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking it, but the sea water on both sides did not, and began to pour seawater towards the submarine plain that Chernos had beaten.

Due to the large drop, the sound of sea water pouring into the sea water is like thunder, making a deafening roar.

As the sea water continues to pour in from both sides, coupled with the height of the huge drop, the sea water on both sides is very turbulent, and the water flow is getting faster and faster.

In the end, the extremely fast influx of sea water on both sides converged on the plain made by Chernos, and the extremely fast influx of sea water on both sides caused the two seawater to collide in the middle of the sea, forming a sea column rising into the sky.

A scene that made everyone present unforgettable appeared!

Due to the huge drop between the seawater on both sides, the speed of seawater influx is extremely fast, so that the seawater on both sides collides together, making the seawater rise like a fountain.

From the ship, it looked like a sea god roaring into the sky, sending out a giant sea pillar to stab towards the sky.

If you look at it from the side, you can see a more shocking scene.

It was as if a heavenly graben had risen on the sea, blocking the ships sailing on the sea, as if the space in front of them had been dislocated, and the sea route of navigation had made a ninety degree upward turn.

The sea water shot straight up, rising to an altitude of several kilometers, and then began to fall towards the sea because of the exhaustion of strength.

The sea water falling from the sky smashed heavily on the sea surface, causing the surrounding sea surface to constantly shake and surge, and the waves up to tens of hundreds of meters were everywhere, and the sea water was churning, lapping, and shaking irregularly.

This turned the sea in front of them into a place where there was no way to pass at all.

Everyone present really couldn't imagine that the appearance of the natural disaster in front of them was actually just the aftermath of Chernos' casual punch.

It had been a long time since Ace had finished turning his head, but he had been standing in this position, stiff all over, and his entire scalp and body were numb.

"It's too strong, it's really too strong, how can it be so strong, this... How do you catch up? At

this time, Luo used the fruit ability and teleported to Ace's side.

"Silly? You think that's all the master shows?

Ace still had a hint of shock in his eyes, and turned his head to look at Luo with some confusion.

"Isn't it?"

Law extended his index finger and pointed down, signaling Ace to look at the sea below.

Ace looked down, but only for a moment, did not see any difference in the sea below.

"What's wrong?"

Luo covered his head, Ace this guy was definitely scared stupid, usually such a smart person, actually can't see such an obvious problem.

Before Luo could answer Ace's question, Saab also rushed to Ace's side and patted Ace's head, "You take a closer look at the sea under our boat!" After

being knocked on the head by the good brother, Ace was not angry, but listened to Saab's words and looked towards the underground water.

The sea under the boat is no different, just seawater, and if you want to say something different, you can only say that compared to the sea in front of you, the sea here is very calm....


No, how can this sea water be so calm, with such big waves around, and the surrounding sea water is rolling like boiling water, how can there be no movement here?

At this time, Ace reacted, and after the sea water in front of them was destroyed by Chernos just now, their ship was not affected at all.

Not only that, but even the sea area where their fleet was located was not affected in any way.

This is seawater, and it is a miracle that Chernos was able to control such a large area of seawater!

People whose strength has reached his level, especially those with Devil Fruit ability, many of them have the ability to affect the sea, and I think Ace himself can release extremely high temperature flames and boil the seawater.

However, he did not have the ability to control an entire sea area like Chernos.

Not to mention the weakening of the ability of the sea water to the Devil Fruit, just looking at Chernos controlling such a large sea area without warning or effortlessly, this ability has completely exceeded the control of the Devil Fruit, and it has also exceeded Ace's imagination.

This is only part of the ability that Chernos has shown, if Chernos fights at full strength, how terrifying will his strength be?

With such strong strength, how could he surpass Chernos?

Thinking of this, Ace couldn't help but be a little discouraged, he wanted to become the strongest person in this world, but how could he surpass Chernos?

"Brother Chernos, do you say that I will still be able to surpass you in this life?"

Chernos looked at the dejected Ace, touched his chin and asked, "Has your current devil fruit developed to awaken?"

Ace lowered his head a little embarrassed, "That... It is more difficult for the natural Devil Fruit to awaken, and I haven't awakened yet!

"What about your domineering level? What about the overlord color domineering level? Does armed color domineering use Ryuzakura? Can you foresee the future?

Ace looked at Chernos with a confused expression.

"Is there a level of overlord color domineering? What does flowing cherry blossom mean? Can you still foresee the future?

Chernos couldn't help but laugh and said to Ace: "Nothing, when you have learned all this, then consider whether you can surpass me."

By the way, the fruit ability is not only the level of awakening, after awakening the demon fruit, there is also a level called Fusion.

After you cultivate the Devil Fruit to awakening, and when you cultivate the domineering spirit of the three colors to the extreme, I will give you a chance to challenge me at that time!" Ace

, who was originally confused, suddenly lit up his eyes.

It turns out that I still have a lot of road to go, and I haven't cultivated my current ability to the extreme, how can I be the opponent of the strongest in the world at this time!

Chernos couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing that Ace no longer came to pester him.

After the attack just now, Chernos was suddenly a little worried, worried that he would not be able to grasp the strength and accidentally kill Ace.

Hey, the world feels so fragile now!

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